Copycat16 trusted application


the lava god follower
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Username: Copycat16
Rank Requested: Trusted
Current/previous positions held: lava vetop

List what you believe your greatest strengths are:
My greatest strengths are that i can connect with the player base. I can handle any problem that may occur and help acquired the best solution for both parties. I am patient and will always be willing to help in any shape or form when ask of me or needed.I will also promote the server at its best.

List what you believe your greatest weaknesses are:
Grammar problems that i have acquired when i try to type very fast are one of my weakness.My biggest weakness is that I am too nice sometimes and do not deal a severe enough punishment to the offender.

Teamspeak? yes
Microphone? yes

Previous Offences?:
Banned in the lava server nov 25th of 2010 (i believe) for griefing and ban from cmp for a day back in late march for making ugly trenches in big area of the map for my own use.

What you believe your position entails?:
As a trusted i believe my job is too help out the operators and other higher staff when they need me or when they are not there to help out.I will also help new player understand the server better by answering there questions and helping them out as needed.My other job will also be to provide the best image of our community by being nice and well mannered to every player.

In less than 20 words, summarise yourself:
Knowledge is power and i stride to improve and challenge myself every day.