chrisrocks300's Operator Application


Mar 1, 2013
Reaction score
Account Name:
Do you have any Premium alternate accounts?
No, I do not.
Age(note that we value maturity over actual age):
GMT -6
References (Op+, none are required but will help you significantly):
rawrmynameisrex, S_swimmer, Miyakowolf, SirComputer
Approx. time spent on BB (use /ontime to check):
Overall, since I have started playing buildbox I have a little over 40 days.
However, since the ontime was reset I currently have 4 days.
Previous staff experience:
I staffed on buildbox as an operator from October 15, 2013 through July of 2014.
Other notable contributions/feats/skills?
I am an advanced builder, so I will be useful during building projects for the
server. This will also assist in checking a player's build to see if it's worthy of
builder. I have mastered World Edit and can assist anyone with need of assistance in the area. Also, I know how to use all of the main plugins already.
What do you think the role entails?
The role entails being able to be responsible. You have to stay up to date with the forums, make sure that everything is in order. You can't be afraid of your permissions, if someone has to be banned at that specific moment you can't hesitate. It also is more than just about being able to use your power, you need to be able to make friends with the players, keep them happy and encouraged. If you aren't having fun then what will keep you coming back? The position entails being able to get on during the week on a regular basis, without this what good is really being done by you? Grief must also be looked for and dealt with, and the punishment given appropriately for it. The player's of buildbox must be kept from discriminating or poking fun at anyone. It is an operator's job to take action in these event's and to keep it from getting any worse. Operators must keep the peace, the balance of the server. Without peace it wouldn't be worth getting on.
Why do you want this position?
I was an operator for almost a year, and I have noticed the operator's numbers are starting to diminish. I wish to aid with this problem. Also, I would like to be able to help keep the server in order. I miss the relationships that I was able to build when I was on staff before, and I'd love to be able to have them again. Being on staff isn't just about keeping order, it's about making friends. I feel like the staff have a sort of relationship in a way, something that runs deeper than the rank.
Additional/final notes: