Kloud_strifes Trusted application


TNT Drama Queen
Nov 18, 2011
Reaction score
Username: Kloud_strife
Rank Requested: I am applying for the rank of trusted.
Current/previous positions held: While never having held a staff postion on the smp servers, I am a tnt operator.
List what you believe your greatest strengths are: This relates directly to my weakness. Despite my lack of confidence in some issues, that also leads me to ask questions if I am unsure on anything. I'm not afraid to admit my mistakes, and am eager to correct them. (God that makes it sound like I make mistakes all the time.) List what you believe your greatest weaknesses are: (This should not be easier than greatest strengths, but it is. :x) I have a confidence issue. I have the ability to recognize when people are doing wrong, but... I guess the clearest way to put this (I had almost two paragraphs describing it first) is that I lack the confidence in my right to correct them (if that makes any sense. Other than that, I would say my general activity on smp in general. ALSO TYPING FAR TOO FORMALLY ON APPLICATIONS.
Teamspeak?: Yes
Microphone?: No
Previous Offences?: No, no offenses previously, if that is a cause of the previously mentioned inactivity is open to interpretation. (In other words, yes it is)
What you believe your position entails?:
Checking for griefing, keeping the game fair for everyone, upholding the rules myself, and helping those who need it. As a secondary, reporting any bugs that I find (cause you know, in a near-vanilla experience those are all over the place.) I also realize that a trusted is a player first and a staff second.
In less than 20 words, summarise yourself:
A rather crazy tnt player who wants to help the new smp server rise.
A final word: I can understand a reluctance to accept this due, once again to my few interactions with blocktopias smp servers. However, this is more due to a lack of interest in the concept of primordia itself (I was far more active on the 1.7/past incarnations of the smp.) I was not interested in it (nor it's current replacements, though to a lesser degree), so I did not play it. However, without the complicated goings-on (to me, at the very least) of primordia, and the back to basics approach of the planned server, I am confident that I can keep up the level of activity, interest, and helpfulness to remain a staff member.
Final Final word: Also, I don't type in such a roundabout and complicated way in-game. I'm just reaaaallllly nervous about this.