Minor Patch Notes 1/3


Survival Staff
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I've made some minor but needed changes to a lot of things. Here is a change log. A more substantial update to individual Heroes classes and skills will come at a later date.

- Fixed shops. Everyone can now do /shop create and make a shop. It costs 200 to create, and you're limited to a total of 3 shops.

- Zombie Villagers and Wither skeletons should give experience now, but this needs to be confirmed.

- Potatoes and carrots grant farming experience as they should.

- You can now kill passive mobs and mount/dismount horses in enemy territory.

- You are now alerted on entrance and exit of every family land.

- Buffed strength again. Please provide feedback on balance.

- Health per constitution has been decreased by half a point.

- Magic resistance per constitution has been increased. Please provide feedback if any difference is noticed.

- Wisdom now works properly. For now, every point in wisdom regenerates 1 point of mana. Provide feedback if this is too much.

- Controller and moderator perms should actually work now.

Planned family elections for new leaders soon!

Current family members: If you do not have access to the correct family subforum, please contact your family leader.

Family leaders, please make sure with your family members that they have access. Form a list and PM it to me and it will be remedied.