Alkatraz' Operator Application


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
In-game username: Alkatraz
Age: 20
Staff references(Staff role+): N/A
Time spent on the server: SMP: reasonable amount, Elysium: a fair amount helping to set up etc.
Other server ranks (present and past): Current: SMP Operator, TNT Controller
Past: TNT Trusted, Operator and Veteran Operator

TeamSpeak: Yes, although I primarily use it during term time.

How would you describe the responsibility of the rank you apply for: Operators play the server like normal, but when needed, they help deal with rule-breakers.
It requires high levels of responsibility and dedication and is not for everyone. You must be neutral when resolving issues, and there are often times where you need to help out and resolve problems when you would rather be working on your own projects.
In addition Operators need to vote on staff applications, and in staff voting. An important part of an Operator's responsibility, particularly with Journey to Elysium is feeding back on how everything is working, so that things can be adjusted if needed.

Tell us about your experience as a Trusted: N/A

Tell us about yourself in less than 200 words:
I'm Dan, a 20 year old from the UK, and currently in my second year of a Maths degree at University. In my free time I like to run, cook, read, go to the cinema and play minecraft.