Survivor Havelock


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
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I'll be giving nitasu987 FoxMccloud64 and Kalliee till Monday to vote. If they still don't show up, I'll be asking 3 veterans who have played Survivor before to cast their vote instead of them. Those 3 veterans I'll be asking, will be reading the final statements and will cast their vote as if they are part of the Jury. They will also have the right to ask the finalists any questions since they weren't part of this season. So they can have a much clear idea who to vote for.​

Member, Male, 20, from My Room
Year 2 of college: Let's do this! Aug 22, 2016
nitasu987 was last seen:
Oct 19, 2017


Member, Male, 16, from Somewhere far away from your house
an era of onlywatching, almost over May 4, 2016
FoxMccloud64 was last seen:
May 31, 2017


Masterful, Female, from On a rainbow
i'm not a weeb Oct 5, 2016
It seems they left forums long ago.


Jan 23, 2012
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Enderfive, Nottykitten and Ooglie101 all voted.

And the votes right now are tied.

Votes are split. Each Finalist has 3 votes each.
[BCOLOR=#ffff00](Please NO ONE reveal yet who voted for who. I'll be revealing that once I post the final results.)[/BCOLOR]

This is the first time something like this has happened.

So I have decided to call the very first winner of Survivor: Jeff0521

He'll be the tie breaker. He already read the final statements but he has some questions before he makes his decision.

So Runemen4 LunaJade and MarsKid, please answer them as well as you can. Because your answer will decide who the winner will be.

He'll post the questions shortly.​
Last edited:


Feb 26, 2012
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I was tasked with deciding, based on the final statements, who will win Survivor Havelock. I have thoroughly read each statement and am now faced with a big decision. I will begin by discussing what I think of each contestant and asking the appropriate questions for each. My decision is still in the air, so I want each of you three to really try and persuade me with your answers. It will make all the difference I can assure you.

Your statement was short and to the point. I commend the strategy you used to appear as the weak one in order to avoid attention. I completely understand your role in this season of survivor, however when I read your statement... it seems really lacking. It almost makes me believe that, just like in the challenges, you aren't willing to even try to win. I say this because your statement matches your game play. It's very underwhelming. So my question for you is, are you willing to try your hand at persuading me to vote for you? Are you willing to have one last final statement? Why should I vote for someone who doesn't seem to be trying?

I very much enjoyed reading your statement. It helped paint a vivid picture of how you played the game. It was intelligent and well-written, which I believe sold me from the beginning. The way you claim to have played the game is great; you gave the impression of being an underdog and then when it was time, you brought everything possible in order for you to get to the final 3. I was really leaning towards voting for you for the statement alone, but I'm glad I continued to read the posts after it. I saw where someone posted quotes of you saying you were so glad you were finished with the game when you thought you were eliminated. You then made it worse by saying that you forgot the game even existed and that you were okay with whatever ends it. This is why the questions asked after the final statements are just as important as the statements themselves. So my question for you is, are you willing to prove to me that you genuinely want my vote? Why should I vote for someone who doesn't want to win?

After reading your statement, I felt as if it was slightly distasteful. I was not impressed with the way you were discrediting the other two finalists. There are many different ways to win a game like this. I challenge you to be more open-minded instead of thinking there is only ever one way to do things. Take this as a life lesson, not just a forum lesson. However, what I am impressed with is your determination to win the game. You did really well with the challenges and that does speak something to me. I feel like out of the final three, you want to win the most. My question for you is, are you willing to show me that you have good sportsmanship and modesty? Why should I vote for someone who discredits other people's achievements in order to make it to the top?

I still have not made a final decision. I'll be waiting for your responses and then will vote accordingly. Thank you Ansoro for having me here one last time, and congratulations LunaJade MarsKid and Runemen4 for making it to the final 3!


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
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Honestly, a lot of my distaste for the game has risen solely from the fact that it has gone on much longer than I think anyone reasonably anticipated. I made it my goal to finish up my last game of Mafia, wrap up Survivor through any means I possessed, then retire from BlockTopia. It admittedly became irksome when my plans got disrupted due to inactivity on the part of players and judges, but I know I was guilty of this at times as well--real life is always going to be more demanding than online forum games. While the inability of people to respond is understandable, it is still frustrating that the game has endured so long.

Without divulging too much (this isn't the place/I'm not on a personal basis with anyone here), life has been a bit harsh, which manifested into my more cynical posts. I realize this is no excuse, but I hope that it explains some of my quotes at the very least. The games and mechanics were at times confusing and convoluted to me--an entire outside to both the show Survivor and the game inside of it--thus causing me to occasionally emit an outburst of exasperation. It felt like, at times, I was supposed to be making alliances or power plays of some kind, but I could not exactly determine how I was to go about it.

My initial strategy is still in play and I still desire the conclusion that I believe I deserve. It's just that this has been a protracted process that could have been shortened. I put forth the effort in my play to circumvent difficulty and position myself in the ideal place to overcome any of the challengers. Through this endeavor, I have no doubt that I am best suited for winning the season. I have played the long game in many ways and had things set in order both in and out of the game.

In the end, the final vote falls on you. But I've tried hard to display exactly how I've been feeling and how my maneuvers have led to this point. With this in mind, I firmly stand by my confidence in taking the title.
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Reactions: Rune


Princess ♥
Aug 6, 2012
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Keeping everything short and to the point is how I inevitably made it to the final three. I didn't have to seem overpowering or make myself a target to other people. Many people were able to overlook and see me to be not a potential threat, but I was still able to sneak by. And I'm not looking for a sympathy vote, I knew the kind of strategy I had to have coming in to this game. I knew in order to make it this far, I had to under-perform sometimes. There were sacrifices that had to be made in order to succeed.

Why should you vote for me? Because when all else fails, slow and steady wins the race.


Resident Roadman | Deception Lead
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
May 17, 2014
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I was tasked with deciding, based on the final statements, who will win Survivor Havelock. I have thoroughly read each statement and am now faced with a big decision. I will begin by discussing what I think of each contestant and asking the appropriate questions for each. My decision is still in the air, so I want each of you three to really try and persuade me with your answers. It will make all the difference I can assure you.

Your statement was short and to the point. I commend the strategy you used to appear as the weak one in order to avoid attention. I completely understand your role in this season of survivor, however when I read your statement... it seems really lacking. It almost makes me believe that, just like in the challenges, you aren't willing to even try to win. I say this because your statement matches your game play. It's very underwhelming. So my question for you is, are you willing to try your hand at persuading me to vote for you? Are you willing to have one last final statement? Why should I vote for someone who doesn't seem to be trying?

I very much enjoyed reading your statement. It helped paint a vivid picture of how you played the game. It was intelligent and well-written, which I believe sold me from the beginning. The way you claim to have played the game is great; you gave the impression of being an underdog and then when it was time, you brought everything possible in order for you to get to the final 3. I was really leaning towards voting for you for the statement alone, but I'm glad I continued to read the posts after it. I saw where someone posted quotes of you saying you were so glad you were finished with the game when you thought you were eliminated. You then made it worse by saying that you forgot the game even existed and that you were okay with whatever ends it. This is why the questions asked after the final statements are just as important as the statements themselves. So my question for you is, are you willing to prove to me that you genuinely want my vote? Why should I vote for someone who doesn't want to win?

After reading your statement, I felt as if it was slightly distasteful. I was not impressed with the way you were discrediting the other two finalists. There are many different ways to win a game like this. I challenge you to be more open-minded instead of thinking there is only ever one way to do things. Take this as a life lesson, not just a forum lesson. However, what I am impressed with is your determination to win the game. You did really well with the challenges and that does speak something to me. I feel like out of the final three, you want to win the most. My question for you is, are you willing to show me that you have good sportsmanship and modesty? Why should I vote for someone who discredits other people's achievements in order to make it to the top?

I still have not made a final decision. I'll be waiting for your responses and then will vote accordingly. Thank you Ansoro for having me here one last time, and congratulations LunaJade MarsKid and Runemen4 for making it to the final 3!
Sorry for the late reply, I have some important exams to revise for which took up some of my time

Anyways, looking back now; I can exactly see where you are going with me discrediting the other finalists which was not my intention and I apologise to both of the finalists if you have taken offense or was upset with what I have said.

I'll clear it up here now, both finalists have done amazing, for instance with Luna; I didn't see you as much as a target when it got to voting as someone like Notme and MarsKid was also a difficult finalist to contend with. But this is still a competition and I can see where both of you are going but at the end of the day, I still believe that I am the most suited to win. I could have done similar tactics to what the other two finalists did but I pushed extremely hard just to win, and yes I may have picked the hardest path, but its the most rewarding path too for me.

I can admit, I have had issues with replying sometimes due to IRL problems such as my nose operation, but I still went through and got the job done. I could have easily given up. I could have kept my head down like the other two survivors did and just do enough to get past just to get to the final, but I thought to myself that maybe this is an opportunity to show my determination to everyone.

And it might not look like a risky tactic, but it was in the sense that making myself look like a huge contender for the title, that I would be the most obvious pick for elimination. I put my head out of the tortoise shell and it payed off! And that hopefully you can also agree that in life, if you want to get to where you want to be; you have to put everything into it or you'll seldom get to where you deserve to be.

That's why I think I deserve to win, because I came to and played to win, not to play to not lose which is what lets me outedge the contenders!


Jan 23, 2012
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[BCOLOR=#ffffff]Survivor Havelock: Final Results[/BCOLOR]

The winner of Survivor Havelock Season #11 is...


Congratulations, MarsKid! You have officially outwitted, outplayed and outlasted each and every one of the survivors that played with you this season.

You've won the title of Sole Survivor.


Both LunaJade and Runemen4 were tied with 2nd and 3rd place.

I want to give a huge congratulation to both of you as well. You two played an amazing game, too. And it's a really big accomplishment to make it to the final 3.


Jury Reasoning

Jurors who votes for LunaJade:

-> Vote: LunaJade
"After going back and checking through the forum. They were right. They weren't on the radar often. That's subtle game play helped them make it to the top. It's surprising Luna managed to make it this far, but at the same time it's rather brilliant. Hopefully this'll be the last time we see any more passive plays."

-> Vote: LunaJade
"well tbh all of these choices feel hmmMMM but it came down to mars vs luna and i was about to vote mars based on the statements alone but then i saw inf's question underneath and then his response saying that he forgot this game existed and just wanted it to end isn't really in the SPIRIT of survivor y'know so i guess i'll vote luna / aika / whatever name they use on the forums now!!"

->Vote: LunaJade
"It's not so much a case of me thinking she's done exceptionally well (although she certainly has, judging by her inclusion in the top 3). Instead, the factor that swings my vote to her is the fact that, going by their final statements, she's made the fewest blunders in this season, and therefore deserves the win more than the others.
I excluded Rune from my choice right after reading his statement. While he's certainly put in the effort and his strategy isn't faulty, per se, I feel that Survivor is at its core a game of communication and deception. The challenges are nothing but a way to gain an advantage in the real game, which is happening behind the scenes. By neglecting that part of the game, Rune put himself in greater risk than those who took the risk of getting involved in what was going on beyond the challenges. That is why, despite his good effort, I won't be giving my vote to him.
MarsKid did better in that regard, but two things tipped the scales against him, for me: first, he (like Rune) underestimated Luna and didn't seem to consider her as the dangerous adversary that I believe she is in his last statement. Second, he kept Rune, who he considered his main opponent, in the game out of respect. While I can see and appreciate the honour behind this, Survivor isn't a game for the honourable. By letting him stay in the game, he put himself in unnecessary danger, which is something you don't want to do.
All in all, I think Luna played the smartest game out of the three, and played to win at all times. That's why she gets my vote."

Jurors who voted for Runemen4:

->Vote: Runemen4
"I'm voting for Rune to win, because I don't think Luna tried and I don't buy her 'it was a tactic' thing, and I don't think she actually cared that much about winning the game. I also don't buy mars' story, because he literally sighed of relief when he thought he'd been voted out (unless this was a mindgame but I have doubt), so I doubt he was masterminding everything the whole time and trying to win, and I don't believe his tactic was truly 'just waiting for the perfect time to get the challenges I could excel at to secure a result I’d be satisfied with", because that doesn't make sense as a tactic to me, since it was completely down to luck of having desired challenges later on. I think what actually happened was that he sat and waited to die, but didn't, and now is trying to pretend it was all calculated!!! Rune on the other hand seems genuine, and I think he actually put a lot of effort in, so I'm voting him."

->Vote: Runemen
"Considering how long this game has been going on and how busy ive been in real life I dont even remember half this game. I guess I will vote for Runeman. In all honesty he has kept going in this game even with some stuff happening in real life and that is impressive. So yes, I am not basing my answer off of how they played the game but how they kept going even with the stuff that was happening outside of it."

->Vote: Runemen
"I think I'll be going for Rune - He doesn't mention the same boring strategy of "flying under everyone's radar" that everyone else talks about, and despite the flaws of his strategy he's still managed to emerge as top 3."

Jurors who voted for Marskid:

-> Vote: Marskid
"He was good at duels."

-> Vote: Marskid
"I guess I'll vote for MarsKid. Runemen's argument towards MarsKid's and LunaJade's tactics is unconvincing, I'm afraid (as many would opt to use similiar tactics and it can be rather effective at times) and though I had leaned towards LunaJade for a bit because MarsKid did seem to cheer when he thought he was out of the game, a) if it was part of a ploy it was a clever one, even if it had the potential to damage the game's end result and b) if it wasn't and this bit's a false claim, I have no room to judge because I almost left a previous game once before the next challenge got me interested again.
I choose MarsKid over Runemen is because of their final statements; though both had their merits, Runemen's declaration that the other two did not expend effort during their challenges damaged his statement to me. And I choose MarsKid over LunaJade because, also in their final statements, the former pointed out his ability to complete the last challenge 'in a pretty little bow' (and he really did). This was... A pretty hard decision to make, though, which is part of why I put it off for so long (the other is IRL reasons). Both LunaJade and Runemen do have their own merits which made me consider both of them- but I'm only supposed to talk about the person I'm voting for, unfortunately, so I'll end this here. Good day, my dears :)"

->Vote: Marskid
"Anyways I'll be voting for Marskid based on their statement which I liked the most. Luna's statement was a pretty solid 'I didn't do much but that was my plan so it worked!!' which I can respect a bit but it doesn't deserve to win. And while I liked that rune said he tried his bets at the challenges the entire statement felt a bit stuck up. My vote is going to Mars because from the statements alone it feels like he put the most thought into this game and actually deserves his spot in the finals."

->Vote: Marskid
"After reading the final answers, I have made my decision! It was rather difficult I will admit, but I feel very confident to say that I am voting for MarsKid to win Survivor Havelock.

I found myself going back through the thread to help me with my decision. The results of the competitions, the final statements, the comments made by people throughout the season, and the final answers all came into play when determining who my vote was going to go towards. Keep in mind that I have no idea what went on behind the scenes as I had no access to private messages or anything of the sort.

I'll start by stating why I am not voting for Runemen or LunaJade:

Runemen did well during the season, I will admit. However, I feel he lacked charisma. Something kept me from being drawn towards him.

LunaJade flew under the radar, which is not a bad strategy. However, after giving her another chance to blow me away with a final statement, I still was underwhelmed. I really was hoping that she would have taken the opportunity and ran with it. That did not happen.

Finally, the reason why I voted for MarsKid is because I feel as though during this season he was very well rounded. He was good at the challenges and his final statement was the best one, hands down. I was displeased with the idea that he did not care to win, but with his final answer I was convinced otherwise. I can definitely understand where he was coming from due to the game being so long.

That being said, my final decision has been made. Congratulations MarsKid, and also a congratulations to Runemen and Lunajade as well!"


This has been the first time votes have been THIS close!

Once again, congratulations MarsKid for being the winner of Survivor Havelock! You made quite the comeback. You were the ultimate underdog.


Thank you every single one of you for playing this season!

I'll be taking a break from Survivor for now. So you'll have to wait a while. But a new season might be coming but later on. So stay tuned!

I'll be adding Luna, Rune and Marskid to Survivor's Hall of Fame.



Princess ♥
Aug 6, 2012
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Thanks for an exciting season everyone! Bummed I couldn't convince more people, but I'm still just glad to have made it to the final three for once, after 7 straight seasons. I hope next season will be a little bit more interactive, though I have no room to talk. But this was the longest-lasting season with barely any activity! We didn't even get past 10 pages of content, and didn't even get 200 official thread replies. I hope next season we can see more people join in on the fun. But thanks again for another great season Ansoro! <3
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Reactions: Infected_alien8_


Jan 23, 2012
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Logic/Thinking Challenge

If you see this, ignore the question and send me through PM: Immunity.

You're going to imagine that you have a highlighter in your hand. There's a book right in front of you. And a couple of words grab your attention:

A.) Aesthete

B.) Cenotaph

C.) Luscious

D.) Pyrrhic

Which word would you choose to highlight?


Send me through PM your answer.

Remember, THINK.

Whoever wins this last challenge will secure himself a spot in the Final 3, and will win the power that comes with it!

Runemen4 MarsKid

Good Luck.

Okay so, all of you might kill me but. See how I have the word "Highlighter" in italic? Well, that was basically the clue. You guys had to HIGHLIGHT the whole post. Right under the GIF, an invisible phrase is revealed. You only had to send through PM the word "Immunity" and you would win.

The question and those options were just random and a distraction. They don't make sense whatsoever.

Infected_alien8_ Ooglie101 Enderfive Notme Fog Mulbery Runemen4 MarsKid Faliara LunaJade


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Okay so, all of you might kill me but. See how I have the word "Highlighter" in italic? Well, that was basically the clue. You guys had to HIGHLIGHT the whole post. Right under the GIF, an invisible phrase is revealed. You only had to send through PM the word "Immunity" and you would win.

The question and those options were just random and a distraction. They don't make sense whatsoever.

Infected_alien8_ Ooglie101 Enderfive Notme Fog Mulbery Runemen4 MarsKid Faliara LunaJade
Where do you have base on event SMP/what other multiplayer games you play on which server, so we can raid and eviscerate you?


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Okay so, all of you might kill me but. See how I have the word "Highlighter" in italic? Well, that was basically the clue. You guys had to HIGHLIGHT the whole post. Right under the GIF, an invisible phrase is revealed. You only had to send through PM the word "Immunity" and you would win.

The question and those options were just random and a distraction. They don't make sense whatsoever.

Infected_alien8_ Ooglie101 Enderfive Notme Fog Mulbery Runemen4 MarsKid Faliara LunaJade
this is the type of bullshit challenge i've come to know and love in escres survivor
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