[Denied] Dessern5's Trusted Application

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The UmbreOp
Oct 4, 2011
Reaction score
o In-Game Name:


o What, if any, are the names of your alts:

I do not have any alternate accounts

o Which server you are applying for:

I am applying forBlocktopia's Zombie Survival

o The Timezone you are in:

My Time zone is GMT - 5 (EST)

o Your age:

I am 16 years old

o How long have you been playing on the zombie server?

My first click was on July 29th 2011 so now currently I have been playing for 4 months and 4 days. For about 2 of those months my computer was broken so I was unable to play minecraft which is one of the reasons that I have a fairly low play time for being on this server for 4 months.

o Have you held a staff position on any other of Blocktopia's servers?

No I have not held any Staff Positions on any Blocktopia server.

o Should you get approved, what will you actively do?

I will continue to play fair but be on the constant look out for people that are breaking any rules. If I do see anybody breaking a rule I will ask them to read the /rules and give them a warning. If they continue to break the rules I will kick them.

o If a staff member is acting up, and/or abusing what will you do?

If a staff member is ever acting up which they most likely won’t be I will take pictures as evidence of that and I will immediately report it to a Head Controller or Controller if there is no Head Controller currently present. I wouldn’t want a staff member that abuses their power so I would give them a warning as well after giving them a verbal warning.

o Why do you deserve the position of Trusted?

I feel that I deserve the position of trusted because I have been trying my best to do help others during game. While I am playing I am on a constant look out for question that people are asking that sometimes slip by another operators or trusted sight. I as well give people verbal warnings if they are breaking any rules and will continue to look for them breaking any rules and if they do I take pictures and I would report them. Often times while I have been playing there has been no trusted+ on so I take the responsibility on myself to assume the role of ref (even though I cannot warn or kick). I am also a very friendly player and am able to help people understand rules if they do not understand them. After taking advice from an operator I did stop asking for references and let them come to me. I know awhile ago I was asking for reference in a massive amount I am extremely regretful of this and was being stupid although I had followed the advice of another player I take the fault upon myself. After this happened I have worked extremely hard to try and show that I am no longer like what I was then. EDIT: I do realize that I have aawarning level

o What will you represent as a staff member/How will you do your job? I will represent the Blocktopia community as a whole. I will want the game to be fun for others that are playing and I will help any people that seem to be confused or don’t understand the rules. I will try to make the game as enjoyable as possible. As for doing my job I will make sure to have everybody obey the rules and give out warns or kicks as necessary.

o Which staff members have referenced you/ told you directly that they want you to apply for Trusted?:

Ops: Jowe and Bored38496 THANK YOU!

o Signed: Aaron (Dessern5)

EDIT: I do realize that I have a high warning level (-15) most of this is from when I first joined the server and didn't know the rules at all. Another part of this is from my computer lagging massively so I get kicked for transporting. Also I do not have any warns or kicks from trusted+ whatsoever
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