Shande's Operator Application

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Sep 13, 2011
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Hi Shande,

Sorry I'm a bit late to the game. I haven't commented on this because technically I was away, dealing with home issues for the past 2 weeks. I've been around you long enough to know how well you do in staffing situations and how you conduct yourself in-game. You have always been a fantastic staff member in the past and the way you conduct yourself in game has been good for the most part. I had no problems giving you a reference. Though, I will say that the issue of on-time was holding back my reference originally when you asked me a couple weeks ago.

To comment on your application and the way you have presented yourself up to this point. I still think you are a great ROF player and you will continue to be a great staff member, if given the chance. Brevity has it's place. However, there are times where brevity comes with a lack of thoroughness. An operator application serves to show the staff members, not only that you know the basic responsibilities of a staff member, but that you know how to go about accomplishing those tasks. It gives us a look into your thought process and we usually don't have to go back and ask you many clarifying questions. One of the things I know about you is that you are very blunt. Though I have seen more of this from you lately, than in the past. The problem with you being blunt is that it can easily come across as overly aggressive (as a few have stated) and slightly arrogant. I think more tact is needed when you phrase your responses. Now all that to say that I still believe, while you seem to be a bit rough on your application as a whole, you are a great player and would still be an asset to the ROF staff team. I am all for seeing you as an OP on a trial basis. A moderate +1 for me.

AKA The Rocketeer

Undefined User 7

Aug 7, 2011
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I've been told this was a 'joke' application to 'test' the staff of RoF. If this is true, I'd kindly ask you not to make troll applications to mess with our staff. We have to take these applications seriously, and all you've accomplished if this is a joke is wasting everyone's time.

If this isn't a joke, I still have concern about your bare-bones application, your arguing with staff, as well as your lack of actual help on the server. Yes, you were former staff, but that is not a free card back into the team after being gone for over half a year. You are a very good staff member, but you always resign after a month or two of work, and that's just not what we're looking for here. I'm sorry, but for now, this is declined.
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