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Zombie Apocalypse RP Game


Jan 12, 2012
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My eyes flutter and I yawn hugely as I come awake. I attempt to stand up and stretch, only to bang my head on a low ceiling. Cursing under my breath, I push open the door to the cupboard I had spent the night in. It is late morning, and sunlight is faltering through a window stained with blood that looks as if it had been smashed open. I peek out the window and see that the zombies, having an aversion to sunlight, have already vacated most of the streets. I search around the hotel kitchen for food. It looks as if it has already been looted, but I manage to scrounge a can of beans and bottle of water, both of which I gulp down ravenously. I save some of each and put them in my backpack, then head out.

As I step out of the building, an explosion from somewhere nearby rocks the ground. I look and see, many blocks (occ: street blocks, not minecraft blocks) away, and building engulfed in flames. Knowing the explosion will attract zombies, I duck into a nearby alley. After walking for a while, I come across a massive, sprawling mall. There should definitely be some supplies here. I enter through the East Wing entrance, a Macy’s sign still flickering weakly above the sliding glass doors that have long since ceased to function, which I force open. Some uneasiness registers at the back of my brain. Something just feels wrong about this place. Every article of clothing in the store that leaps out at me makes me jump, thinking of zombies. I snag a black coat from a rack for the nights. I am halfway through when I encounter my first body. A teenage girl is sprawled on the ground, blood trickling from her mouth. Already her flesh is starting to rot as the infection overcomes her. Something catches my eye, a pink phone that has fallen out of her pocket. Pink isn’t really my style, I think wryly, but I stuff it in my pocket anyways. Someone whom she knew might call. She lets out a chilling, inhuman moan, and I grimace as I realize what need to be done. I place my katana against her head, close my eyes, and thrust.

Turning away from the mangled corpse, I head farther into the mall. I exit Macy’s and head into the center of the mall. And freeze. I am on a balcony ringing the central portion of the first floor. And below me…. Stupid, I think to myself. Stupid, stupid, stupid. When the apocalypse stuck, where were there likely to be the most people? The mall. Which was also where there were the most corpses. Meaning there are also the most zombies. I stand gazing out over a sea of undead.
OCC: Mach you should clarify which section of the mall you're in
Duffie you might want to make the phone your friend's phone? your choice.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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The light of an early dawn shone through broken glass and rusted pipes, casting a wary look between our two, worn down faces.
The past few hours have taken a toll upon us, so in the weary moonlight, we pack whatever remaining supplies in silence....
It seemed, both of us preferred the serenity of peace and quiet of the dawn in those, horrid days after civilizations fall....

I had not gotten any sleep that night... We had hid out in that apartment flat for only a few hours...
Perhaps two at most...
Not enough to fully regain our strength from the previous mornings unrest...
But we knew we had to keep moving; that was the universal law we had to keep... Or we would be overrun.

"We'll need to stay clear of the main streets, especially at this hour. After what happened yesterday, you'll know those things will be on our trail. We can't take any chances, lest one of us gets left behind, or worse."
The road ahead of us would be dangerous, but we knew the cost.
We set our very lives on the line practically every time we left the safety of our dens when the dead began to walk... We had to act quickly, so I instructed the girl with my plan of escape.

"There's a back alleyway, at the Southern end of our apartment; that's our escape route. The only way down if we want to remain undetected will force us to propel onto the ground level using my grappling hook. The alley's location and the shadow being cast by our building should hide us from any additional prying eyes, so we should be safe. I'll go first, but stay close; we don't want to become separated."
I twisted the rope around my shoulder and armpit like before, gripping the pickaxe in my right hand.
Facing the girl, I smiled.
"I hope your not afraid of heights. Let's get going."

We performed our duty almost like clockwork, reflexes heightened; it was a life or death situation, just like every moment was.
Gripping the pickaxe, I logged tip into a loose piece of concrete; strong enough to hold our weight, but weak enough to lodge loose once we arrive at our destination.
We slipped along the rope, moving slowly at first, but gaining courage to move faster the closer to the ground we gained.
As I expected, no Walkers had made it up the stairwell, and the alleyway was protected on most sides by rough, iron gates.
It was not as an exciting venture as normal, but still one crucial to our survival; we could not mess up, and we didn't.
Safely on the ground level, protected by the darkness cast against the many corners of the alley, I wrapped the rope around in my usual fashion, gripping once more, the trusty pickaxe in my hand.

"Good, but we aren't out of the clear yet. You know this city better then I do, and you should know the location of any friends that may still be living. I suggest you lead the way now, I'll take up the rear, watch our back for any more of those things."
It was a sound plan, one we could actually stick to for the remainder of our adventure down in the rough, and dusty streets. The girl easily nodded, a look of determination on her face. We slipped through the shadows, cautiously, not knowing what was laid in each shadow.

It felt like we made good progress...
Yet, we narrowly made it a block from our hideaway the previous night, when a sudden explosion could be heard.
Chunks of rubble flew in every direction, and with heads turned, we looked on in horror.
The apartment directly adjacent to the one we had stayed that very night... Had erupted in a fiery rupture; flames dancing beneath the dark sky like the gaping mouth of hell.
"What... how..."

I didn't know how it had occurred... What had caused it...
I was frozen, rooted at my feet as I just watched a pile of debris crash itself into the upper floor of the apartment we had just previously left just a few moments before...
It wasn't the thought of someone trying to kill us that kept me from fleeing...
It was the thought...
That if we only stayed there a little longer...

Would have perished in those flaming ashes...

((OOC: I took care of the explosion, Now your up Duffie !
Edit: It also seems we are now up to speed with current events! Huzzah!))


Destroyer of Worlds
Nov 24, 2011
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I stare outwards into the mall, zombies swarming everywhere. They start to make their way towards me slowly at first, but gradually picking up the pace. I do a quick headcount and come up with roughly twenty.

"Could be worse I guess." I draw my pistol, flip the safety, and take stance. There is still some distance between me and the horde so I relax and easily squeeze off a few rounds. A few rounds into the head of the nearest zombie, he goes down with a bloody explosion.

"Stay calm, you can do this." I stand my ground and pivot at the hip, firing here and there, dropping the zombies with ease.

The gun clicks.... out of ammo, I reach to my holster and grab one of the secondary magazines, letting the empty cartridge fall to the floor. I bring my hand back to the gun and slide the new clip into the handle, the gun is active again.

"Ten, Eleven, Twelve..." I keep count as I pop the zombies one by one, half of it is to concentrate on ammounation conservation but the other half..... the other half tells me it's a game....

"Twenty-two..." I stop, I stare at the last zombie lumbering towards me. I give my surroundings a quick once over to make sure it was the last creature. I smirk and decide to have some fun with it. I aim at it's right arm. *BANG*

The zombie freezes for a minute and looks down at its arm, now laying on the floor. Unphased the zombie continues its path. *BANG* Off goes the other arm.

I begin to chuckle to myself. The slight laughter elevates to an all out cry of victory. I take a cocky stance leaving one hand on the gun, and standing sideways. I let the zombie approach. Closer, closer. A smile is spread all the way across my face as I point the gun dead at the zombies head, a clear shot.

The Zombie is less than ten feet away by now, I slightly shuffle and grin as I pull the trigger..... *Click*

My gaze drifts down to the gun and my grin turns into an expression of pure horror. Before I can react the zombie is upon me.

It runs into me and I drop the useless weapon as I fight against the brute strength of the crazed beast. I am shocked at the sheer will of the crazed creature seeing as how its arms are several yards behind it..... on the floor..... not attatched.

"Get the fuck off me you abomination!" I jump back and land a kick straight to its chest, I've created enough space for me to do something. I reach down and quickly grab my knife.

OOC: I just realized something.... the knife is located on a sheath that is attatched to my right leg... thought I should clear that up. ANYWAY...

I brandish the blade and charge the zombie, I hit the monster with all my weight and drive the steel into its neck. I keep running with the zombie, pushing it down the hall. I slice the knife across its neck as I ram it into a mall map.

The lifeless body slumps to the floor in one heap. I stand there and pant, heart racing. "How could I be so stupid?! That almost cost me my life!" I continue to tear myself down as I peer up at the map and clear away the blood stains.

A hexagonal shaped mall, two stories... basic stores. I run my finger across the store names until I find some things of interest. I smile as my touch reaches three different stores: Zehrs (Groceries), Great Outdoors (Hunting) and a Pet Smart. I locate the locations of these three points and head out.

"After that ordeal I'm finding myself a little peckish, I'll grab some food..." I reach down and pick up my disgarded gun. "... then stock up on some weaponry supplies, and finally hold up in the pet store and see if I can't heal and train Eve a little."


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
The sun had grown tired and left it's vigil in the sky to be replaced by the moon. Darkness had cast it's deadly shadow over the torn city.

A slight breeze blows over a row of large buildings and through a ramshackle diner, shaking it's fragile window-frames.

The single lonely soul inside sits upright, hunched against an oven in the kitchen area.

Donald sits uncomfortably against the decayed appliance, lost in thought.

Agonizing moans had closed in around the diner, shattering his remaining resolve. The street was probably flooded with those nightmarish creatures.

It is getting very cold, Donald's hands are trembling in the low temperature. He can barely see more than a few feet in front of him in the late evening darkness. At least he's no longer hungry, Rose had some great canned meat in her pack.

A light flickers in the darkness. Donald's cigarette is enveloped by the flame of his lighter.

He inhales the terribly toxic mixture and breathes out calmly, savoring every moment.

Donald reaches around his belt with his spare hand, looking for something. He feels the smooth leather of his pouch.

He unzips the pouch and gingerly removes his prize possession. A bottle of very expensive whiskey he'd managed to save.

"I know I've been saving you for a special occasion my good friend" he whispers quietly to the bottle.

"But things aren't shaping up so well for us" Donald says with a wry smile on his face.

He takes another puff then drops his cigarette to the cold lino floor and steps on it.

The top of the whiskey bottle is removed carefully, so not to let a single drop be wasted.

Donald slowly raises the bottle to his mouth and tilts it back. Strong alcohol floods down his throat.

If this was to be his end, it would not be a sober one.

He holds the bottle steady, the flow of liquid continues to stream into his body.

There is a soft scratching sound coming from the front door of the small building.

Donald keeps drinking.

The sound of glass shattering signals Donald that he won't be alone for much longer.

He continues drinking.

The growls outside intensify, as if the creatures can taste his fear.

Donald finishes off his drink and calmly places the bottle on the floor.

There is a thunderous bash at the door, followed by distressing groans.

"Wasn't much of a party by myself anyway".

Donald stands up and grasps a bottle of the flammable liquid the young girl had left behind in his right hand, lighter in his left.

He slowly walks into the main eating area of the diner. He is greeted by the sight of multiple gruesomely disfigured shapes flooding in through the front window and side windows. The creatures seemingly uncaring of the glass driving into their torn and twisted bodies.

The back door is still barricaded shut, there would be no other way out.

His mind is full of regrets. Of last goodbyes.

Donald hated goodbyes.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
A spark in the black.

A spark followed by fire and fury raining down upon the horde entering his sanctum.

The first bottle impacts on one of the corrupted creatures trying to get in through the side windows. The flame sets the beast alight and spreads quickly to the others alongside it. It burns through their flesh with ease, pausing their slow climb through the window.

As the second and last bottle is lit, a thought crosses the mans mind.

This is exactly what happened to Rose. She gave her life doing this. He couldn't win this battle.

Her life had to mean something more. He still has a chance and he shouldn't waste it.

His resolve temporarily strengthened, he hatches a plan of escape.

The fiends coming in through the front would taste the his fury next.

Donald slightly misses his throw but manages to set the front window-pane and surrounding structure on fire.

Hopefully the flames would keep them at bay long enough, as he could see a horde of the mindless figures swarming outside the diner trying to find a way in.

He retreats back to the kitchen and slams the door shut behind him. There is nothing useful to barricade the door and he curses.

He'd have to grab the tire iron quick and start working on breaking the barricade on the back door. He still had time to escape.

Donald sprints around the room, trying to remember where he left his weapon.

In such a rush, Donald loses his footing on the slippery kitchen floor. He falls headfirst into the side of an oven with a sickening thud.

His limp body falls backwards and onto the cold floor inanimately.


Jun 25, 2012
Reaction score
We reach the apartment safety with the flashbang that Jack used

"That thing is useful, do you have more?"

After that, we go upstairs to find supplies, but maybe we may find other things.....*blackout time*


Jun 25, 2012
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Nighttime approaches, and the zombies come out looking for dinner, after we enter the apartment, we go to the 3rd floor, and make a fire with a heater that used paraffin, lucky it had some.

"Better we sleep here, we will wait until the morning and see if the rain stops"

We turn off the heater to prevent a fire in the apartment, and we make some beds with the debris that was inside the room.

"Let's wait for another day"

Day 1 is Over

Day 2 starting

OCC: You may still post Diary Journals in Day 1, but eventually they have to end in Day 2


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
Nighttime approaches, and the zombies come out looking for dinner, after we enter the apartment, we go to the 3rd floor, and make a fire with a heater that used paraffin, lucky it had some.

"Better we sleep here, we will wait until the morning and see if the rain stops"

We turn off the heater to prevent a fire in the apartment, and we make some beds with the debris that was inside the room.

"Let's wait for another day"

Day 1 is Over
Day 2 starting

OCC: You may still post Diary Journals in Day 1, but eventually they have to end in Day 2
What about the fire? Also, what about the explosion that caused the top floors of the apartment you're in to also catch fire? Since both fires are so close, why are you staying with such a large chance of possibly burning alive? Or did both fires burn out due to the rain? And what happened with the original apartment that caught on fire after the explosion? Did it possibly stay in-tact, but extremely weak; or did it possible collapse on itself because of both scenario's? What of the surrounding buildings?--- You did say the fire was heading quite fast toward our building before we left it.

And: Does this heater work? Wouldn't it be moderately damaged or broken if the city is extremely ruined? What does it run on and how does it make a fire, then be turned off? (Because aren't Paraffin heaters used to heat the air in cold weather and not exactly used for actual flames?)

Sorry if this sounds dodgy, but I didn't really understand what was going on in this post of the story; there are a lot of unanswered questions that I again, don't quite know what is occurring in the surrounding area / other facts. The part about the heater, since I don't have any personal experience with a heater besides those in Air Conditioners, I had to look up; but even with that, I don't personally get what's going on with the heater and the randomly disappearing fire.
Again, sorry if that sounds bad or dodgy, but I just wanted some things cleared up.

(Oh, also personal opinion: Don't think we need that "Now entering day 2" thing since I think we all post at relatively different points in the story, like my last post I made was already going into the next day; as well as that some of us may not post occasionally so we can get left behind when another part of the day/night/daily cycle begins, so if the RP lasts that long, that "now entering Day ?" may not be needed. Though with that said, we may need to at least give an idea of what the time is in our personal posts so...
Yeah, that's some questions and personal opinions. Again apologies if anything sounds bad or dodgy, as well as the fact that this does not reflect on anyone else's ideas or comments unless they state so. But with that, Good day.) ]]

Oak Milk

Kill Hungry Thirsty Dead
Mafia Host
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
(Oh, also personal opinion: Don't think we need that "Now entering day 2" thing since I think we all post at relatively different points in the story, like my last post I made was already going into the next day; as well as that some of us may not post occasionally so we can get left behind when another part of the day/night/daily cycle begins, so if the RP lasts that long, that "now entering Day ?" may not be needed. Though with that said, we may need to at least give an idea of what the time is in our personal posts so...
Yeah, that's some questions and personal opinions. Again apologies if anything sounds bad or dodgy, as well as the fact that this does not reflect on anyone else's ideas or comments unless they state so. But with that, Good day.) ]][/quote]
OOC: I think its important to have the day ending, this way it sort of prevents other stories going too far or gives people a reason to catch up I know its your personal opinion JK and thats fine, this is just my own personal opinion. (I've just had the feeling that all the different stories were becoming a little clunky and non linear as I was reading.) Also if its a kerosene heater than what u were saying Fox should work.
Also in Avant's last post is his charachter dead? Anyway finishing up day 1.

After watching the fire being put out by the rain, Jack breathes a sigh of relief. No further zombies would be attracted by the light of the flames and hopefully the cold might be enough to discourage them from searching out potential victims. One could only hope, a personal search of the new building found some old tins of meat which would give him an extra weeks worth of food, giving him two weeks total. Jack walked back over to Bill and Robert, "I still have 3 flashbangs left and half a jar of gunpowder to make more if needed."
In his mind Jack wondered: 'who left the gunpowder there anyway.' Tomorrow he planned to return to the factory and search out more supplies.
Although he lived by himself, Jack had many friends back home before the apocalypse began. When news first came of the zombie infection, he and his friends had managed to rally the members of the small community he lived with to band together and defend their homes from those creatures most foul. At first they were successful driving away the attacks by hordes as they shambled along and the town celbrated. After one particular attack Jack celebrated with his good mates as he thought them, but in a single moment that would forever change his life, his friends turned on him. In the middle of the night they abandoned their watch stole all of the town supplies and weapons and fled. To put insult to injury, as they fled the town was left vulnerable to a suprise attack by a zombie hoard of 40 zombies. With no choice but to flee Jack gathered up his personal supplies and ran for the nearest shelter, away from the zombies who had ravaged his home and friends.
*Jack shook his head to clear himself of his melancholy.*
"I'll take the first watch, you two get some sleep we should discuss plans in the morning."


Jun 25, 2012
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OCC: After the explosion, the building collapsed damaging some buildings, and the rain burned out the fire and prevented it of going in another buildings, and about the heater, it almost works, it's kinda broken.

About the day-night cycle, it's necessary like old man said, or anyone wants to be in daytime all day?

if you want, you can still make posts in Day 1, but to change the day, you have to wait me to say "Day ? finished"

So far, me and Old_Man have reached the end of Day 1, waiting for more posts!

PD: New players must start at Day 2


Aug 25, 2011
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(Occ: just pointing out how the story is going nowhere... I doubt someone can find 4 flash bang grenades in the middle of the city that is in ruins. And I doubt very much that the heater will be working also. You can't just give yourself overpowered utilities. Use your imagination, make a fire with sticks and stuff like that. Also how can the building just explode... It was only half a tank of gasoline and I doubt there was any like you said "TNT" in the building... Sorry if I sound like a dick but that's my opinion. Perhaps there should be a rule and information on what actually does work and what you cannot do. Example: you shouldn't be allowed to let's say give yourself magically a bazooka with ammunition that was lying on the ground. Also you can't simply make a apartment or buildings explode just cause you said so. There must be a logical explanation )
  • Agree
Reactions: JKangaroo


Jun 25, 2012
Reaction score
dunno about the explosion, also you can find some almost working things in a apocalypse :/
Also, i'm not giving to myself overpowered abilities, that would be like, flying or something, but a almost working heater is not overpowered


Aug 25, 2011
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Name: Bill
Last Name: Cooper
Nickname: "Billy"
Gender: Male
Age : 24
Equipment: A Glock 17 with 5 rounds, a M4 Carbine with ACOG and 10 rounds and a AK-74U with no ammo, a tactical shield, knifes, and 2 grenades
Physical Appearance: Having a athletic body being tall (1.60)
Location: In a snowy mountain near a crashed helicopter
Skills: Assault rifles, melee, and explosives
Supplies:Canned food for 2 weeks, water for 1 week and medical supplies
Nationality: US
Backpack: Small
OCC: lol, didn't expected too many ppl posting here :p
also, everyone carries the infection, only it makes effect when you die

also vati, can you make you character having amnesia?

and keep going with the story:

*closes the door*
Nobody? Nice, better to find heat packs
*goes to the kitchen*
Oh, nice some food and 3 heat packs
*uses a heat-pack*
Ah! I feel bettter
*Goes out of the house*
Almost forgot, the binoculars here
*looks over the road leading to "The City"*
Hey....It's that a girl?
(Occ:You didn't say you had binoculars... How did you get them... I read your post and it does BT specify... This is only one of the small flaws in this game)


Aug 25, 2011
Reaction score
Well, nice catch, but my character found the binoculars after starting, not when i started the RP
You wrote

Almost forgot, the binoculars here.

Where? In the building? But you left the building... Yes binoculars where casually in a house. You do not give a explanation. And why is their heat packs in a kitchen? Perhaps I read it wrong or it might be used to make food I have no idea


Jun 25, 2012
Reaction score
*too many questions, detotaing the omega warheads in 1 min 40 secs!"

OCC: And yes, inside the building, but my character left them there
and......idk about the heatpacks :c you're making too many questions