Survivor Cephalonia


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score

The Survivor who is out of Survivor Cephalonia is.... Ooglie101

DillonSaysRawr , you are safe. You can return to your tribe.

Ooglie, you are the SIXTH member of the Jury. You will have a saying at the last Tribal Council. So stay in touch with the thread.

Ooglie, you can say one last statement to your fellow Survivors if you want.

Ooglie101, the Tribe has spoken. 16 down. 4



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Congratulations Final 4

Okay. So Nomasaurus Forest_Knight solis22 and DillonSaysRawr.

Only 1 more needs to go home. Then the FINALS!!

You are still gonna vote for 2 Survivors to go to the Danger Zone.

So I am offering right now 2 options:

1. Make strategy. (But it will be hard since there are only 4 of you and I am afraid all of you will recieve the same amount of votes therefore everyone will go to the Danger Zone.)

2. I will use the randomizer. And the 2 Survivor's name that come out will be the ones in the danger zone.

So it's your decission guys. Either you choose STRATEGY or RANDOMIZER. Let me know in this same thread.

Good Luck.


Forever Shining
Jan 1, 2012
Reaction score
Meeting recap Sixteen:

As John solemnly leaves the island, the game began to advance to a whole new level. solis, taking a bold move offers to create an alliance with Ooglie and Forest. Noma and Dilly find this wrong, for they have both fought hard to survive in the game. solis apologizes, but states that he believes that this is the best way to go into the final stages of the game, saying a randomizer voting is too risky at this point. Dilly calmly excepts this fact, and simply says that he will survive all the votings. Noma, now fighting for life in the game, offers Ooglie a place in a alliance with himself and Dilly. solis and Noma begin to argue, and fight for Ooglie's trust. After the argument, the survivors decide to take in the beautiful lands around them, (while breaking out some crazy dance moves), as they may leave the game at any time. ansoro commemorates those that played the season, saying that it has been great. Forest meanwhile agrees to join solis, and they await Ooglie's decision. Ooglie finally decides, that he will side with Noma and Dilly, saying they truly have fought extremly hard to stay in the game, and he admits he believes that solis should have left the game beforehand. solis erupts, and finally just in anger, prepares for the voting results.

Ansoro announces that solis and Forest received the most votes, but then springs a devilish twist delivered to the survivors by the furry paws of notty. The twist states that since solis and Forest received the most votes, that they will vote once again, sending people of their choice into the danger zone. solis and Forest breath a sigh of relief, as they retake the seats of power. solis, realizing that this could cost him the title of Sole-Survivor, asks Noma, Dilly, or Ooglie (one of them), to join him and Forest, and go to the final three. Noma excepts, and says he will go to the finals with Forest and solis. As Noma is now their ally, Forest and solis use their votes to send Dilly and Ooglie into the danger zone. The one to pick the closest number to ansoro's is out. Ooglie picks a closer number, and is voted from the island, becoming the six member of the Jury. Four are left.