DayZ Thread

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Aug 8, 2011
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When I try to run a server, It says something about Deleted stuff and will not let me enter.
I do get all the correct signs that it should work in main menu aswell as the updater.

However, the hexagon is yellow, so is that a bad thing?


Aug 5, 2011
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[Necropost,. but with contributing information so 'skul ;3]

Played again recently, two stories stick out

On one life, I'd manage to get myself an AK from a deers nest, after travelling north I suddenly see two survivors hot-tailing it across a field away from zombies, I presumed since they weren't defending themselves they'd run dry on ammo. Taking this as an opportunity to get food/drink/meds, I followed alongside (at about 400m distance) in the forest so that they wouldn't see me.

So they lose the zombies, enter a barn. I circle it and try to silently enter > Odd i think, no ones moving around and theres no one on the bottom level. So i slowly move up the stairs, turn my head - to see the barrel of a makarov pistol aimed at my head. The little bastards had known i was tailing them and set up a trap. (I got a few bullets into his shoulder before he ended my life) .


The most reason exploration that is still underway - i've teamed up with Shinyshark , we were running low on food/drink respectively, coming towards the edge of this forest we'd travelled through. I had a shotgun, he had a fireaxe. Suddenly the conversation goes something like this >

Malcovent: "Why's that zombie attacking the long-grass?"
Malcovent: "Oh shit, its a human. theres a survivor there"
Shinyshark: "What, where."
Malcovent: "Drop drop, get down quick"
Shinyshark: "Oh shit there is, do we kill him"
-Survivor closes in"
-I lean up and take three potshots at him, missing"
Shinyshark: "Are you firing at him or the zombies"
Malcovent: "Him"
Shinyshark: "I'll go get him with my axe"
-Malcovent swivvels and fires a single shot, clipping the mans side-
-The man falls down unconscious-
-Shinyshark walks over-
Shinyshark: "He's still alive"
-Shinyshark proceeds to beat his head in with an axe-

and thats the story of how we became banditos :D


Oct 4, 2012
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So this morning, me and ShinyShark, we were pretty bored and i just threw it out "Hey shiny, wanna go play DayZ?" He replied "okay" and we went on to play
I was in starry sobor with some weapons, and shiny had an AKM, but he died and spawned back in, and a heli pilot found him. Shiny started crapping himself down the microphone and it turned out he was friendly, and gave him a lift to Starry so we could meet up.
We met up in starry and was messing around in the tents near the red warehouse and suddenly the heli pilot dropped back down and gave us a ride to Vybor, and we raided the supermarket/residential area there, getting some cool loot.
We ended up with the pilot circling the NW Airfield, and trying to kill people. I got shot because i can't see for shit and Shiny died to a hacker, which sucked.
Fortunately, i called out where i'd spawned to shiny before he died, and the pilot picked us both up, after which we went to the Cherno Tents for some ARs and stuff.
We grabbed some weapons, an AKM For me and an M16a2 for Shiny.
I went afk for a few mins, and shiny jumped out of the heli after we were flying away from some hackers.
After we regrouped, this hacker "Armodeos", continuously tried to kill us, over 5+ times, but he was using a hack which didn't include god mode, so we killed him several times over, as he lacked skill where we didn't.
After some flying and searching of tents, he tele'd to us a few times and tried to blow us up with satchel charges, but we flew away.
After many attempts the hacker left from frustration, and our pilot had to leave, so he left me and shiny with the heli
What a dreadful mistake.
He was sitting there watching us try to fly it for a few moments, shiny was succesful apart from breaking most of it and well.. I was doing okay, jerked my mouse up to fast, did a backflip and died
Quite possibly one of the funnest days i've had gaming with anyone, ever. :D
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Nov 12, 2011
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Sry but berets look gay ... not that that is a bad thing... but it does :)
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