Server activity


Jun 29, 2012
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I don't know what's been happening here or at aBlockz in the past few months, but I noticed that at least, minor or not, that there are quite a few maps in the rotation which do not really leave a good expression for the server. This might be the case with some of the new maps. I'm not going to bash specific maps, but either they completely lack any gameplay at all, meaning their structure is too simple, or they frustrate new players, mostly as zombies, because they can't catch any humans (have to mention blockfactory here). Actual runner maps, smaller maps with shorter round times and occasional balanced maps (i.e babel, reactor etc) are the way to go imo. Aside from that, I agree with a lot of stuff that has been suggested here.
I definitely agree about the map stuff.

Maps vs New Players

While not overwhelming, there have been a lot of maps that give a huge advantage to people who have played a lot. They aren't bad maps, aesthetically or creatively, but if a big portion of the map is like a maze or a puzzle, then how is that supposed to be fun for a new person? If players can spend half the round running through a big course/maze or something just to be able to sit there safe at the end, then that means that the zombie player(s), if they know the exact path, have to spend just as much time getting there too. Ooops, time's up.

Smaller Maps, Shorter Rounds

If technically feasible, I think it would be a great idea to have some maps in each rotation that are designed to be smaller and have shorter rounds and trigger the use of those based on the number of current users. Less than 10 players online? Use the small maps. There are some gigantic maps that are really good when the game is full, but not so much when there's 6 humans and 1 zombie.

More Building

I remember when there were unlimited blocks for humans - while I absolutely do not miss the side-effect of billions of jump courses crawling over every wall, I think being able to build more freely was an interesting way to hide, escape, or just goof off as you do some interior decorating as the rest of the human population crumbles around you.

Maybe unlimited is too much, but 50 really feels limited.

Adding a few more for zombies wouldn't hurt either - actually I like the idea of giving zombies a random number of blocks (3 - 6 maybe?) just to add a slight element of uncertainty without throwing off the balance.


Aug 10, 2011
Reaction score
While talking about why this is happening is good and all, think about this;

What's actually getting done?

If my Dad has taught me anything, and he's taught me a lot, it's that if you act, it gets done. If you just say "It's going to happen." it won't.

So, what do you do? Think of ideas. Then what? Implement them. Just juggling the causes and the idea of what's going to happen will get you no-where. So, to the next poster I pose to you this challenge;

Think of an idea to get some people on the server.

Then the next person implements it.

Then the next hosts it. (If it needs hosting)

I've seen one good idea already; Youtube. While yes, Youtube tends to have some unruly people, it has some decent folks as well. And for those unruly people that come in, that's what the staff does; see them out. Youtube has a HUGE population, as in MILLIONS. So if you post something and then show it to people, chances are it'll start a chain reaction. That's how everyone is discovered.

Now I want to see ideas; GO.
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