New Gamemode: Team Deathmatch

Would you like the gamemode Free-For-All (FFA) to be replaced with Team Deathmatch?

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  • Poll closed .


May 31, 2014
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Ok so, a few of us were talking on aod while playing a ffa match. I think it was terre or someone who came up with the idea for team deathmatch.

Now, EVERYONE gets pissed off on FFA what with the bowspamming,killsteals and bloodbaths. People on FFA are similar to sharks who smell blood but in this case it's seeing people pvp. When someone on FFA sees two people fighting, they immediately think, "OMG, i could get two kills because they both got each other low". This leads to bloodbaths. This is where people are just randomly hitting people and can't single one person out because of the amount of people. The smart people will stick to the edges of the fight, shooting the throng with arrows, but it's still annoying.

According to a poll I took a few months back:

Out of 30 people who voted, only one person voted for FFA. This shows that it isn't the most popular gamemode on aod and wouldn't be a big loss if a better gamemode was brought in instead of it.

Now, onto Team deathmatch:

It would be the same pricipal as FFA except with teams.
The team with the highest amount of kills at the end of the round would win.
Teams could spawn in different spawns and couldn't kill each other on the same team. This would decrease the amount of killsteals and bloodbaths. The teams would be identified by colour: blue,green,yellow,red. and the map maker could pick the number of teams depending on their map. Instead of just randomly killing people, people on the same team could team up or go solo to try to get as many kills as possible. People could develop this idea if they want, this is just the basics of what I think would be an amazing new gamemode for AoD and EscapeRestart as a substitute for FFA.

If you have any other ideas that could be added to this gamemode, please mention them below.

Thanks for reading, Iggy


Aug 6, 2011
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Hi Iggy,

So in my opinion changing FFA to TDM wouldn't do much. The two game modes are very similar, although TDM may "solve" some problems FFA has it will also come with its own. For example an odd number of players on the server automatically gives an advantage to one side (especially with something like 3 players). Also people getting grouped up on could be a problem, although someone may say this forces teams to work together at the end of the day it is MC pvp I don't think people will think about it that seriously. Another point is the chance of unbalanced teams, if it happens in CTF it will happen here. On the other hand it may spice things up and overall players might enjoy it more but it may not be worth the work to implement.


May 31, 2014
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Another point is the chance of unbalanced teams, if it happens in CTF it will happen here.-tommy,2016

Teams are actually organized on ctf either by rank or every second player. Since the tab is in order of rank, technically both teams will get high ranking players each even if it is every second one. And generally, the higher the rank, the "better" someone is.


Aug 6, 2011
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Another point is the chance of unbalanced teams, if it happens in CTF it will happen here.-tommy,2016

Teams are actually organized on ctf either by rank or every second player. Since the tab is in order of rank, technically both teams will get high ranking players each even if it is every second one. And generally, the higher the rank, the "better" someone is.
Except rank is determined by many non skill factors i.e. there are people that are only a certain rank because someone gave them orbs or there are people that purposely don't rank up. Also playing more and getting a higher rank does not make you better than someone who plays less and doesn't achieve higher ranks as quickly. In fact, I would argue that skill has only a small correlation with rank. (basically it isn't a perfect system therefore imbalance will occur)


In Omnia Paratus
Apr 7, 2012
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We now got like 4 entirely different gamemodes, if you replace FFA for TD it would probably be similar tp CTF but then swords instead of guns and flags removed.

What I personally would love to see is a team deathmatch like gamemode where you have to destroy the enemies special block (diamond ore or something else destinguishable) and then players with FFA-ish kits (plus pickaxes) try to destroy the block (block has health like 25 hitpoints)

Thats something I would rather see then regular TD


Sep 13, 2015
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We now got like 4 entirely different gamemodes, if you replace FFA for TD it would probably be similar tp CTF but then swords instead of guns and flags removed.

What I personally would love to see is a team deathmatch like gamemode where you have to destroy the enemies special block (diamond ore or something else destinguishable) and then players with FFA-ish kits (plus pickaxes) try to destroy the block (block has health like 25 hitpoints)

Thats something I would rather see then regular TD
Yes. If Team Deathmatch is going to work, there must be a goal like invading someones base or like master said, destroy something. This will decrease the chances of unbalanced teams, because its more strategic not just having the best pvpers.

I would like to see FFA get changed to something more strategic and entertaining for the non-skilled players, but Team Deathmatch without any real goal will probably just cause the biggest/most skilled team to win.


Jul 2, 2014
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And generally, the higher the rank, the "better" someone is.

Anyway, as I've said previously; remove the gamemode and add a DIFFERING type of PvP, eg. A 'rush' (Yes, A+T <3) gamemode. Different style of Pvp, not a CTF 2 or FFA 2. Instead, add Pvp into the lobby during the votes and then everyone is happy; except mapmakers.

Honestly, I don't want another CTF like gamemode, or something similar to Eris. I feel as if it would easily result in gameplay becoming more repetitive (CTF+ FFA).


Former CA
Aug 13, 2011
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Whereas there are a lot of advantages by replacing FFA with TDM, things you have to consider are:
- It will not change from a total brawl only killstealing may be less of a problem.
- It's hard to balance teams, especially when it's like 1v2 or 2v3. Maps are not all fit for a team style and you can have 1 side completely dominate the other side giving them no space to group.
- FFA is currently the only non-teamed gamemode and it's nice to have one gamemode where personal skills matters.
- TDM is the most boring/standard gamemode there is.

I definitely think FFA needs to be improved but I don't think this is the way to do it. If a gamemode similar to this would be released I think it should be like Mastersten suggested, a more strategic objective like destroy the enemy base/block. This can be with 1 agg and 1 def team or with both teams attacking the other base.


Mar 30, 2016
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Ok so, a few of us were talking on aod while playing a ffa match. I think it was terre or someone who came up with the idea for team deathmatch.

Now, EVERYONE gets pissed off on FFA what with the bowspamming,killsteals and bloodbaths. People on FFA are similar to sharks who smell blood but in this case it's seeing people pvp. When someone on FFA sees two people fighting, they immediately think, "OMG, i could get two kills because they both got each other low". This leads to bloodbaths. This is where people are just randomly hitting people and can't single one person out because of the amount of people. The smart people will stick to the edges of the fight, shooting the throng with arrows, but it's still annoying.

According to a poll I took a few months back:

Out of 30 people who voted, only one person voted for FFA. This shows that it isn't the most popular gamemode on aod and wouldn't be a big loss if a better gamemode was brought in instead of it.

Now, onto Team deathmatch:

It would be the same pricipal as FFA except with teams.
The team with the highest amount of kills at the end of the round would win.
Teams could spawn in different spawns and couldn't kill each other on the same team. This would decrease the amount of killsteals and bloodbaths. The teams would be identified by colour: blue,green,yellow,red. and the map maker could pick the number of teams depending on their map. Instead of just randomly killing people, people on the same team could team up or go solo to try to get as many kills as possible. People could develop this idea if they want, this is just the basics of what I think would be an amazing new gamemode for AoD and EscapeRestart as a substitute for FFA.

If you have any other ideas that could be added to this gamemode, please mention them below.

Thanks for reading, Iggy
I think it would be a very good idea to make a new game mode like tdm but I don't think it should replace ffa. Ffa is a rather hated game mode by some but it is only 2-4 minutes so I don't think people should make a big deal about it, while other people like me who actually love ffa, would be rather unhappy about it being replaced.
Here are some reasons why I like ffa:
+no hunters and everybody starts equal
+Kits are rather fair and even if not you should be able to get each of them at least one time
+good pvp practice
+no teaming whatsoever
There are many more reasons why people enjoy ffa but right now I will list some reasons why people don't like ffa
-when faced with the occasion to kill 2 people and you kill one of them randomly and then die in the hand of the other one you might be unfairly considered a "targeted"
-It might be hard with new players and since ffa maps tend to be small it is quite hard when playing with lots of players
-And the thing that is considered the worst part of ffa kill stealing

Depending on who you ask there might be more things people enjoy and more things people hate about ffa but in my opinion its a very enjoyable game mode and should not be replaced by tdm but tdm should be inserted as a new game mode.


Sep 13, 2015
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Here are some reasons why I like ffa:
+no hunters and everybody starts equal
+Kits are rather fair and even if not you should be able to get each of them at least one time
+good pvp practice
+no teaming whatsoever

There are many more reasons why people enjoy ffa but right now I will list some reasons why people don't like ffa
-when faced with the occasion to kill 2 people and you kill one of them randomly and then die in the hand of the other one you might be unfairly considered a "targeted"
-It might be hard with new players and since ffa maps tend to be small it is quite hard when playing with lots of players
-And the thing that is considered the worst part of ffa kill stealing
Yes, many of the players we have like to PvP(im one of them). Thats why I am looking for a pvp gamemode where the goal is not to kill people, but it will help you reach that goal, to replace FFA. At the moment I think FFA doesnt do too much harm, because we are rarely above 8+ people when playing aod, but above that the gamemode isnt playing very good.