[GAME OVER - TOWN WIN] The Comedy Club


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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To start, I read page 15.
I learned that a previous group found a way to make the audience not laugh. This caused "it" to happen, no clue what "it" is.
I also read page 15 but I'm gonna slightly elaborate on it. When I read page 15 it had a note inside it. The note is in first person by someone that I'm going to refer to as Dave for the purpose of paraphrasing even though there is no name specified.

Dave found information left by previous comedians that with 100% certainty (according to dave) were in the same predicament as he was. However dave mentions that aside from the previous comedians there was something that is yet unknown to the dave's group of comedians. Multiple unknowns had chosen a new destiny which included an ability to make listening comedians not laugh if they (the unknowns) were up on stage. By them doing exactly this something mysterious happened.
I read page 17, which had two seemingly separate stories on it.
The first seems to be a journal entry or something. The person basically decided that they were going to go up on stage with the express intent of insulting the audience and not telling a joke out of spite, knowing full well they would die.

The second, in light of page 15, is I think more interesting. When people started worshipping a thing (identified as a pronoun), they gained mental abilities. They also got a limited ability to walk around at night. Then it said that something called the Darkness (which I assume is the thing they were worshipping) wanted lots of blood. The way that was mentioned implied that other people also wanted blood, but the Darkness was greedy and wouldn't share.
I read page 13 and there was a note about how the judges always laugh at every joke which led me and my roommate (Alisha) to theorise that maybe the challenge is to not make the judges laugh? The writer of the note also referred to the judges as a ‘monsters’ at one point too and then graphically described how they would kill the judges
page 1 paraphrased from me in night chat (btw youre allowed to direct quote your own posts just not other peoples in the night chat!):

'well page 1 SUGGESTS that theres a physical embodiment (maybe??) of the dark (i guess what happens during intermission/night) and the light (i guess what happens during the day!) and that the light can defeat the dark

it also refers to someone else telling whoever wrote this page this information (idk how specific im allowed to be with paraphrasing) and i think its talking about the voice but its not specific'

im gonna paraphrase page 19 on behalf of omni since he ded:

the PONDERING of i guess where we are in the wider world (like where this building/whatever we're being held in is) and whether someone was alone or safe with another person + an engineer keeping all the batteries to themselves and not explaining why
heres my page 22 paraphrasing

'well mine bascically talks about how we need to escape before we die i guess
and that whoever wrote this will forgive a tratior amongst us as long as
someone makes them stop before they all ded'
furthermore my page :
"someone used library book paper to write a note that made someone cry and offer themselves as tribute to the stage instead of the note writer and then got vored never to be seen again"
page 3 had two notes divided into paragraphs or something

mentions a weird Engineer girl that the speaker doubts would show up, and if she doesn't then the speaker is as good as dead...i wonder if we can identify the speaker if there's any other references to who died that night in the immediate subsequent pages?

it also got me thinking that to specifically use the word Engineer is telling me it might be one of the roles that is also in the current day, aka this game. It's ambiguous as to if the Engineer turned out to be evil or good so far but if history is destined to repeat itself then we could see a similar smattering of power roles in this game like the ones that are mentioned in the pamphlet.

This piece mentioned someone named Jacob that was creeping the speaker out, they said Jacob kept mentioning 'it' which sounds like a link to the scratched words earlier 'it is alive'. They were considering putting jacob up to be a Comedian since he was sounding like he was gonna die anyway
Page 21 is on the darkness. It says the darkness takes over a player, and weakens the player it takes over. It also mentions the darkness cannot move to what im guessing are the black rooms, but can use the dark around it to kill. Lastly it says that the kill is nearly unstoppable, only those with grim (if anyone has any idea if this is merely flavor or actually useful) souls can survive.
I opened page 2 of the pamphlet and it gave me this (paraphrased):

so the pamphlet says that I ( the author) visited the library and wrote a good to someone. I (the author) stuffed it into his pockets the next morning and cried, and volunteered to go to the stage instead of me (the author). IT's my fault hes gone

so ive converted this all into a table we can update on future days for ease of updating but its like gigantic so im gonna spoiler it, also i removed inferences from peoples quotes so its just the paraphrasing
Pamphlet PagePersonPamphlet Paraphrasing
1Moogliewell page 1 SUGGESTS that theres a physical embodiment (maybe??) of the dark (i guess what happens during intermission/night) and the light (i guess what happens during the day!) and that the light can defeat the dark

it also refers to someone else telling whoever wrote this page this information (idk how specific im allowed to be with paraphrasing) and i think its talking about the voice but its not specific
2webpaige, TWG"someone used library book paper to write a note that made someone cry and offer themselves as tribute to the stage instead of the note writer and then got vored never to be seen again"

'so the pamphlet says that I ( the author) visited the library and wrote a good to someone. I (the author) stuffed it into his pockets the next morning and cried, and volunteered to go to the stage instead of me (the author). IT's my fault hes gone'
mentions a weird Engineer girl that the speaker doubts would show up, and if she doesn't then the speaker is as good as dead...i wonder if we can identify the speaker if there's any other references to who died that night in the immediate subsequent pages?

This piece mentioned someone named Jacob that was creeping the speaker out, they said Jacob kept mentioning 'it' which sounds like a link to the scratched words earlier 'it is alive'. They were considering putting jacob up to be a Comedian since he was sounding like he was gonna die anyway
there was a note about how the judges always laugh at every joke. The writer of the note also referred to the judges as a ‘monsters’ at one point too and then graphically described how they would kill the judges
15Stranger, Notty'I learned that a previous group found a way to make the audience not laugh. This caused "it" to happen, no clue what "it" is. '

When I read page 15 it had a note inside it. The note is in first person by someone that I'm going to refer to as Dave for the purpose of paraphrasing even though there is no name specified.

Dave found information left by previous comedians that with 100% certainty (according to dave) were in the same predicament as he was. However dave mentions that aside from the previous comedians there was something that is yet unknown to the dave's group of comedians. Multiple unknowns had chosen a new destiny which included an ability to make listening comedians not laugh if they (the unknowns) were up on stage. By them doing exactly this something mysterious happened. '
17LtinI read page 17, which had two seemingly separate stories on it.
The first seems to be a journal entry or something. The person basically decided that they were going to go up on stage with the express intent of insulting the audience and not telling a joke out of spite, knowing full well they would die.

The second, in light of page 15, is I think more interesting. When people started worshipping a thing (identified as a pronoun), they gained mental abilities. They also got a limited ability to walk around at night. Then it said that something called the Darkness (which I assume is the thing they were worshipping) wanted lots of blood. The way that was mentioned implied that other people also wanted blood, but the Darkness was greedy and wouldn't share.
21HKPage 21 is on the darkness. It says the darkness takes over a player, and weakens the player it takes over. It also mentions the darkness cannot move to what im guessing are the black rooms, but can use the dark around it to kill. Lastly it says that the kill is nearly unstoppable, only those with grim (if anyone has any idea if this is merely flavor or actually useful) souls can survive.
22Hip'well mine bascically talks about how we need to escape before we die i guess
and that whoever wrote this will forgive a tratior amongst us as long as
someone makes them stop before they all ded'


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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i guess.
well i am the comedian and i get double the items each night, so i actually have 2 wire
i am also the comedian but i got 0 wire or anything last night so i guess my abilities havent unlocked so idk whether to trust hips claim based on this or whether he has some mafia role that allows you to see the role of someone else in your room (even tho my abilities havent unlocked so idk if that would work) but i think i more so trust him?

comedian was the bland role name i was referring to day 0 since we're in a comedy club so i suspected this to be the default role for everyone until we read our pamphlets last night but i was obviously wrong!

also as for above im gonna sleep and then read over all the pamphlet stuff i just posted tomorrow with a fresh mind!


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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Pamphlet PagePersonPamphlet Paraphrasing
1Moogliewell page 1 SUGGESTS that theres a physical embodiment (maybe??) of the dark (i guess what happens during intermission/night) and the light (i guess what happens during the day!) and that the light can defeat the dark

it also refers to someone else telling whoever wrote this page this information (idk how specific im allowed to be with paraphrasing) and i think its talking about the voice but its not specific
2webpaige, TWG"someone used library book paper to write a note that made someone cry and offer themselves as tribute to the stage instead of the note writer and then got vored never to be seen again"

'so the pamphlet says that I ( the author) visited the library and wrote a good to someone. I (the author) stuffed it into his pockets the next morning and cried, and volunteered to go to the stage instead of me (the author). IT's my fault hes gone'
mentions a weird Engineer girl that the speaker doubts would show up, and if she doesn't then the speaker is as good as dead...i wonder if we can identify the speaker if there's any other references to who died that night in the immediate subsequent pages?

This piece mentioned someone named Jacob that was creeping the speaker out, they said Jacob kept mentioning 'it' which sounds like a link to the scratched words earlier 'it is alive'. They were considering putting jacob up to be a Comedian since he was sounding like he was gonna die anyway
there was a note about how the judges always laugh at every joke. The writer of the note also referred to the judges as a ‘monsters’ at one point too and then graphically described how they would kill the judges
15Stranger, Notty'I learned that a previous group found a way to make the audience not laugh. This caused "it" to happen, no clue what "it" is. '

When I read page 15 it had a note inside it. The note is in first person by someone that I'm going to refer to as Dave for the purpose of paraphrasing even though there is no name specified.

Dave found information left by previous comedians that with 100% certainty (according to dave) were in the same predicament as he was. However dave mentions that aside from the previous comedians there was something that is yet unknown to the dave's group of comedians. Multiple unknowns had chosen a new destiny which included an ability to make listening comedians not laugh if they (the unknowns) were up on stage. By them doing exactly this something mysterious happened. '
17LtinI read page 17, which had two seemingly separate stories on it.
The first seems to be a journal entry or something. The person basically decided that they were going to go up on stage with the express intent of insulting the audience and not telling a joke out of spite, knowing full well they would die.

The second, in light of page 15, is I think more interesting. When people started worshipping a thing (identified as a pronoun), they gained mental abilities. They also got a limited ability to walk around at night. Then it said that something called the Darkness (which I assume is the thing they were worshipping) wanted lots of blood. The way that was mentioned implied that other people also wanted blood, but the Darkness was greedy and wouldn't share.
19Omni (by Mooglie)the PONDERING of i guess where we are in the wider world (like where this building/whatever we're being held in is) and whether someone was alone or safe with another person + an engineer keeping all the batteries to themselves and not explaining why
21HKPage 21 is on the darkness. It says the darkness takes over a player, and weakens the player it takes over. It also mentions the darkness cannot move to what im guessing are the black rooms, but can use the dark around it to kill. Lastly it says that the kill is nearly unstoppable, only those with grim (if anyone has any idea if this is merely flavor or actually useful) souls can survive.
22Hip'well mine bascically talks about how we need to escape before we die i guess
and that whoever wrote this will forgive a tratior amongst us as long as
someone makes them stop before they all ded'


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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I was planning on just saying that I unlocked a passive ability last night, but given hip's claim I feel it's appropriate that I claim too.

I am also a comedian, and I have the same ability to gather double items since I have nothing better to do. As such, I have two cogs.

Page 7 seems a lot shorter than some of the other pages. It's a photo of a dark room with chalk writing on the wall. It says that the darkness[sup]tm[/sup] reveals secrets to those with the key.
I'd like to emphasize that "the key" is singular. It leads me to believe that there is a role that this information is critical to, one that already has the key. I can only hope that role is town (or that I'm wrong).

And I don't think we should worry too much about how the kills happen, and simply accept that they do happen. That is unless anyone knows something they'd like to share with the class. Because frankly, even knowing Omni's role, it doesn't give us any new or helpful information.

And another thing I want to touch on is something I said in my room (downstairs dressing room, I forgot to mention). I think extra rooms got locked because we refused to put someone on stage. I think that's the punishment for refusing. This is backed up by the whole "welp you didn't put someone onstage so they didn't bother to keep the lights on" thing.


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
Reaction score
i refuse to not focus on flavour text even if it destroys me
You see, this whole building is powered on solar energy. But the system is old. Worn down. It cannot use energy for very long at all. And so, when the sun goes down, and night falls, the building loses power, and things change.
im wondering if there is a possibility of escape by using a megapowered light to charge the solar panels and then open the door which could be related to the whole engineer girl hoarding the batteries and not telling anyone what she was up to incase they worked for the Darkness™ or the voice would hear her and try to stop her

i do think there is a hidden escape ending especially with omni's page 19 stuff but maybe not and it is just scumhunting

I won't go into the details just yet. But it always happens. A few of you will have... changed upon entering the club. You won't quite be in your right mind. You will have a thirst for murder. And that's okay. Because you will serve as the perfect motivator.
i think that ltin's page 17 and hk's page 21 stuff is relevant here

page 17: 'When people started worshipping a thing (identified as a pronoun), they gained mental abilities. They also got a limited ability to walk around at night. Then it said that something called the Darkness (which I assume is the thing they were worshipping) wanted lots of blood. The way that was mentioned implied that other people also wanted blood, but the Darkness was greedy and wouldn't share. '

i think that the last sentence suggests that the mafia and the Darkness™ are not working together and are separate threats but idk if the people who changed upon entering are these worshipers or if theres also a cult mechanic but in a 12 person game having mafia, the Darkness™ AND a cult seems a bit heavy

but, the ability to walk around at night + omni's role i guess does support the whole mafia kills are not limited to the same room which does make sense since looking back at infs post he says:

Sticking in pairs during the night is a good idea. That is, two of you per one room. Don't ask me why. I don't completely understand it myself. But it never takes anybody in a pair. The darkness. It never has.
so theres no actual proper indication that our grouping in a room has any relevance to anything other than the Darkness™
also following this logic then it suggests that these worshippers are infact the mafia (or what ive been referring to the mafia as)
omni's death also supports the idea that town are the non-worshippers as his abilities were room-specific
which does throw suspicion on notty for being able to target a different room during the night and i dont really buy this spirit thing
honestly my suspicion for notty being mafia and trying to play as if they were a 3p right now to avoid certain lynch grows slightly stronger
also alisha not having an item isnt exactly PROOF nottys ability worked since i know hip got a wire in my room (idk if paige did) and i havent

page 21: 'Page 21 is on the darkness. It says the darkness takes over a player, and weakens the player it takes over. It also mentions the darkness cannot move to what im guessing are the black rooms, but can use the dark around it to kill. Lastly it says that the kill is nearly unstoppable, only those with grim (if anyone has any idea if this is merely flavor or actually useful) souls can survive. '

im slightly confused about what the determining factor is for whether the Darkness™ can take over you or just straight up kills you
my gut still tells me that omni's death was to the Darkness™ so he just straight up died instead of being taken over
the grim souls (im assuming the mafia) surviving the Darkness™ paired with page 17 does further suggest the worshippers are the mafia as they can walk around at night

idk just my thoughts and feelings!!


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
i do think there is a hidden escape ending
that's consistent with the danganronpa source material i guess
my gut still tells me that omni's death was to the Darkness™ so he just straight up died instead of being taken over
the grim souls (im assuming the mafia) surviving the Darkness™ paired with page 17 does further suggest the worshippers are the mafia as they can walk around at night
i refuse to believe omni died randomly, i believe mafia can control the darkness themselves or run into a room and use magic darkness powers or something to commit murders


aka Jenben101
Creative Staff
Survival Staff
Jun 14, 2014
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my gut still tells me that omni's death was to the Darkness™
I think this too, I believe mafia can only kill in their rooms too since how else would they escape if the doors are shut?
I also think that mafia may have some control over the darkness or vice versa, maybe that’s how omni died? Maybe mafia took control of the darkness and murdered him?


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I think this too, I believe mafia can only kill in their rooms too since how else would they escape if the doors are shut?
I also think that mafia may have some control over the darkness or vice versa, maybe that’s how omni died? Maybe mafia took control of the darkness and murdered him?
Omni's role references barricading rooms to prevent outside threats so something or someone is capable of coming from outside the room and causing harm
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Apr 12, 2013
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i wanna know what else we can do with these items because im assuming we couldnt just like idk give omni the wire if he was alive which means the items have more than one use.


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
Reaction score
I will read this pamphlet: 7? (Has that been read yet?)
ya it has by tim ill update the stuff now
Pamphlet PagePersonPamphlet Paraphrasing
1Moogliewell page 1 SUGGESTS that theres a physical embodiment (maybe??) of the dark (i guess what happens during intermission/night) and the light (i guess what happens during the day!) and that the light can defeat the dark

it also refers to someone else telling whoever wrote this page this information (idk how specific im allowed to be with paraphrasing) and i think its talking about the voice but its not specific
2webpaige, TWG"someone used library book paper to write a note that made someone cry and offer themselves as tribute to the stage instead of the note writer and then got vored never to be seen again"

'so the pamphlet says that I ( the author) visited the library and wrote a good to someone. I (the author) stuffed it into his pockets the next morning and cried, and volunteered to go to the stage instead of me (the author). IT's my fault hes gone'
mentions a weird Engineer girl that the speaker doubts would show up, and if she doesn't then the speaker is as good as dead...i wonder if we can identify the speaker if there's any other references to who died that night in the immediate subsequent pages?

This piece mentioned someone named Jacob that was creeping the speaker out, they said Jacob kept mentioning 'it' which sounds like a link to the scratched words earlier 'it is alive'. They were considering putting jacob up to be a Comedian since he was sounding like he was gonna die anyway
7TimdoodPage 7 seems a lot shorter than some of the other pages. It's a photo of a dark room with chalk writing on the wall. It says that the darkness[sup]tm[/sup] reveals secrets to those with the key.
there was a note about how the judges always laugh at every joke. The writer of the note also referred to the judges as a ‘monsters’ at one point too and then graphically described how they would kill the judges
15Stranger, Notty'I learned that a previous group found a way to make the audience not laugh. This caused "it" to happen, no clue what "it" is. '

When I read page 15 it had a note inside it. The note is in first person by someone that I'm going to refer to as Dave for the purpose of paraphrasing even though there is no name specified.

Dave found information left by previous comedians that with 100% certainty (according to dave) were in the same predicament as he was. However dave mentions that aside from the previous comedians there was something that is yet unknown to the dave's group of comedians. Multiple unknowns had chosen a new destiny which included an ability to make listening comedians not laugh if they (the unknowns) were up on stage. By them doing exactly this something mysterious happened. '
17LtinI read page 17, which had two seemingly separate stories on it.
The first seems to be a journal entry or something. The person basically decided that they were going to go up on stage with the express intent of insulting the audience and not telling a joke out of spite, knowing full well they would die.

The second, in light of page 15, is I think more interesting. When people started worshipping a thing (identified as a pronoun), they gained mental abilities. They also got a limited ability to walk around at night. Then it said that something called the Darkness (which I assume is the thing they were worshipping) wanted lots of blood. The way that was mentioned implied that other people also wanted blood, but the Darkness was greedy and wouldn't share.
19Omni (by Mooglie)the PONDERING of i guess where we are in the wider world (like where this building/whatever we're being held in is) and whether someone was alone or safe with another person + an engineer keeping all the batteries to themselves and not explaining why
21HKPage 21 is on the darkness. It says the darkness takes over a player, and weakens the player it takes over. It also mentions the darkness cannot move to what im guessing are the black rooms, but can use the dark around it to kill. Lastly it says that the kill is nearly unstoppable, only those with grim (if anyone has any idea if this is merely flavor or actually useful) souls can survive.
22Hip'well mine bascically talks about how we need to escape before we die i guess
and that whoever wrote this will forgive a tratior amongst us as long as
someone makes them stop before they all ded'