IC Guardians of the Elements

GotE2 or no?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, but give it another name

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Indifferent

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Continue the thread as is

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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((this new solution sounds perfectly fine to me. The non-magical strengths are mainly things picked up through practice or experience, and they AND the magical strengths are offset by a fuckton of weaknesses. Especially considering, to my understanding, walking on grass/live brush would basically drain his power.
Personally I find the whole 'born-from-a-dead-star-so-is-technically-already-dead-and-can't-really-die-again' explanation pretty cool.
Pls tell me someone else agrees with anything I just said <3))


Jul 20, 2013
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((except we still haven't found the phoenix part of my character yet, so he's effectively still just a magical wolf and a magical fox.

And I say we should at least give me a final chance to amend my character's unbalanced features, since you did just randomly ask everyone to vote on my complete removal from the thread, Hunter, and just because no one's objected about my character in the last two months or so because their 'too afraid to offend me with their real opinion' doesn't mean everyone is secretly holding back an inferno of complaints about my character.

If there's anything I find offensive in this, it's when people decide to shun or automatically reject any attempt to amend my character, not a person's true feelings.))


Mafia Host
Aug 9, 2011
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((it'd be NICE but -wait
what's this solution caff is talking about? o-o))

((your character is the manifestation of multiple marysue tropes, and changing any of those would alter a fundamental part of your character so much it wouldn't be the same catcocomics (character)))

((also faliara said go guardian or go home))


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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((except we still haven't found the phoenix part of my character yet, so he's effectively still just a magical wolf and a magical fox.

And I say we should at least give me a final chance to amend my character's unbalanced features, since you did just randomly ask everyone to vote on my complete removal from the thread, Hunter, and just because no one's objected about my character in the last two months or so because their 'too afraid to offend me with their real opinion' doesn't mean everyone is secretly holding back an inferno of complaints about my character.

If there's anything I find offensive in this, it's when people decide to shun or automatically reject any attempt to amend my character, not a person's true feelings.))
((You were literally given two options.
Those are your options.
Pick one and be done with it.
We're all tired of this petty bickering.
And in case you've already forgotten:
I'm going to be giving only two options to Catcocomics since he can't quite manage his character; make his character a Guardian or he gets out.
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Jul 20, 2013
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((How about fali chooses one of the following for me:
Accept the new changes to my character, The planet suddenly has sentience and decides to make my character a guardian, We tie up loose ends for my current character and make me play as a non-human guardian, Or try to come up with an explanation for my character's sudden disappearance from the planet and kick me off the thread for a few centuries.

I know I posted the changes after the options were posted, but please don't let this be a reason to ignore the changes I have proposed.

creating new characters is kind of an ultimately-last-resort thing in my opinion, as it is the easiest option, second to banning people from a thread, and can be avoided if people put enough into balancing.

And again, if you intend to continue using a string and it gets a knot, you'd be better off untying it instead of cutting it.))
  • Optimistic
Reactions: Hunter


Oct 20, 2012
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((How about fali chooses one of the following for me:
Accept the new changes to my character, The planet suddenly has sentience and decides to make my character a guardian, We tie up loose ends for my current character and make me play as a non-human guardian, Or try to come up with an explanation for my character's sudden disappearance from the planet and kick me off the thread for a few centuries.

I know I posted the changes after the options were posted, but please don't let this be a reason to ignore the changes I have proposed.

creating new characters is kind of an ultimately-last-resort thing in my opinion, as it is the easiest option, second to banning people from a thread, and can be avoided if people put enough into balancing.

And again, if you intend to continue using a string and it gets a knot, you'd be better off untying it instead of cutting it.))
((The planet was kind of sentient from the start... And I suppose it is plausible, but I'd like to see how others think this will go.

Never said you had to change your character, just that you need to be a Guardian or you need to leave.

It's not the non-Guardian thing that bothers people, it's just that your character's too OP as one.))
  • Agree
Reactions: Hunter and Timdood3


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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((So, catco would change the nature of the entire planet simply to accommodate his custom Sue?))
EDIT: What has been changed?
((You're just trying to make him the villain and/or be as difficult as possible now aren't you

As fali said already))

((The planet was kind of sentient from the start...
((And as Catco literally JUST SAID the post before yours))

((they are the profile from earlier.))
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Mafia Host
Aug 9, 2011
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((You're just trying to make him the villain and/or be as difficult as possible now aren't you

As fali said already))

((And as Catco literally JUST SAID the post before yours))
what the fuck has actually been changed
i don't see any difference and it'd be nice if you could point out how whatever that hell it is fixes anything.
mind, it's 5 am here, so pardon my asking.


TNT Drama Queen
Nov 18, 2011
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: Catcocomics

Age: In physical life, 30 billion years. Died 157 years ago, so go with that instead.

Height: About 5'0

Weight: 87 Lbs.

Build: Not very tall or muscular. Only extraordinary features (compared to a human) are his ethereal wings that become visible when he flies.

Origin: Born and died in the Andromeda Galaxy, he was abducted in his current form and dragged into the Milky Way Galaxy.

Languages: "Phoenix rune" (which is a language used by stars during and after death), English, some French, and trace bits of Korean and Japanese. Doesn't speak Spanish, save for knowing how to state that he 'doesn't speak Spanish'.

Race: Star (deceased), though a lot of less advanced civilizations seem to refer to his "species" as phoenixes, mostly due to the fact that he keeps getting back on his feet when they "kill" him.

Gender: Stars have not any need for gender and reproduce asexually by exploding and forming nebulae, which become stars and planets.

Ethnicity: appears to have very light skin, as though he'd been living in an arctic area for his entire life.

Eyes: Bright cyan/Bright blue. Almost vibrant.

Hair: Bright cyan

Attire: Bright cyan tunic and hat (pointed but floppy), cyan boots, white leggings (basically link, but not green). Also has a sword hilt made of an alloy that looks like silver, but doesn't tarnish and is extremely durable with a sapphire gem on both side near where the blade would meet the hilt.

Accessories: apart from a sheath (worn on back) with a bladeless sword hilt and a light cyan belt, no accessories.

Personality: Courageous and intelligent, sometimes over-the-top and generally friendly, but scarred by some of the things his past had to offer...

Special Skills:
Telepathic, convert water into ice, shape ice (contact only), frost fire (which proves effective against fire, water, and darkness. Can deconstruct things held together by or made up of magic of any element, but will not significantly drain magic from any one it touches.), pyro kinesis (frost fire only, doesn't work on real fire), spell-rune-scribing (as demonstrated with the blizzard beacon and com-stones),
and elemental shielding.
Non magical:
Self-taught sword play (used to escape his first captors), agility (gained from flying "low-speed" through asteroid belts), strategy, logic, stealth (which completely consists of hiding behind things and staying silent.), galactic positioning (similar to pigeon messengers).

Weaknesses: Can not be slain by any means, as he is technically 'dead', which means people can use just about anything if they plan to torture him, but the only outcome seems to be extreme agony for him. Fire. Bludgeoning (which seems less effective when his magical abilities are denied by magical means). Can not use high-tech armor or mechs, and some magic armor might knock him out, though strangely, he's still capable of operating a computer. Photosynthesis (contact with live plant leaves will slowly drain his star power. This is fine, unless he's underground or otherwise, has no access to starlight). Lightning. Technology.

Fears: uncertain, he seems to fear many thins, yet nothing at all. His courage is enough that most of his 'fears' have no effect on him, though if you were to ask him, he'd say it to be fear itself.

Likes: Living beings, particularly ones that are intelligent and of a good nature. Also seems to like jalapenos, despite his lack of ability to taste anything.

Dislikes: random deconstruction (which most humans seem to refer to as 'destruction'), evil/cruelty, chaos/discord, hatred.

Race details (so that I'm not the only one able play a 'phoenix'): Literally the souls of stars, 'phoenixes' have a 1000 year 'life span' (from time of death, 'phoenixes' will return to the spirit world/plane after 1000 years).
'Phoenixes' are bound to the galaxy they died in until they move on, but can be forcefully moved to another galaxy by an intergalactic species.
'Phoenixes' typically have 4-12 elemental magic paths (dependent on galaxy) they can choose, or go with 'arcane' magic.
They can fly up to 1000 light years per minute (going 420% light speed makes them 'phase' through solid objects with out affecting them), but take star power when going near-light-speed through an atmosphere to avoid instantly incinerating the nearby planet.
This 'species' is naturally adept at making magic shields and creating special runes that can act as instant-cast spell usable by anyone.
'Phoenixes' can look like any creature they want (as long as it has limbs and is bigger than a small cat and smaller than an elephant and may change shape for the first 25 years after death.

  • Thank You
Reactions: Naoh


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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((I really do apologise, but I can't really keep up with everything at the moment. Between GotE, Mafia and Survivor, GotE comes last and since my access to internet is very limited at the moment, I may not be able to post right now, or even keep up with what you guys are posting.))

((Fiesta can take control of my character for the moment, until Light is cured. After that I'm giving control to Hunter, if he should take it, or Claire if he should not (because Cyra wanted to start curing the others using Endal or whatever it really was that she wanted) until further notice.))
  • Love
Reactions: Hunter and Naoh


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
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((I really do apologise, but I can't really keep up with everything at the moment. Between GotE, Mafia and Survivor, GotE comes last and since my access to internet is very limited at the moment, I may not be able to post right now, or even keep up with what you guys are posting.))

((Fiesta can take control of my character for the moment, until Light is cured. After that I'm giving control to Hunter, if he should take it, or Claire if he should not (because Cyra wanted to start curing the others using Endal or whatever it really was that she wanted) until further notice.))
((I just got RFC 2812 on paper. So I got something to read while you can do your stuff. Might I ask out of curiosity, why are you giving control to Hunter specificially?))


Jul 20, 2013
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((main differences of the new profile include a few more explanations, as well as more correct/accurate explanations (big note on the "race" name, as hunter wouldn't stop complaining about Catcocomics being called a phoenix, despite not being a bird made of fire), nerfed frost fire so it has no significant effect on any elements other than fire, water, and darkness (all three elements for the same reason: frost fire converts heat energy into light energy, so it abides the law of conservation of mass), and can be penetrated by non-physical magic (basically, frost fire will only deconstruct things like walls or tools made or held together by magic).
Also expanded the list of weaknesses a bit so that more elements have an elemental advantage over my character.

Full list of combat strengths/weaknesses:

Effective VS: Fire, Water (and clouds, as he freezes them both), Darkness, ground, chaos (6)
Resistant to: Water, wind (and [BCOLOR=#999999]variants[/BCOLOR]), darkness, purification, order, corruption, slashing attacks, physical projectiles (10)
Ineffective VS: life,[BCOLOR=#800080] light[/BCOLOR], wind (and [BCOLOR=#808080]variants[/BCOLOR]),[BCOLOR=#003300] nature [/BCOLOR](flora and [BCOLOR=#00ff00]fauna[/BCOLOR] included),[BCOLOR=#ffff00] magic[/BCOLOR], order, [BCOLOR=#00ffff]purification[/BCOLOR], [BCOLOR=#0000ff]Technology[/BCOLOR] (12)
Weak to: Fire, [BCOLOR=#00ffff]Lightning[/BCOLOR], Flora, [BCOLOR=#0000ff]Technology[/BCOLOR], [BCOLOR=#ffff00]magic[/BCOLOR], chaos, life, ground, large bludgeoning weapons, planet, physical bonds, pain (12)

Immune to: [BCOLOR=#00ffff]Ice[/BCOLOR], piercing damage, [BCOLOR=#800080]light[/BCOLOR] (exception: can be temporarily blinded or stunned) (2.5)
Total strengths: 18.5
Total weaknesses: 24

I do realize that some of these may be a bit confusing, so I'll do my best to explain them:
fire is considered by most to be the bane of cold, as cold is the absence of heat. However, while fire can take Catcocomics down quickly, his frost fire turns heat into light.

plain and simple, water not only freezes in presence of cold, but Catcocomics uses water to make ice objects.
Clouds are typically made of water or some kind of vapor, which can generally be cooled into a liquid or solid. However, clouds can use [BCOLOR=#00ffff]lightning[/BCOLOR] to great effect on Catcocomics.

The reason why you find the last remaining patches of snow in dark places is because darkness is typically colder than light.
Seeing as Catcocomics' frost fire converts heat into a cool light, it's surprising darkness has defeated him so many times.

stone things usually have some amount of water or other minerals inside, which allows Catcocomics a great opportunity to crack stone.
Even when it's not filled with water, stone is typically hard and almost never flexible, and Catcocomics can make stone very brittle.
However, stones are also typically heavy, so dropping a big one on his head might even do more than knock him out...
Catcocomics can't stand a chaotic environment. To make up for this, he's trained himself to identify trouble makers and bring order to them for a time.

Wind (and variants):
You'd normally think of wind as something that wears away big solid things like stone and ice, except that ice, being frozen water, is crystalline, giving it uniform structure to reduce erosion. But even then, wind usually moves too quickly to condense like other vaporous elements do.
Flight can normally give/take flight from other creatures, but Catcocomics technically isn't a creature, and an attempt to take this ability may lose both of them more than just their flight...

Despite being a spirit of sorts, Catcocomics can suffer from various forms of poison. He has a chance to lose a poisonous effect from himself if purification uses their magic on him.

If someone were to examine Catcocomics' behavior and translate it to D&D statistics, he'd be lawful good, so order might be another thing to help him, rather than harm him.
Being so being pure-of-heart, it is hard to influence Catcocomics' behavior without altogether controlling his mind. He also may notice the attempt, as he is capable of recognizing his normal behavior.

It's not entirely known why, but this element seems to have very random and bizarre effects on Catcocomics.
Even his magic seem to malfunction when a source of life magic is near him.

[BCOLOR=#800080]This element doesn't seem affected too much by Catcocomics' ice abilities, and frost fire seems to only make it stronger.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#800080]However, Catcocomics' magic power supply depends on star light, giving him a near-immunity to intense light, though it can still blind/stun him.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#003300]Nature (and variants):[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#003300]Despite plants and animals hibernating or migrating during winters, Catcocomics is severely ineffective against flora, fauna, and nature, and he can't seem to defend against them either. It is known that photosynthesis can put him to sleep for some time, but it's not certain why animals are also effective against him...[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ffff00]Despite most magic of the planet not seeming to apply to Catcocomics due to him not being from around there, his use of his own magic power is no protection against having his magical abilities controlled by the guardian of magic or even the planet itself. Luckily for Catcocomics, he is on good terms with the guardian of magic. Then again, it is uncertain if the guardian of magic could actually control Catcocomics' magical abilities.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#0000ff]Simple things like cannons and computers don't seem to react strangely or hold an advantage over Catcocomics (though a cannon ball could more than equate to a large stone hitting his head), but there seems to be a lot of advanced technology capable of ignoring Catcocomics' magic and even holding him for months at a time. In fact, the only reason Catcocomics ever escaped his captor about 115 years ago was because of a combination of luck and "stealth".[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#00ffff]This is Catcocomics' basic element, as most of his abilities are ice-based. However, he seems to lack the ability of cyro-kinesis (basically moving around ice by will) that 'ice phoenixes' seems to have.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#00ffff]Although Catcocoomics' true element is frost fire, an element found in the Andromeda Galaxy, amongst many others, it counts as ice for basic element. Now just because Catcocomics is immune to being frozen, a large hunk of ice can still be used like a large chunk of stone on him.[/BCOLOR]
Slashing damage:
Put simply, you can rip off Catcocomics' arm, head, or simply tear him to shreds.
It'll be painful, but he'll come back together in about 20 seconds.
Physical projectiles:
Projectiles of any sort will probably be dodged, as though they were asteroids, but smaller. This can be negated by locking Catcocomics' path of motion or even halting his movements, but unless it's something like a cannonball or falling anvil, it probably won't do too much.
Large bludgeoning weapons:
If Catcocomics isn't in a hollow sphere of hard ice, then this will certainly knock him out in one hit.
If he is in a hollow sphere of hard ice, then his shield will either deflect the blow, or shatter into thousands of flying shards.
Most planets tend to ignore Catcocomics.
This planet might think differently of him, and will likely do some not-so-nice things to him in the near future...
Physical bonds:
This is something like rope, handcuffs, shackles, ect...
Catcocomics really doesn't have much physical strength, and he even has difficulty shattering shackles should he freeze them.
If you suddenly think that this is will get him to beg for mercy, he really just ignores it until it's enough to knock him out.
It's safe to assume his captors who brought him to the milky way didn't really treat him that well...
Piercing damage:
Impaling Catcocomics is like impaling a snowman, except it will be a little harder to remove the thing stuck in him.
And despite having only a few internal organs, Catcocomics still has a skeletal system... even if it is made of the same alloy as his sword hilt.
I seriously hope this clears things up and doesn't make my character more confusing.))


TNT Drama Queen
Nov 18, 2011
Reaction score
I don't think a literal pokemon style elemental strengths/weaknesses is what people meant when they said your character was overpowered, or just elaborating on the aspects of your character already divulged when people asked that he be changed.))
  • Agree
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Reactions: Timdood3 and Hunter


TNT Drama Queen
Nov 18, 2011
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"If you ask me how much bloodshed there's been, I won't be able to answer, because you haven't told me anything." She turns to Cairne, who had sort of just... butt himself in. "And as for you... If you have something to contribute, please say so. At least you seem reasonable.

  • Thank You
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Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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He turns back to Caithe. "Far too much. It is as immeasurable as the water in Neptune's realm. It is- Ah fuck it. There's been much fighting. There's been much strife. If we don't get this planet on its way to being made, we're all going to die."