Feature request, reposted from Feature request #39 since it's been completely ignored

Roobarb Pie

Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
With the multiworld feature we sport in primordia, you would assume that there would be a ruleset and ticket system in creative, because if anything, greifing is even easier in creative. However, there appears to be no rules on the wiki or the game regarding creative. As a result, horrors such as this appear:

yes, that's a giant rollercoaster which stops carts not even 50 blocks into it because the creator of it didn't know of minecraft mania mod.

What I am simply suggesting is that we re-intergrate the old CMP rules back into this segment of the server. Because although there are many various wonders in this map, there's still the godawful pixelart of modern society lingering in the background.

Edit: picture doesn't want to work, i'll deal with that.


¡Juego de las Pulgas!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Yes, to get this thread going, We need rules. People who enter creative seem to have no idea whats going on, so they do whatever the hell they please.


Superior Sloth
Aug 6, 2011
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I'm confused.

Why would you think that the rules from the survival side does not also apply on the creative side?
There is a ticket system on Creative.

I don't understand the part with the rollercoaster, are you implying that players needs a full list of available plugins and how to use them?


Placid Prospector
Mafia Host
Discord Staff
Aug 6, 2011
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Respect the buildings of other users

The following is implied by this rule...
  • Strictly No griefing, even revenge-griefing. Any griefing will result in a permanent ban from the server.
  • Do not edit other peoples buildings without permission.
  • Not building in close proximity of the building without the creators permission.
  • Spamming blocks and entities (entities being boats or dropping items, and boats) will be treated as griefing.
Act in a somewhat respectable manner

Now we understand that this is minecraft and, as much as we shake our ban-hammers and rant, not all conversations are going to be a golden example of society, but there's a few basic rules to be followed...
  • Keep swearing to a reasonable minimum, while swearing is allowed - overly excessive swearing will result in a mute, kick, or a ban depending on the staff member.
  • As above, keep trolling to a necessary minimum. If we believe you're trolling just to annoy people we are going to ban you, simple as.
  • Racism, Sexism and generally discrimination will result in a permanent ban, this 'should' go without saying.
  • Harassment, purposely causing arguments and similar stupidity will be dealt with.
  • Building Swastikas, Penises, and other vulgar symbols will result in a permanent ban.
The 'Tartan Rule'

The Tartan Rule is the nickname for a rule allowing staff members to remove buildings considered below standards on all maps. While this more commonly put into practice on guest island, it can be used anywhere. This rule was made to deal with a large number of low quality buildings that were resulting in less building space for all users of the server.
  • Staff may manually remove buildings at any point providing that they are complete, if they are below builder+ standards.
  • If a building has had no progress for a up to 3 days, a staff member has not been notified, and it is below builder+ standards, it may also be removed.
  • Alternatively, admins+ may clean the entirety of guest island at a fixed time (usually every fortnight).
On The Subject of begging

Builder ranks and above are achieved through applications at the relevant applications forum, each rank comes with additional commands, and represents a higher level of authority in the server.
  • Do not ask for ranks, this is a sure way to lock yourself out any possible promotion.
  • All staff volunteer their own time for little benefit, have some respect and please follow any requests they make.
  • Staff are not required to place blacklisted blocks for guests, and guests should be ready to work around in the event that staff are unable/unwilling too.
  • Please do not ask staff to come 'review your builds for a rank', while you can send out a global request asking for critique, harassing staff by trying to make them teleport to you will be treated similar to asking for a rank.
Threats/Attacks of the server

We treat all threats towards the server and community severely and the punishment reflects it, for all of the following - you will usually be banned from all Blocktopia Servers,
  • Do not exploit bugs/flaws in plug-ins, this goes without saying.
  • Threats to DDOS, Ban Evade, Use of spambots or Similar will result in a global community ban.

So, sum it up... - Please, don't be a douche.



Superior Sloth
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
yeah, sorry, i should have clarified this. If you look around creative spawn there's a bunch of eyesore buildings which do not appeal to what creative mode is truely for, creating masterpieces.
This is because we're no longer enforcing the Tartan rule. Creative is for people who're interested in building without obtaining the materials first. While we do encourage masterpieces, we won't destroy cobblestone boxes unless they're in the way or we're cleaning up.

There's no building standard on the current creative server. We just want people to pop in, come have fun, build what they like and how they like it.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score

Pick what you like, and with approval from the HC's it will be added to the wiki as official creative rules!
From what i see, this wiki looks really outdated. Even the official texture pack doesn't make sense when you play in CMP, bricks, iron bars, etc aren't in the pack at all :/ I think it's been forgotten.


Superior Sloth
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
From what i see, this wiki looks really outdated. Even the official texture pack doesn't make sense when you play in CMP, bricks, iron bars, etc aren't in the pack at all :/ I think it's been forgotten.
The reason for it being outdated is quite simple, the server ceased to exist in late October.
We're not having an official texturepack anymore. We're using the default one. (although anyone can use any texture pack if they want to, that's perfectly fine)

The correct link is here, http://blocktopia.net/wiki/Primordia_CreativeBasics - Contains nothing as of now. Either I have to do it, or I'll have to kick someone in the ass.