Accepted ChatReaction for RoF


Insufficient Data
Feb 19, 2012
Reaction score
Hey! So I saw this plugin - ChatReaction - and I was wondering if this could be used on Rituals of Fire.
I don't know if the plugin will work, but the idea behind it is to keep chat active on the server but at the same time it can give rewards to the player that wins during a given reaction.

Here's the plugin link:

What happens is that a message will popup in chat (this can happen at any interval such as every 5mins):
[Reaction] First player to unscramble lutaris wins!

So when a player types Rituals, then they would win and get a reward which can also be configured.
Rewards such as:
  • 10 cookies
  • 10 blocks
  • 1 Diamond Pick
  • etc.
Also, perhaps to limit spam in main chat -- possibly enable the game in a different channel?

I think this plugin (If it can work!) would be great for the server just to keep some players active instead of AFK-ish. Plus the rewards aspect of it would probably entice them to stay longer.