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The Dark Knight
Jul 2, 2013
Reaction score
Your In-Game Name: theCstar

Do you have any alternate accounts that can also play Premium? If so, what are their names: I do not have any alternate accounts.

What is your Timezone? GMT -6

Who has agreed to reference you? (You need AT LEAST 1 staff reference): ryandodd, lovedaice, and ShadeSlayer9812

What is your current real life age? (Don't be Shy) 15

How many hours have you played on AoD in total? (Use /timeonline to check) 17 days 18 hours

How active are you on the server, and how often do you come on? I am usually able to play for one to two hours on weekdays because of school, but I can be on the server even longer during the weekends.

Do you have any past experience staffing in Blocktopia? I have not staffed a Blocktopia server before.

What would you say your biggest weakness is, and how would you work to improve it? I have two big weaknesses that I can think of, the first one is that I can be kind of sarcastic at times which kinda links into maturity. I feel like this one is harder to improve just because it's an aspect of my personality, but I am aware of this problem and have been taking steps to improve my attitude. The second one is that most of the time when I'm playing I am also talking on TeamSpeak so sometimes I don't pay attention to the chat as often. I feel this is a pretty simple thing to fix as all I really have to do is just remind myself to look at the chat every once in awhile.

What achievements within Blocktopia are you most proud of? It sounds a bit cliche but just being accepted as part of this amazing community and being able to meet some of the coolest people ever is probably the best thing I could ever achieve. I guess if theres anything else it would be getting "Reckoning" and "Grandmaster" on Aod and RoF which requires a lot of time and effort.

Why do you deserve the rank? I believe I deserve the rank because I have spent a long time on the server and I am familiar with the rules and have fairly decent map knowledge. Its been something I've been striving for since I first joined AoD. I'm pretty active on AoD and have been told I am fairly mature. I usually try to keep AoD a fun yet competitive environment which keeps everyone happy.

Add any other extra information here which you think will benefit your application:
I would just like to thank my references and everyone for taking time out of their day to read my application.


─═☆The Blue Bird☆═─
Nov 24, 2011
Reaction score
Let's get this ball rolling!

Firstly, thanks for applying theCstar!

I see you pretty actively on AoD, which is pretty nice and I also see that you're mature. Although, I believe you could help out in chat a bit more, this could be due to TS as you mentioned, but I see that you will improve on this. I'll watch you for a bit, perhaps a few days, and we'll see if my vote changes, but for now it'll be a

0 leaning towards a +1

Don't let this discourage you and good luck!


Ex - Army of Darkness Director
Oct 7, 2012
Reaction score
Thank you for applying.

I gave you my reference and supported your decision to apply for Trusted for several reasons, all of which will help you do a good job. First, you have been around Army of Darkness for quite a long time and are quite active. You really know a lot about the server, too. I frequently see you helping out and explaining rules to players who do not understand them, which is very helpful. From what I've heard out of you both on TeamSpeak and on the server, you seem to have good judgement in dealing with situations that involve rule-breaking, and I am confident you'd be able to handle the extra commands given to you to allow you to stop these situations.

Next, I want to address your weakness. I have seen the sarcastic side of you, and even though it is not that bad, I'm glad you're taking steps to improve it. I have noticed that recently you seem to be less sarcastic and more helpful in chat, and that is great. On the TeamSpeak issue, it actually happens to me too, but it's not that hard to remind yourself to watch chat to make sure everything is going smoothly. Everyone has weaknesses, and I think it's great that the two you mentioned are able to be easily improved.

I'm going with a +1--I'd love to see how you do as a Trusted.

Good luck!


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe I can state my opinion, just not give a rating/vote

I really haven't been watching too much as of yet, as I just Trialed today, but I will say that you do seem to be helpful in chat (Not active, as you stated, but helpful.) Your ontime is a huge plus, as that shows you definitely have a good knowledge of AoD, and of the rules. You don't seem immature in my eyes, and it's always fun to play with you. As Ryan said, It's good that you're taking steps, even to solve a problem that seems minor. I would have no problems working with you on Trial. Good luck!

EDIT: After watching you a bit today, I definitely want you to be put on Trial, just work on what everyone said
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Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
You haven't really stood out for me in the chat, that might be because you're often speaking on Teamspeak, but it would be nice if you spoke a bit more. Again, the same thing for helping. I've seen you help out, but I can remember several occasions where players asked for help and I don't think you realised they spoke in the chat (could be because of the Teamspeak thing, but I'm glad you're trying to work on it).
You're really active and your /ontime shows that, so pretty much what you have to improve on is helping.
0, leaning to a +1


Princess ♥
Aug 6, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks for applying, Cstar. I'd like to start off by saying I really enjoy playing alongside you, due to the extremely friendly attitude you bring to the server. Your activity is not an issue to me, as I see you very often in the later hours of the day. You're helpfulness I don't see any issue with.

I'd like to hit on your weaknesses. First off being your sarcasm. You need not worry about this, because you aren't the first, nor will you be the last person in this community to be super sarcastic. I see plenty of sarcastic remarks made through-out the staff members on any server. I don't think this will be too much of an issue. Though I do like how you're trying to improve that!
Secondly, your activity in chat. I have no doubt that you can and will work on that. I often also talk in TS chat when I'm playing. But I also don't have a very outstanding voice in the actual AoD chat to begin with. So quietness is nothing to worry about too much, but thank you for trying to improve on this!

All this in perspective, I referenced you for a good reason. And for that same reason I'm going to give you a +1.

Good luck!
  • Agree
Reactions: 1 person


Mar 23, 2014
Reaction score
Thank you for applying for staff!
I agreed to refrence you because you are great person all around. Your mature person in game and out. As for your weakness, just now your were in ts talking and chatting/helping in chat. That shows you do what to improve and that's great! You are not that staff we want but the staff we need (batman quote)


Feb 9, 2013
Reaction score

You are a very pleasant person to play alongside on the server. I have never had any problems with your behavior/maturity, and you can also be very helpful. I'm definitely not worried about experience - your /ontime shows you know the game well enough to know what you should and shouldn't do, as well as the behavior that is expected of players.

As for your weaknesses:

I don't see your sarcasm as something that could hold you back from becoming a staff member. Of course, there is a time and place for sarcastic comments as I'm sure you know, and as long as there are no hurt feelings, I can't see a problem with a bit of sarcasm. ;)

I feel that helpfulness can always be improved on with the rank. TS can be a bit of a distraction from chat for me too, and even without it I can still be a bit quiet in chat. I'm sure you'll be able to improve on this a lot.

Overall, I think you are very deserving of the rank.

+1 from me. Good luck!


AoD and A&T Op
May 3, 2012
Reaction score
Hey Cstar, thanks for applying!

Wait, you didn't ask me for a reference? Well, you already know what I'm going to say, but here I go.

First of all, I've known you quite long. I know you're a really fun guy when you want to be, but when it comes to be mature and helpful on the server you take it very seriously. You activity is fine. When I get on the server I always see you helping around new players, and being friendly with them. I have heard good things about you, so I have no doubt that you will do wonderful as a trusted member!



The Rising Star
Aug 22, 2011
Reaction score
Hey Cstar!

I'll start this off by saying that I can't find a single detractor from you becoming a staff member. You've got a solid activity, a good application, and have been here long enough to fully understand the server. However, we haven't interacted enough for me to form a solid opinion on you, partially because we're not on at the same times, and partially because you are quiet in chat very often. I'll have to go with a 0 for now, but I wish you the best of luck!
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