[GAME OVER - TOWN WIN] The Comedy Club


aka Jenben101
Creative Staff
Survival Staff
Jun 14, 2014
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I'm not suspicious of you, and I'm not saying you were lying. With only a few unread pages, we have nothing to lose from re-reading pages, but we may get another copy of the blueprint out of it. I fail to see how that's "nothing to gain."

I know you withheld information because I told you to. Because I'm the one that told you to. And I told everyone else that, too. No one is pouncing on you for this. You do seem a little panicky, though....That I do not like.
I’m not necessarily panicking I just don’t want to be pounced on for ‘withholding information’ as the case seems to be slightly happening to Notty, I’m open to give more information on page 16 if anyone wants it or if it’ll benefit the town in any way.

I want to try build the machine somehow and see if I unlock an engineer within me


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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also people who were with weak last night, did he paraphrase his pamphlet page in roomchat (iirc he said he was gonna read page 4 yesterday)
Appearently Ltin read it too and his summary is like half accurate.

Weak seemed to think that the note in the page was ripped in two and that the middle was missing.

The top part speaks of the judges being silent and having strange behaviour and they are not LOL'ing like they normally do. The male person on stage got taken away and that was the last the audience saw of 'it'.

The bottom part speaks in a hoping(the good kind)/questioning tone about the darknessTm and its personal fanclub possibly being able to be destroyed. It also says that maybe the darknessTM will sleep.


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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Notty still hasn't addressed the thing about me withholding something about the judges not laughing which idk anything about, and that accusation is kinda susp given that this is what page 4 said:

The first one says (I think, so many pronouns for such a short passage) the judges (or maybe everybody) didn't laugh and then the person on stage got taken away FO-EV-ER for-ev-er for-ev-er

This references the judges not laughing, but I haven't mentioned what page 4 said until now to the public thread (though I did say this in the lighting box).

The second one says if something and it's followers (the Darkness presumably) are destroyed it (the darkness presumably again) might chillax.
when did you read this im so confused


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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well updated now
Pamphlet PagePersonPamphlet Paraphrasing
1Moogliewell page 1 SUGGESTS that theres a physical embodiment (maybe??) of the dark (i guess what happens during intermission/night) and the light (i guess what happens during the day!) and that the light can defeat the dark

it also refers to someone else telling whoever wrote this page this information (idk how specific im allowed to be with paraphrasing) and i think its talking about the voice but its not specific
2webpaige, TWG"someone used library book paper to write a note that made someone cry and offer themselves as tribute to the stage instead of the note writer and then got vored never to be seen again"

'so the pamphlet says that I ( the author) visited the library and wrote a good to someone. I (the author) stuffed it into his pockets the next morning and cried, and volunteered to go to the stage instead of me (the author). IT's my fault hes gone'
mentions a weird Engineer girl that the speaker doubts would show up, and if she doesn't then the speaker is as good as dead...i wonder if we can identify the speaker if there's any other references to who died that night in the immediate subsequent pages?

This piece mentioned someone named Jacob that was creeping the speaker out, they said Jacob kept mentioning 'it' which sounds like a link to the scratched words earlier 'it is alive'. They were considering putting jacob up to be a Comedian since he was sounding like he was gonna die anyway
4Ltin + TWG (by Notty)'The first one says (I think, so many pronouns for such a short passage) the judges (or maybe everybody) didn't laugh and then the person on stage got taken away FO-EV-ER for-ev-er for-ev-er

The second one says if something and it's followers (the Darkness presumably) are destroyed it (the darkness presumably again) might chillax.'

'Weak seemed to think that the note in the page was ripped in two and that the middle was missing.

The top part speaks of the judges being silent and having strange behaviour and they are not LOL'ing like they normally do. The male person on stage got taken away and that was the last the audience saw of 'it'.

The bottom part speaks in a hoping(the good kind)/questioning tone about the darknessTm and its personal fanclub possibly being able to be destroyed. It also says that maybe the darknessTM will sleep.'
5Mooglie'page 5 is from someones perspective
it has 2 parts (from the same person)

first is about trying to figure out who the audience is via books in the library but theres nothing worthwhile & wondering their affiliation to the Darkness™

second is that in the 10 days this person has been here, theyve read pretty much everything in the library and has learnt a very important piece of information that allows them to be become powerful (but doesnt say what it is)'
6Timdoodit's a soldier saying that the followers' kills are easier to stop than the darkness itself. It also considers the possibility that the darkness might be usable against the followers in a friendly fire sort of way.
7TimdoodPage 7 seems a lot shorter than some of the other pages. It's a photo of a dark room with chalk writing on the wall. It says that the darkness[sup]tm[/sup] reveals secrets to those with the key.
10HKon both pages (14 and 10 iirc) was the map with the rooms and for each room it had written '80%' and then an item.
there was a note about how the judges always laugh at every joke. The writer of the note also referred to the judges as a ‘monsters’ at one point too and then graphically described how they would kill the judges
14Alisha (by HK)on both pages (14 and 10 iirc) was the map with the rooms and for each room it had written '80%' and then an item.
15Stranger, Notty'I learned that a previous group found a way to make the audience not laugh. This caused "it" to happen, no clue what "it" is. '

When I read page 15 it had a note inside it. The note is in first person by someone that I'm going to refer to as Dave for the purpose of paraphrasing even though there is no name specified.

Dave found information left by previous comedians that with 100% certainty (according to dave) were in the same predicament as he was. However dave mentions that aside from the previous comedians there was something that is yet unknown to the dave's group of comedians. Multiple unknowns had chosen a new destiny which included an ability to make listening comedians not laugh if they (the unknowns) were up on stage. By them doing exactly this something mysterious happened. '
16sessyIt mentions some form of machine that can verify the soul of someone but doesn’t really say what that means - there’s no blueprint or material list either
17Ltin + Notty (by Mooglie)'I read page 17, which had two seemingly separate stories on it.
The first seems to be a journal entry or something. The person basically decided that they were going to go up on stage with the express intent of insulting the audience and not telling a joke out of spite, knowing full well they would die.

The second, in light of page 15, is I think more interesting. When people started worshipping a thing (identified as a pronoun), they gained mental abilities. They also got a limited ability to walk around at night. Then it said that something called the Darkness (which I assume is the thing they were worshipping) wanted lots of blood. The way that was mentioned implied that other people also wanted blood, but the Darkness was greedy and wouldn't share.'

+ basically the thing you have to say to make the judges not laugh is 'Expletitive pronoun.' (probably 'Fuck you.' but they cant confirm)
19Omni (by Mooglie) + webpaige'the PONDERING of i guess where we are in the wider world (like where this building/whatever we're being held in is) and whether someone was alone or safe with another person + an engineer keeping all the batteries to themselves and not explaining why'
20Hip"well page 20 litterally says you can only survive the darkness if you join it"
21HKPage 21 is on the darkness. It says the darkness takes over a player, and weakens the player it takes over. It also mentions the darkness cannot move to what im guessing are the black rooms, but can use the dark around it to kill. Lastly it says that the kill is nearly unstoppable, only those with grim (if anyone has any idea if this is merely flavor or actually useful) souls can survive.
22Hip'well mine bascically talks about how we need to escape before we die i guess
and that whoever wrote this will forgive a tratior amongst us as long as
someone makes them stop before they all ded'
pages 8, 9, 11, 12 and 18 are all unread
and i guess someone has to doublecheck pages 10 and/or 14 since having the exact same information on 2 pages except one has a totem seems odd


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
well updated now
Pamphlet PagePersonPamphlet Paraphrasing
1Moogliewell page 1 SUGGESTS that theres a physical embodiment (maybe??) of the dark (i guess what happens during intermission/night) and the light (i guess what happens during the day!) and that the light can defeat the dark

it also refers to someone else telling whoever wrote this page this information (idk how specific im allowed to be with paraphrasing) and i think its talking about the voice but its not specific
2webpaige, TWG"someone used library book paper to write a note that made someone cry and offer themselves as tribute to the stage instead of the note writer and then got vored never to be seen again"

'so the pamphlet says that I ( the author) visited the library and wrote a good to someone. I (the author) stuffed it into his pockets the next morning and cried, and volunteered to go to the stage instead of me (the author). IT's my fault hes gone'
mentions a weird Engineer girl that the speaker doubts would show up, and if she doesn't then the speaker is as good as dead...i wonder if we can identify the speaker if there's any other references to who died that night in the immediate subsequent pages?

This piece mentioned someone named Jacob that was creeping the speaker out, they said Jacob kept mentioning 'it' which sounds like a link to the scratched words earlier 'it is alive'. They were considering putting jacob up to be a Comedian since he was sounding like he was gonna die anyway
4Ltin + TWG (by Notty)'The first one says (I think, so many pronouns for such a short passage) the judges (or maybe everybody) didn't laugh and then the person on stage got taken away FO-EV-ER for-ev-er for-ev-er

The second one says if something and it's followers (the Darkness presumably) are destroyed it (the darkness presumably again) might chillax.'

'Weak seemed to think that the note in the page was ripped in two and that the middle was missing.

The top part speaks of the judges being silent and having strange behaviour and they are not LOL'ing like they normally do. The male person on stage got taken away and that was the last the audience saw of 'it'.

The bottom part speaks in a hoping(the good kind)/questioning tone about the darknessTm and its personal fanclub possibly being able to be destroyed. It also says that maybe the darknessTM will sleep.'
5Mooglie'page 5 is from someones perspective
it has 2 parts (from the same person)

first is about trying to figure out who the audience is via books in the library but theres nothing worthwhile & wondering their affiliation to the Darkness™

second is that in the 10 days this person has been here, theyve read pretty much everything in the library and has learnt a very important piece of information that allows them to be become powerful (but doesnt say what it is)'
6Timdoodit's a soldier saying that the followers' kills are easier to stop than the darkness itself. It also considers the possibility that the darkness might be usable against the followers in a friendly fire sort of way.
7TimdoodPage 7 seems a lot shorter than some of the other pages. It's a photo of a dark room with chalk writing on the wall. It says that the darkness[sup]tm[/sup] reveals secrets to those with the key.
10HKon both pages (14 and 10 iirc) was the map with the rooms and for each room it had written '80%' and then an item.
there was a note about how the judges always laugh at every joke. The writer of the note also referred to the judges as a ‘monsters’ at one point too and then graphically described how they would kill the judges
14Alisha (by HK)on both pages (14 and 10 iirc) was the map with the rooms and for each room it had written '80%' and then an item.
15Stranger, Notty'I learned that a previous group found a way to make the audience not laugh. This caused "it" to happen, no clue what "it" is. '

When I read page 15 it had a note inside it. The note is in first person by someone that I'm going to refer to as Dave for the purpose of paraphrasing even though there is no name specified.

Dave found information left by previous comedians that with 100% certainty (according to dave) were in the same predicament as he was. However dave mentions that aside from the previous comedians there was something that is yet unknown to the dave's group of comedians. Multiple unknowns had chosen a new destiny which included an ability to make listening comedians not laugh if they (the unknowns) were up on stage. By them doing exactly this something mysterious happened. '
16sessyIt mentions some form of machine that can verify the soul of someone but doesn’t really say what that means - there’s no blueprint or material list either
17Ltin + Notty (by Mooglie)'I read page 17, which had two seemingly separate stories on it.
The first seems to be a journal entry or something. The person basically decided that they were going to go up on stage with the express intent of insulting the audience and not telling a joke out of spite, knowing full well they would die.

The second, in light of page 15, is I think more interesting. When people started worshipping a thing (identified as a pronoun), they gained mental abilities. They also got a limited ability to walk around at night. Then it said that something called the Darkness (which I assume is the thing they were worshipping) wanted lots of blood. The way that was mentioned implied that other people also wanted blood, but the Darkness was greedy and wouldn't share.'

+ basically the thing you have to say to make the judges not laugh is 'Expletitive pronoun.' (probably 'Fuck you.' but they cant confirm)
19Omni (by Mooglie) + webpaige'the PONDERING of i guess where we are in the wider world (like where this building/whatever we're being held in is) and whether someone was alone or safe with another person + an engineer keeping all the batteries to themselves and not explaining why'
20Hip"well page 20 litterally says you can only survive the darkness if you join it"
21HKPage 21 is on the darkness. It says the darkness takes over a player, and weakens the player it takes over. It also mentions the darkness cannot move to what im guessing are the black rooms, but can use the dark around it to kill. Lastly it says that the kill is nearly unstoppable, only those with grim (if anyone has any idea if this is merely flavor or actually useful) souls can survive.
22Hip'well mine bascically talks about how we need to escape before we die i guess
and that whoever wrote this will forgive a tratior amongst us as long as
someone makes them stop before they all ded'
pages 8, 9, 11, 12 and 18 are all unread
and i guess someone has to doublecheck pages 10 and/or 14 since having the exact same information on 2 pages except one has a totem seems odd
Can you kindly also make a list who spent the night with whom in which room? Thanks <3


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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i mean from looking back it seems she just got paper while in the kitchen but this makes little sense to me since the pamphlet page specifically mentioned library book paper as the thing you could write on


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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and somehow suspects me despite
then how did she get paper
The loot information only displahs an 80% chance of getting specified items, and that confused us in the kitchen conversation when we discussed it because the item Stranger received during Night 1 was different from the expected outcome. The remaining 20% must not be a strict 'get no items' outcome and presumably includes a chance to gain random items.


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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lighting box - ltin (nottyed), hip (4 microchips), moog (2 cogs)
kitchen - alisha (nothing), hk (1 microchip), paige (2 paper)
basement - notty (1 wire), weak (dead), sessy (1 cog), tim (2 wire)

i also included items since i was bored
looking at hk/alishas map thing

80% 2 Wire

80% 1 Battery

Upstairs Dressing room
80% 1 Scrap Metal

80% 2 Battery

Lighting box
80% 2 Microchip

80% 1 Paper

80% 1 Wire

Downstairs Dressing Room
80% 1 Cog

80% 1 Scrap Metal

80% 2 Battery, 1 Cog

Costume Room
80% 1 Cog

i have 0 idea how it works still


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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The loot information only displahs an 80% chance of getting specified items, and that confused us in the kitchen conversation when we discussed it because the item Stranger received during Night 1 was different from the expected outcome. The remaining 20% must not be a strict 'get no items' outcome and presumably includes a chance to gain random items.
but then the 20% chance seems to have been landed on quite a lot
  • Agree
Reactions: Nottykitten


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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but then the 20% chance seems to have been landed on quite a lot

You and stranger on Night 1, me and Paige on Night 2

It's improbable but not impossible, and we shouldn't discount the chance someone else can screw with the items you can get or the pages being misleading or something


Mafia Host
Apr 7, 2013
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Appearently Ltin read it too and his summary is like half accurate.
Im pretty sure I basically the exact same thing you did so IDK what part of that I'm missing.
Weak seemed to think that the note in the page was ripped in two and that the middle was missing.
Page 17 was very clear that it was two separate pieces of paper. Page 4 doesn't say whether they are the same or different, and the passages are way too short to make a reasonable inference based on writing style.

You still haven't addressed the "Ltin is hiding something about the judges not laughing" thing

Uhh if I vote notty rn will it be hammer?


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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Im pretty sure I basically the exact same thing you did so IDK what part of that I'm missing.

Page 17 was very clear that it was two separate pieces of paper. Page 4 doesn't say whether they are the same or different, and the passages are way too short to make a reasonable inference based on writing style.

You still haven't addressed the "Ltin is hiding something about the judges not laughing" thing

Uhh if I vote notty rn will it be hammer?
no, notty has 2 votes rn but im on the fence and hk will probably vote notty
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