Spamming likes

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I don't see a problem with the amount of likes on the recent activity.
It's not like you're forced to read someone else's recent activity.
If someone wants to like many posts or agree with people, whats the problem?


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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Well... Uh... I'm not quite certain what to really say.

First off, I--- Really don't quite understand what you are actually trying to bring up or what the actual problem is really about in terms of these likes on somebodies profile.
At least, that's how I felt when I first read this thread, because I don't really understand how somebodies likes on a profile page or thread or etc is really a big problem?
So, just before making this post, I actually went to "recent activity" (which I had never actually known of prior to this thread) to actually try to get a possible understanding of what you are actually talking about, because it seems you are referencing/pointing toward heavily on the recent activity tab.

Now... I think I know what you are coming from after reading--- Sort of?
I guess you are referring to when people like a bunch of things like this?:
(Apologies if the person I am showing in the screenshot feels embarrassed or whatnot in any way, if that is a problem)
But really--- Well...
What is the problem here still?
If there is a problem here, I am totally ignorant of it myself because----
I really don't see a problem at all.

Likes are Likes; A symbol used on this forum, and other websites out there, merely--- To show one's appreciation or enjoyment or thanks for a piece of content that they, as a person enjoyed.
Why do you want to limit likes? If you feel its spammy, then tough it out, because taking or limiting that feels like we're limiting the way to express yourself or free speech or--- SOMETHING like that.

I'm heavily assuming your referring to something along the lines of that screenshot but...
If not, please call me out on it (since I am uncertain due to the wording on the post/never using recent activity.
But if indeed true then...
Really, just tough it out I say.

gay vampire

Little Miss Organs
Sep 24, 2011
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I think he might mean spamming likes on other people's posts/status updates for no apparent reason.

I have NEVER seen this happen. It's merely because the person might've been browsing someone else's profile just seen the status update and liked what it said. And either way, some people are late to see things, so I really do not want a limit set on how many things people can like in a day; if they like it, let them like it. They can easily turn off alerts for likes if they really are getting spammed with it.


Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
Are you meaning something like this: "Yesterday I had given about 150 likes. Today, that's 713. Cool."

Not trying to implicate people, just asking as that legitimately happened.
I use to worry about liking too many things, as I thought people might of got annoyed with the like spam on "Recent Activity". Then as time went on I thought, well what's so bad about liking something? It's a positive thing!


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Altought I agree a bit with this, I don't think its that big of a problem.
I see how you want to know what has recently been posted on the forums and how someone spamming likes may ruin this.
But I also think that it is ones right to like whatever they want.
So I'm not sure about this.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Although I have seen it spammed a couple times, just for liking the person rather than what they posted, I am the type to use my ratings for their actual purpose.

If this were to be limited, I, and many others, wouldn't really see it fit. If anything, ratings allow us to not have to make a useless comment. I would rather have 5 likes on my post, rather than 5 replies saying "I like this post."

Althought seeing a bunch of useless likes can be annoying sometimes, it's just something you'll have to shrug off, and go on your merry way. If you're really annoyed by it, I believe ignoring the person, like the actual ignore feature, hides his/her likes in the recent activity. You won't see any of his/her other posts and updates, but if the likes really annoy you, it's there.

Sorry that it has been annoying you. I hope you can get around it.

Edit: How ironic that Bram liked my post.


I see why you call this a problem. However, why the hell would you want a rule to have people like less? It shows how friendly we are, and I know some people get happy when they see they get liked. I feel like I might be the cause of the like spam (as I started it one night when I was really tired and decided to make random people happy), and I honestly feel it like something positive. I’ve gotten a few posts on my profile of people being all “OMG LIKES :D”, however, I have never seen someone complain. (Well, maybe malc. But that’s just malc.)
If you’re annoyed by ‘spam’ of people liking other people… well… I don’t really know what to say about that. I mean, if you see someone is on a “liking spree” or anything, just don’t look at recent activity for a few minutes? And honestly, recent activity is most of the time already filled with likes, agrees, etc. so it really doesn’t seem like a big problem to me.

As Duffie said, if it’s really annoying you, you could just (temporarily) ignore the person who’s doing this. Seems like a great fix to me! Or just politely ask someone in a private message to stop with the damn likes as it is annoying you and spamming recent activity. And if people really like other people and want to express this by spamming the other guy with likes- Why would you care about that? It’s just two people who like/love the other person. Would you really ask them to not like anymore? There’s a small chance they might indeed listen (ask me to stop liking stuff and I’ll stop right now) and stop liking, but that would just make them annoyed or maybe even sad.

Anyways, I just don’t feel like there should be a rule about people liking other people, and the amount of likes they can give. Spam is one thing, but spamming likes isn’t a problem in my opinion. I haven’t heard anyone else other than you complain (then again… malc apparently doesn’t like it when I like his posts D: ) and I see no problem in people liking a lot, it shows how friendly and nice this server is.
But that’s just my opinion.


Dio you could try to prove your point a little more than going on a dislike spree?
I'm sorry but.. it's true.
You're going against your own words right here.
Even if it's the opposite, it's still spamming and liking/disliking things.
I see how someone could get annoyed but it's just silly.


Nov 29, 2011
Reaction score
Just like to mention I find it fairly annoying when I see a suggestion with answers to it such as "this is stupid and you're stupid." Thank you to the people who take this seriously.

I can see where you're coming from with the suggestion, and I'd know I'd personally hate it if someone went on my profile, liked every comment, and gave me 20 alerts, I don't think it should be in the global rules or anything. If it's annoying the person being liked, ask them to stop or get someone to make them stop. If it's just a case of filling up the recent activity, just work around it, I suppose.


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
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So, isn't this only about the Recent Activity feed not showing the proper content, but feeling spammy due to showing all the rating as well?

How about I simply disable this activity stream showing the post ratings people give, and only actual replies, topics, etc?


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
So, isn't this only about the Recent Activity feed not showing the proper content, but feeling spammy due to showing all the rating as well?

How about I simply disable this activity stream showing the post ratings people give, and only actual replies, topics, etc?
Can't we just bloody agree that liking someones posts ten times in a row is spamming and leave it at that? I enjoy it when someone gives me a rating on one of my many awesome comments but I can also get why people liking every single one is annoying.

No action needs to be taken here. Just people need to know when it goes from friendly to obnoxiously friendly.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
So, isn't this only about the Recent Activity feed not showing the proper content, but feeling spammy due to showing all the rating as well?

How about I simply disable this activity stream showing the post ratings people give, and only actual replies, topics, etc?
Can it be made into an option so when someone wants it off he/she can turn it off?
So the people who want it off can have it off, and the people who don't care leave it how it is now.


Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
I don't feel there is a problem with this, I think it's funny to get several alerts when I log on. If you get 20 alerts at a time, it doesn't take long to read over the alerts.

If you really don't like the alerts just do what Defiant_Blob posted and you won't get as many.

Just like to mention I find it fairly annoying when I see a suggestion with answers to it such as "this is stupid and you're stupid." Thank you to the people who take this seriously.

This is the bigger issue then the thread topic itself. I see stuff like this so many times and I don't understand why they can't post something without putting someone down.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
I don't feel there is a problem with this, I think it's funny to get several alerts when I log on. If you get 20 alerts at a time, it doesn't take long to read over the alerts.

If you really don't like the alerts just do what Defiant_Blob posted and you won't get as many.

This is the bigger issue then the thread topic itself. I see stuff like this so many times and I don't understand why they can't post something without putting someone down.
However this is not the main point of the thread. And you're not the only one that is mistaking it.

The point of this thread is to tell that the recent activity page gets spammed when people go on a like spree. And you can't really see what you came there to see, and that is what has been going on. Because all you would see were those "Name likes this post" a lot of times.

If you dont know what the recent acitvity page is, the link is Here
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