Stories of Blocktopia Academy


Oct 20, 2012
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Reactions: Oak Milk


Alright, so Faliara is not able to post at the moment so I was asked to do a " A day with Hender" So... This is probably not going to be the best :S Writing is NOT my strong point AT ALL.
A Day with Hender
Buuuuuzzzzzz, the alarm clock went off. We all wake up, Toilet gives a great big yawn and rubs her sleepy eyes. I'm startled by her yawn and quickly get up to head to the showers before anyone else. As usual, Toilet is as hyper as ever and bounces around making sure everyone is waking up, and not falling back asleep like Faliara usually does. I yell good morning and run off to the showers.

When I get to the showers, Kylie is already there. "How did she- oh yes she's part wolf." I thought to myself. After cleaning up I head to the cafeteria for breakfast. Today is eggs and ham, oh yum. I'm the first one there of course, besides Kylie, we sit down at the back room with the windows to munch on our eggs and ham. Soon the room is fulled with people, we start saying greetings every 5 seconds to a new "hello". Soon enough Toilet, Fal, and Mintie walk into the room to sit down with us. Following them was Marn, as usual he teased me. I scowled at him, and he laughed and went on his way to his table on the other side of the room.
Everyone around me was filling their bellies with this horrid ham and egg breakfast. It actually sort of smelled like barf with a side of fish. I soon threw mine away as Fal decided it wasn't worth eating either. It's now time for class, today we only have 1 class for 2 hours which isn't that bad since I have my favorite class today, music. I walk in the classroom to see a room filled with kids, most of them I know such as, Fal, Mintie, Marn, Ron, Fruitloop, Mythelf. The list could go on forever. So I take a seat and yell "MEOW!" At Mr. Sploork. As always he meow's back in the best seductive cat sound ever. I giggle and start to work on my music sheet, but hearing the racket from Marn and Ron in the back isn't helping me focus at all. When Mr. Sploork finally tells them to settle down, we start on a new song "I made a cake". Instead of playing it on our recorders we sing it as Mr. Sploork plays the tune on his piano.
While singing I feel someone tugging on my hair, it was Faliara. She was trying to get some of it to eat it ;-;.
I slap her hand off of my hair and she blushes and goes back to her seat. "Why does everyone try to eat my hair? ;-;". Thankfully it's now time to leave class. Mintie and I walk down to the PvP Arena to watch, at the moment it's Ansoro and Jeff playing. I yell " GO JEFF " And he gives me a thumbs up. I don't know Mintie much, I've seen her in the LSMP arena but thats just about it, so we start a few conversations while she rambles on about things I don't quite understand. As always, I smile and nod while we watch the match. Then a ref yells " THE WINNER IS ANSORO". " WHAT? How did Jeff not win against Ansy? WHAT?" I yell inside my head, but I congratulate the both of them.
Mintie and I then decide to go walk around the halls to look for something new. I've been here for a year and everything still surprises me. Toilet is down hall B running and jumping and singing, typical Toilet for you. "Hey Toilet" I say " Have you seen Fal and Kylie anywhere?" She looks puzzled and replies with a "Nopers". Toilet is another person I don't know well, I've seen in the TeamSpeak lounge and I very much enjoyed her name, but thats about it. We soon come across Berner, "Heya!" I yell across the hall, Berner looks startled and gives a wave and then goes into her room. As I keep on walking I noticed I've lost Mintie, she must have saw someone and ran over to them. Oh well, I thought, it's almost lunch time but I'm not hungry.
I decide to go to the SMP arena an work on my house. SMP arena is huge, and thanks to Dead, so is my house. Kitteh is already playing and I decide to build a new extension with him. Kitteh and I played for hours until it was nearly supper time, I have not seen anyone besides a few by passers in the game. When it was finally 5 PM we went to the cafeteria which I like to call for supper time the Dinning hall. After getting my baked potatoes, steak and carrots I don't know where to sit. There are so many people I'd love to sit with, but it's hard to choose. Usually I go for one this week, or one that week and so on. I wish we could just all sit in a circle and eat together and talk about everything. In the corner I see Ron, Marn, Dead and Fruitloop, today lets go sit with them. As I sit down they all give a huge puff of aggravation. I haven't even sat down, and they're teasing my already what nubs.
We talk and talk, I love these guys mostly because they joke around 24/7. After eating with them I go into the the middle to find some others I talk to. I must give everyone hugs, it's something that is a must if I miss them, today I have many hugs to give and I lost track after 20. Ron, Marn, Dead and Fruitloop were all going to the playroom, I followed. When we arrived Fal, Kylie, Toilet and Mintie were already there. I wave over to them with delight as we all play bored games, now I know why they're called "bored" games. At 9 PM we're all yawning from playing to much monopoly. We say goodnight and head to our dorms, I plump on my bed and fall sound a sleep. The ennnd of a day with Hender! :)


Mafia Host
Dec 17, 2011
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C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures\treehouse layout.png
(And, by the way, copy that link and paste it on a new tab, and then try. I tried it; it works for me. If it doesn't work, tell me. If it does, tell me anyway so I know it works for everyone else :))
It won't work for anything other than your own computer. You're trying to link to a local file, but in order for us to see it you have to upload it to an image-sharing site such as Imgur and then embed it into your post.


Sep 11, 2011
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For someone who's suppose to be bad at this, it's really good ^_^. I almost don't want to give my writers opinion. But, I will. Characterization was good, Details: a bit lacking, I feel as though you wrote it a bit too quickly. Try to variate your words more such as using remarked instead of 'Replied' or having actions go with your words. 8/10


For someone who's suppose to be bad at this, it's really good ^_^. I almost don't want to give my writers opinion. But, I will. Characterization was good, Details: a bit lacking, I feel as though you wrote it a bit too quickly. Try to variate your words more such as using remarked instead of 'Replied' or having actions go with your words. 8/10


Oct 20, 2012
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Alright, I'm gonna make a new day. Thanks for making A Day with Hender like I asked, DarkHender. I just woke up from my long sleep, and thanks to my dad, blbbllblblbl, I'm extra early. So yeah, at least I got to see the kitten's cute faces at the start of the day :3
Well, here we go...
I have returned.

I wake up extra-early today.
Quite surprising to you, but to me, it's not so surprising as to the fact I slept early yesterday.
And I slept early yesterday because there's something I have to do.
My father's birthday. I actually call him Papa, like my brother and my sister and my little brother, but nvm.
I woke up early to make a card, wrap a present, that's why. My father's birthday was actually last Monday, but the birthday party will be this Saturday.

My birthday present was a cup. A glass cup. Fragile. So I'm not sure if it would work out, but I'm pretty sure it won't will. I made a little box to put it in. Made in arts and crafts class. I love arts and crafts class. I like drawing especially. But It was really hard, and it took a lot of hard work to make the box. About nearly the entire period. Yes, it was that hard. But I managed to make it in the end. It's in a rainbow formation, but not as pretty as my sister's. Last year, she made a box with lollipop sticks. Papa still has it, and he stores stuff in it too. I made mine out of lollipop sticks. Yes, lollipop sticks. Blblbllblblbl, :p. And about cyan... It's to tell stuff that's not part of the story. Which means that this is not part of the story. Which means you should've ignored this. Blblblbllblbl.

I placed my card in the box too, along with the present, and the wrapped it up. This took about 30 minutes :/
Don't ask me why, I'm mixing up Minecraft and reality here. Afterwards, I went to the post office. This school has a post office. Don't be surprised, it's to make life easier.

I went back to the dorm. 5 minutes left. There's a reason why I always go back to sleep after I wake up. It's because I actually wake up earlier than the rest, then go back to sleep. Ha ha. It's always an hour before 6. There you go. Don't tell Hender. And sometimes at 1 o'clock or 2 o'clock or 3 o'clock... Real-life problems, I wake up too early.

After the being-shaked-repeatedly-by- ToilettheWise-I went to the cafeteria, ate omelete plain. Mmmmm... Eggs...
When Hender said I threw out my breakfast, she was exaggerating. I'd never say no to eggs. I only threw out the ham.

I went to the class to see Greg, Hender, Kylie and Toilet. I smiled and said Hey to them all.
Then Nico and Marn came, and then Mintie, and then a bunch of others. Hello, Aloha, blbllbllblblbl.

Then class started, and then Kylie bit Mr Zomble's HEAD. Forget it, Zombles isn't that old. As I said before, age doesn't count. Copy is older than Zombles. "Ah!" He yelled in fear. "Why, Kylie, WHY?!" he asked frustratedly. "But I was hungry..." she said, making a cute puppy eyes face. "Sigh... Fine, no detention for you," he said with mercy. Puppy eyes is his weakness. "Yay!" exclaimed Kylie with joy. And then she sat down at her seat. Toilet and Kylie giggled joyfully. And then class starts. Today was local studies. I'm not that fond of this subject. But it's not the worst, the worst is still Maths. I managed to get through the day, and our homework was page 54.

I went to the treehouse to eat. I invited Toilet, Kylie, Mintie, Greg, Sz, Copy and Nico and they apparently were all thinking of the same thing. Ever since the treehouse was made, that was the favourite place. Although Hender doesn't know we go there for lunch.

We all ate with jolliness and GLORY smiles. We then played board games. I spied Deepak and invited him/her in. I really need to ask Deepak Benny his/her gender. We did our homework together and played board games. Welp, Copy won Monopoly, blblbllblbl. The bell rang and then we all headed out. The period after lunchbreak for my class is the library. We just read and write some info about the book on a blue book. It's quite nice to read it though.

Did I say it yet? The arenas are actually in town. After school, before I went to the arenas, I stopped by a little cafe. The best part about the cafe that it mainly focuses on children, and so I'm a regular there. My favourite is hot chocolate, and the deliciousness of it all is just great. Then I went to the arenas. I don't have a premium pass, so I can't go to certain arenas. But I can still go to Lava, TNT Wars and Zombie Survival. Although, I won't go to Lava until it's debugged.

Afterwards, I headed to the treehouse. I wanted to put a glass vase with flowers in it. But when I reached the treehouse...

He was there.

I saw him right there.

I rubbed my eyes if he was really there. He was.

The sun was beginning to set. I had to make a run for it. Else I would be in danger.

I saw....

I managed to reach the schoolhouse. The schoolhouse is connected to the dorm, so it should be fine.

His eyes were shining. He looks just like in the myth. But I truly thought he didn't exist. Just a myth.

"What's wrong, Fal?" asked Mr Wilson, the principal. I just call him Wil, though. Since I know him well from Lava.

"I saw... I saw..." I said with fear.

"You saw what?"

"I saw Herobrine."

There was an akward silence. Then, Wil said, "Alright, tomorrow, after the assembly, we'll go inspect this-"

The door boomed. We could see straight away through the door that it was Herobrine. Good thing the door was iron.

I felt a pang of fear. He really did look like Herobrine. But what if it was just someone making a joke? Or maybe...

I decided to open the door.

No one. Instead, someone else had emerged.


It was a guard.

"He's dead, I'm sure of it. It took a few shots, but..."

"It's a dummy."

"What?" said Wil.

"I'm almost sure of it. It's a dummy," I said.

"But then..." the guard stuttered.

"The question is, who did it?" said Wil.

"I can answer that."

It was Toilet.

"I saw him running through the courtyard. I saw it through a window," said Toilet. "It was Herobrine all right.

"Now why'd he run?"

"I think I know why," I said, pointing to the glowstone. "Glowstone is as bright as the sun."

"He did look a bit melted," said Toilet.

"Well, we'll continue to investigate tommorow," said Wil."After the assembly, meet me at the pond. It's pass your bedtime."

Most dramatic day in Blocktopia Academy!


Oct 20, 2012
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Today's the daaaaaay! The sun is shining, Herobrine is here, and we are beating the hell out of- *gasp* Herobrine's here. HEROBRINE'S HERE!!! This is day 2 of the Herobrine predicament. Oak shall finally step out of Class Neptune to join us. On a Friday, in Blocktopia Academy, there is always an assembly. I bet you want to know what will be announced, eh? We'll go through the usual wake-up-in-the-morning first...

"Fal, wake up! We'll be late for the assembly!"

It was Toilet. She was shaking me repeatedly.

"Do you remember what we're gonna do today? After the assembly?" said Toilet.
"Of course I do. Why would I forget such a scary incident? In fact, I had nightmares..." I said with a shiver. Toilet sighed and said, "Let's get ready first."

After we showered, wore our clothes and packed the basket, we went to the assembly. Too bad I can't show the pic, I found out that only I can see the pic. Wil told us that we won't have any school today, and that was the announcement.

At the assembly, of course, the first thing he told us was about the fact there will be no school today. He also told us the reason (HEROBRINE HA HA) and that he hired a hunter. That was a slap-in-the-face to AoD players. I don't know why. The hunter seemed familiar though...

Then he told us that they will pick students to come along with the hunt for Herobrine.

"Faliara, Toiletprincess."

Those were our full names. Of course we were picked, we were there.

"Trngl, Oak, SzOwnage, Pikmon."

I've seen Pikmon from around here. He's quite nice, actually. I sort of think that I can get to know him more like this. I guess he was picked due to the fact his name was similiar to Pokemon?

I know Oak as well. He's a friend from Class Neptune. I first met him on the TNT Wars arena. I high fived him when he came along. He was picked because he's a pro in TNT Wars.

Of course you remember Sz, he was picked for this because when Herobrine was first spotted on school grounds, it was in the treehouse we made. He had the idea first, and so he is the head of the treehouse. He loves trees. "It's my responsibility, since he was in my tree," he said.

And then of course you know Trngl as well, the guy that chose to call me Young Goat. It's long past now, I don't have to worry about that. He was picked because he is the head prefect. "I need to take responsibility as head prefect," he said.

There we go. And then other announcements, and then dismissed.

We first went to investigate the treehouse. "He isn't there, he isn't there, he isn't there," I hoped. Too bad, he's still there. Apparently, someone stole the glowstone from the treehouse.

"Gah!" I yelled out in fright.

The hunter shot arrows at him. Too bad the thief stole all the glowstone, he ducked into the house.

"If we enter the treehouse, he'll have an advantage," I wondered aloud. "What should we do?"

Too bad, we all entered anyway.

I shot a few arrows with Toilet, Sz throwing swords, Pikmon and Trngl doing the same, and then...

"Falcon PUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Herobrine died instantly.

"It's super effective!" said Pikmon. Oak was the falcon puncher.

These were our expressions when it happened: :eek::notworthy::bounce::alien:

"Wow," I said in amazement. "TEACH ME!!!" I yelled. "Well, it will take a lot of training and dedication, but you will learn it if it kills you!" said Oak.

"YES- Wait, what? Whatever- TEACH ME!" I yelled out. "Alright," he said. "Meet me at the park this Saturday, you shall learn the Falcon Punch."

I jumped we joy. I was gonna learn the falcon punch!

The hunter looked pleased.

Then Pikmon told us something.

"He isn't dead. Herobrine never dies."

We all looked at each other.

"Well," said Sz. "We'd better light up the treehouse. I don't want Herobrine here again.

We all agreed. The hunter had torches to spare, so we used those.

After that, the Hunetr got payed by Wil, but he still stayed. He showed his face...

No wonder he seemed familiar. He was just my little brother, Faremore. No wonder he seemed short for size.

We all played a few games in the treehouse, with the people that helped with the windows. My little brother bothers me, though.

He went off, my little brother. And then, I finally put up the little glass vase with the flowers. It looked pretty there.

Then I went to arenas, went to the playroom, went to sleep.

I would have written in more, but soon Parental Control will ruin me. Feel free to write stories of your own, how you spent your day while I was dealing with Herobrine.

Oak Milk

Kill Hungry Thirsty Dead
Mafia Host
Sep 9, 2012
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Yeah! Who can claim they KO'd Herobrine? I can, with my Falcon Punch. Looks like I'm gonna have to add a part here now too, where I teach you how to Falcon Punch ;).