SMP - Accepted Da Jinks' LoP Moderator Application

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Da Jinks

Political Nerd
Dec 13, 2011
Reaction score
What is your in-game name? - Da_Jinks.

What timezone do you live in? - EST.

How many hours have you played on the server for? - 0.

How many hours can you spend helping out the server per week? - I'll give a conservative estimate of 4-6 hours next semester. More or less depending on the workload of the week.

What prior staffing experience do you have? - Classic Zombie Trusted, SMP4 Operator, Journey to Elysium Operator, Dusk of Discordia VetOp.

What do you think the role entails? -
I believe the role entails, first and foremost, being able to moderate the server. This means being online often or having the ability to get online if a issue arises, being able to keep a eye on people while playing, and being able to defuse a situation if need be.

Second, it involves helping players with questions or issues they may have and making the server fun to be on, whether it be through simply chatting with that one guy online with you at 8 in the morning or working with the group on a fun event or task.

Finally, it is to understand the needs of the server and see when something is out of order or may be added. If a player is discussing something they would find fun for the server, it is the job of the moderator to think over the idea, see if it applies to the server, and bring it up with a higher level staff member for possible discussion. This can go the other way as well, noting complains in regards to the server and bringing them up or addressing them. In short, you are to keep the server enjoyable through moderation, play, and thought.

Why do you want to be a staff member? -
SMP has been my favorite server since SMP4, and any SMP I have gotten a chance to play on has provided a experience I will not forget. I still remember various events and incidents from SMP4, JtE, and DoD that range from minor discussions with people who never came on the server after or helping make events that providing fun times for the community. I love to help and talk to people, and feel moderating is a avenue for me accomplish that in the best way possible.

What qualities can you bring to the current staff team, that set you apart from other applicants? -
My experience is perhaps the biggest quality in applying. I have staffed on 3 SMPs that were all different from each other. I have seen these servers in the building and dying stages of their existence, seen the problems they have faced and seen how they were addressed. I have proven myself during these times to be someone who is willing to work hard, think outside of the box, and not give up.

How would you approach a problem that you are unfamiliar with? -
This would depend on the situation. If it is a urgent matter, I would attempt to find another staff member to discuss it with them. If not available, I would analyze the situation and judge the situation to the best of my ability, asking later for feedback on how the problem was handled. If the situation is not urgent, I would be more patient in my response, taking more time to seek out help and providing context to the player who is having the problem if there is a player involved.

Is there anything else we should know or you want to tell us? -
There are two main issues I can see within myself applying that caused me to thinking through this and talk with a certain staff member before applying: my long time away and the fact that I have resigned quite a few times.

The second one I will address first. I have had quite a few staff positions which I have resigned from before. This is something that has come up as a negative when applying for other staff positions in the past, publicly and privately. For a long time I had a fairly negative attitude privately, allowing stuff to build up within me rather then discussing problems I may have. I have always tried to be optimistic and happy when on a server and partake in discussions with anyone interested. With at least 2 of my resignations, I feel like this is a prime reason for my resignation: I finally grew tired of stressing over stuff that didn't matter, and eventually came to find no pleasure when coming on the server in question.

Now, to address the primary reason: I did grow incredibly tired drama within the community and infighting between various people. I have less then a handful of people I can truly say I dislike, and so to have people continuously discuss their hatred for each other with me grew tiresome. The truth is that I find single player survival to be incredibly boring whenever I play it. No world I have ever created has ever been played for more then 30 minutes if I were to guess. I play SMP because, while the construct of Minecraft is good, it needs people to truly make it fun. When I grew to my breaking point, Minecraft was no longer fun. This is something I have discussed with people privately in the past.

During my time off I gained a different perspective through a major event in my life. I still stress over little things occasionally, but generally allow things to slide off easily. I feel I am better at being able to talk to different individuals and not let their personal issues get to me as I have in the past, and understand that while it is important to care for others there comes a point where it shouldn't hurt myself. I would not be applying for this position if I didn't think I would enjoy it or be able to bring joy to others through the role it entails, and so I hope this can bring a understanding to any issues that people may have with this application.

Please list your references: A certain someone was willing but unable, but beyond that I have no references.


Keyboard & Tech Content Creator
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
Hello Jinks!

Very well done and detailed staff application. You have tons of experience it seems, and you're an older member of the community so thats nice. I feel like you know exactly what it takes to be a moderator, you seem very mature. I see you had troubles in the past, but it seems like you've gotten over them and thats good. I'd think you'd be a great part of the SMP staff team! :-)
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