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The Fail Chipmunk
Jan 1, 2012
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Hello all

So recently a deep emotional wound was ripped open when I rediscovered a series of advertisements which aired on New Zealand television between roughly 2006-2011. I don't know why but I think advertisers were going for the shock factor during that period. Therefore I figured, why not spread the love around and let you be disturbed as much as I was as an impressionable 8 year old. (If the videos don't embed I'm sorry, dunno what I'm doing, I'm on an iPad). Also I put my thoughts in spoilers below so the surprise isn't ruined for you. :)

The first one is the Fruit E Bars commercial, by ACC.

The second one is the Solar Shield commercial, also by ACC.

I couldn't decide which one scared me more as a little kid but I remember the fruity bars one better so I'd say watching a lady smash her face into a glass coffee table was more impressionable.

This one here was my least favourite. It aired around 2009-2010 if memory serves me right.

Spoiler alert: the girl in the kitchen dies. What they used to do was air that commercial and then have a few unrelated adverts in between, and then air another one where the mother and the stupid little girl that caused the fire are wandering through the ashes of the home, crying. Hilariously unrealistic when I watch it now but my 10 year old self found it absolutely horrific.

I have a couple more which I'm having trouble finding which I'll add later for your viewing (dis)pleasure. Seriously, the adverts did work, especially the cooking one which they later found had a recall rate of about 82% among 11 year olds. They aired them during children prime time viewing in order to drive home the messages (although I dunno many kids painting their homes with solar shield but whatever). Nevertheless, a whole generation of people will forever have (ir)rational phobias of solar shield paints and fruit e bars. And sausages.