

Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Heya all,

Past days I have been working on some secret stuff, and it is now finally time to announce what is going to happen for the next couple of days.
As some know or might have heard, it is almost my birthday (16 october).
This meaning, I have organised silently some things and there will be some fun fancy stuff on the server!

First things first...

There will be an hippo-hunt.

I myself will walk around the three worlds, overworld, nether and end.
Every time I get to a location, I will give a hint in this thread about how I look like (I could look like any player/mob) and where I possibly could be.
If you say, "I have found the hippo" in local chat and I saw it in my chat, you win the prize.
Note: The local chat has a distance of 15 blocks.

When I leave the area, I will place a chest with 6 milk (reason for this stated later) and other goodies.
So, if you follow my track and you are good at hunting, you can get at least the goodies if you cannot find me!
So, when you find me, the event stops, if no one finds me, it stops on 17 october.
The event will start at 13 october about an hour!

Party drinks
Everyone has their own taste, and I love alcoholic drinks.
And I love to share it all with you...

This means, when you drink milk, you get tipsy, drunk, etc etc.
The effects of drinking "milk" are amazing, and causes a lot of fun! (So try it out!)

I wish you all some great days and fun, and I hope you will all like this minor event.

With love,
