Mac27's Operator Application (Ohyeah)


Your local Macintosh XXVII
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Account Name: Mac27

Age: 16

Timezone: GMT +12 (Currently GMT +13 due to New Zealand Daylight time)

References (Op+):
  • Uhtr5r
  • iiDeathCookies
  • Numberplay
  • SalientGorilla
  • NogTrog

Approx. time spent on BBB: Well, I've spent a good year on Blocktopia's build servers, from the original classic through to the first premium creative build on beta for memory. Fast forward to BuildBox's opening after Primordia; I was active there for a while but ended up being inactive on all Blocktopia servers due to school life and other things. Nowadays, with the difficulties behind me I have been on BBB for a few weeks and a good hour or two each day and enjoying building once again.
Previous staff experience:
  • Classic Lava Operator
  • CMP Imperator (operator)
  • SMP hand-picked Trusted and onto Operator.
  • Primordia VetOp
  • AoD Operator

Other notable contributions/feats/skills? I built Port Bastia; Primordia's Spawn town and the 3 boats that transported players to the free zones. As this is a skills section, I’ll also note that I can use Photoshop relatively proficiently and I’m working on getting into video editing.

What do you think the role entails? Aside from the obvious peacekeeping, an operator’s job is to control situations involving rule breakers; namely players who choose to grief, spam, or just be a general nuisance. Those are the sort of events an operator is assigned to control and deal with. Alongside this, operators also provide help to new and old players who require assistance; whether it is in the form of an unknown command, or potentially building tips.

Why do you want this position? I have worked as an operator before on a creative server; Blocktopia’s old CMP server and I enjoyed it; simple as that. I enjoy helping those who need assistance and giving the nasty, devious players who set out to cause havoc a kick up the arse and bringing things back under control.

Additional/final notes: Although it’s not necessary, I would like to throw in a few shots of some of my creations, as it states on the operator format that building skill increases your chances significantly, so I’d be silly to miss the opportunity. Thanks for reading, and I’ll leave you with the photos of my major build projects, the young, and old.

And I can't leave this out, my very first build on Blocktopia Classic Build:



Roses are red, violets are blue
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score


I'd just like to say looking at your government buildings from your adv app, I was sad they were just shells with no real insides