DarthLego5679's SMP Trusted Application


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Username: DarthLego5679
Rank Requested: Trusted. I don't feel that I am worthy of anything higher, considering I've never staffed a Blocktopia SMP before.
Current/previous positions held: Currently a TNT Operator
List what you believe your greatest strengths are: In relation to Trusted, I think that some of my greatest strengths can be my patience. I can take the time to get something right, and don't respond to trolling easily.
List what you believe your greatest weaknesses are: I can be impulsive at times. Meaning that I can end up rushing into things before I'm ready/ought to. This is something I've worked on, but it is still somewhat of a struggle with me. There was an issue a while back on TNT because of this, but it was resolved, and I have taken that into account.
Teamspeak?: Yes
Microphone?: Rarely. Consider this a no.
Previous Offences?: As far as I know, I have no warnings/bans/demotions on any Blocktopian SMP server.
What you believe your position entails?: Keeping the peace when there are no higher staff on, being there to check grief, help the new players out, and be a good influence on the server. I like to help out in every way possible, which is why I am applying here.
In less than 20 words, summarise yourself:
Friendly, mature, can be a bit self-depreciating at times, but always eager to help out. Also THE N00B.