[VetOp] Danni's Vetop Application

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The Drunk
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
In-Game username: Danni122112
Staff references (Controller+):N/A
Other Blocktopia staff experience (present and past): JtE Trusted and Operator

How would you describe the responsibility and obligation of the rank you apply for:
The rank of VetOp got the same responsibilities as operator and more. Operators keep the server good and healthy. They clear up grief, make sure the chat is good and just generally enforce the rules. The Vetops then again got more responsibility. They help with events (Atleast used to?) and got more power than the operators. If there is anything unclear to the operators they are there to help. The Veteran Operators should also help new staff members getting a hold of the staffing.

Assume that there are more applicants and can only pick one of them, why you?:
Good question that is. I believe that I would handle the role well, and that I got a great deal of experience from SMP in general. I have been playing on SMP ever since I re-joined Blocktopia, and staffing a long time on JtE now. I try to be 120% sure on every rule, so that I am sure that I won’t break it, and can safely explain to others. I also think that I can make fast, but still good decisions when needed, and solving problems in a way that can make every one happy,

If there is a problem you aren’t sure of how to deal with, what will you do:
I would check the forums, and the rules if it was regarding this, and if I can’t find an anwer here I would try to get a hold of a higher up staff member, either that would be through Server, IRC or forums. What I would do here, would of course depends on the seriousness of the incident, a server crash needs to be faster resolved then a grief, though the faster the better on everything of course!

How experienced are you with the current commands on the server, and would you be able to grasp many new commands quickly?:
I am very experienced with all the commands available for operator rank on JtE. I also got experience with WE and some other plugins. I usually learn commands pretty fast, so learning new should not be a problem.

What’s the best thing you have ever read?:
I will have to say that must be The Harry Potter series. I think they are very well written, and I am reading the books for the 7th or 8th time now, for the second time at English. I love everything about them, its good written, I like the story and I am a big fantasy fan. On second place The Lord of The Rings + the Hobbit would come. Tolkien’s books are great, and again, I like fantasy :3

If you have any extra information you’d like to share, please do so here:

I really want to staff again, as I enjoyed greatly staffing on JtE. I would love to help staffing on DoD if this will be accepted.


H2H: Here to Help
Oct 18, 2011
Reaction score
Hello Danni,

We consider it and decided to accept this application. You demonstrate the maturity and qualities we expect in a VetOp, as well as we know you have experiences with SMP. What we hope to see from you is feedback and ideas to improve the server, should you have any. You'll make an excellent addition to the team. Congratulations!
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