What was the most badass thing you've ever done?


The Fail Chipmunk
Jan 1, 2012
Reaction score
One time, at primary (or elementary for you Americans) school, our teachers told us we had to be dismissed after eating lunch, and I really needed to use the toilet. Like, like, really. But there were no teachers around. (I was extremely obedient, and refused to go use the toilet until I got dismissed by the teacher).

I waited...
and waited...
and waited...

Until it got to the point where I didn't need to go anymore... *cough* wasn't my fault *cough*

If only my teachers knew how much respect I had for them back then.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I was bullied for around a year (11 years old, I'm 17 now) and at that point, I was fed up.

So I took a stance during a recess break. Bully comes around and calls for me to get it. Although I do feel awful for fueling his rage to bully, I felt like I did a creative and epic solution. I went into the restroom. Then I grab over 10 paper towels and soak them in the sink for a few seconds.

The kid comes back to check on me and he thought I was crying, since I had my back turned towards him with the sink running to dish out my tears. When he leaves, I get out of the restroom and toss the waterball at him. It was this loud deep splash sound when it hit him.

So he turns around and runs to me. Oh, it gets better. >:D

I punch him in the shoulder (I didn't know how to fight effectively) and his friend comes to me and bites my back (I have the scar, still). Because the kid had many friends that felt that they could do anything they wanted, those kids had been bullying others. And because the other kids were fed up too, it sparked a school-wide brawl in the large blacktops.

So, my brother and I get a suspension for a week. The kid my brother was fighting had no consequences. One of the kids I fought got expelled (sent to another elementary school) and the other was suspended for a month and had to stay in school doing nothing but supervised activities.

My oldest sister, who had to get me while she was in high school, comments that she would have punched the kid in the face. Although she sees this as a negative reaction, she does applaud my ingenuity.