SMP - Accepted Danni's Staff application

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The Drunk
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
What is your in-game name?

What timezone do you live in?
GMT +1 (Norway)

Please list your references:
Hexical, ComputerGuy, Sircomputer, SalientGorilla

How many hours have you played on the server for?

Which rank are you applying for?
I am applying for Controller, because I feel I would be able to use my abilities as a staff member better at that rank, but I will of course be happy to accept any rank amongst the staff.

How many hours can you spend helping out the server per week?
A minimum of eight should be no problem, much more when there are no school tests, or I'm not doing anything for the weekend, so it varies, but always more than eight I would say.

What prior staffing experience do you have?
JtE Trusted-Operator
DoD Vetop-Controller-Director
Kami Director in Planning, Operator later
AoD Trusted, Operator, Vetop
TNT Operator
A&T Operator
Also helped out on the other servers when I was director, and hosted events not directly related to SMP

What do you think the role entails?
With the controller rank comes both the responsibilities as a moderator (staff in general) and the ones exclusive to the controller rank.

A controller is the helping hand of the director. The controller helps him with anything the director may need, and are often the connection between the Director and the rest of the staff. The Controller are usually more responsible for managing the staff and the server in general, than backend, configs and stuff like that, but should be able to step in when needed.

Staffing in general is helping both people and the server. Being an example for a good player and staff, making people feel welcome, and of course enforce and explain the rules when needed be. It is important to remember that as a staff, you need are there not just to enforce rules, but make the server a nice experience for everyone.

Why do you want to be a staff member?
I want to be staff member simply because I like to help people. I like to welcome people and talk to people to make them feel welcome, that is something I can do as a player, but as a staff member you can help people with anything they may need, and also help the server. A poorly staffed server is not fun to be on when you are in need of help from the staff.
I also really, really like playing and staffing SMP.

What qualities can you bring to the current staff team, that set you apart from other applicants?
I am very experienced with staffing in general and especially with SMP, having Directed SMP earlier will be very valuable experience when staffing the server

As a staff member I will have a rather relaxed relationship to the rules. That does not mean I approve of not following them in anyway, but I think its important to follow the spirit of the rules, its not your job to ban as many people as possible, if someone is breaking rules its important to explain to them what they are doing wrong, and try to help them understand.

How would you approach a problem that you are unfamiliar with?
That of course depends on the problem
If its something urgent, try to contact a (preferably) higher staff member, and if no response, make a decision by my best judgement.

If something not so urgent, talk to other staff, maybe post in the staff forums etc.

Is there anything else we should know or you want to tell us?
Only eleven more days until Christmas!
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