Staff Voting Form


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Hello TTT.

For those of you who've been around a while, you might remember back in the old days when we used to have staff voting forms, where people would vote for how well they thought each moderator was doing. Well, now that TTT has become very popular, we TTT moderators think it's a good idea to do the same thing, so that we can all get some feedback. For a while now moderator selection has been based on the initial voting scores on the applications and then my own kind of personal criteria of what a moderator should ideally be like on the server: a fun, laid back person who is simply a player who has volunteered to have responsibility for some commands to help keep things fun if they need to. Someone who is approachable, respectful, genuine and capable of having a joke and messing around and not being too strict and soldier-like, but also capable of taking a step back to be serious if they need to deal with something that is ruining the fun. I'm confident that the current moderators fit this criteria, however of course what I deem as a suitable moderator could be different to what everyone else does, and what I think about moderators could be different to what everyone else thinks. So here is your chance to give your opinion on how the general moderation is on the server, as well as individual feedback for us all.

The form is not anonymous because otherwise we would get troll submissions, however we've made it so only I will know who has said what for the other moderators and it will remain that way. When they receive the feedback I will show it to them but not who said what, so don't worry about offending anyone. Please just be completely honest. For myself there is another form created and handled by Prime, also not anonymous, for the purpose of me getting feedback without knowing who said what too.

This goes without saying really, but please try to not be biased and take this seriously!


Main Form:

Chandler's Form:

Please spread the word of this; we'd like as much feedback as we can get so we can improve everyone's experience on the server!

-TTT moderators