Accepted Infernofox/Vino's Staff Application

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Fidget Spinner
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Steam Username/Steam ID

Timezone: EST -5:00

Previous moderating experiences: Classic lava, classic build, classic tnt, classic zombie, RoF (when it first came out), SmP lava (early rof), and TTT
Ever had any experiences playing Gmod before?: Yes, played a lot on Ronaldo's server, the old blocktopia server, and some other random servers.

What responsibilities will you have on this server as a moderator?: Keep fighting between players to a minimum, enforce the rules, answer questions for other players, and help out newer players with any questions they may have. Additionally guide players when they make mistakes and help them understand whats ok to do and what is wrong (ie throwing incens before a round starts)

Why should I choose you over other applicants?: I was an operator on blocktopias old server, and i also have a lot of experience with staffing blocktopian servers in general. I have great knowledge of TTT and especially that of which was from your old server. I will also show no bias between my friends and other players when staffing and enforcing rules.

What do you think would be the difference in staffing on a steam-related server compared to a minecraft server?: Their will probably be chances of seeing many new faces while on a steam server compared to a minecraft server due to the publicity due to this it is important to be friendly and inviting to newer players and try to pull them in instead of push them away.

What do you do in a situation that you have no experience in or cannot solve yourself?:

For simpler situations i will use my own skills and knowledge to find the best solution. Otherwise i will contact another staff member or higher up with more experience of the situation to assist me to come to a conclusion.

References (not needed but could help):

Don't have any, however if someone feels like recommending me i would be very happy to receive it.

Can you use teamspeak? yes

Notes: I tried to keep this short and brief to try to make it easier to read through
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Reactions: Notme and Tails506


Nov 12, 2011
Reaction score
You're someone who's really great to work with from past experiences, and I feel that you're going to make really fair decisions as a moderator on my server with what you know about TTT. Accepted!
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