JayJay's Trusted 10/12/2014


The Melon
Aug 30, 2014
Reaction score
Your In-Game Name: JayJayWizard
Do you have any alternate accounts that can also play Premium? If so, what are their names: No
What is your Timezone? GMT
Who has agreed to reference you? (You need AT LEAST 1 staff reference): Naoh Katman46 Solis22 Lovedaice
What is your current real life age? (Don't be Shy)
How many hours have you played on AoD in total? (Use /timeonline to check) 7 Days 16 hours [Thx Naoh xD]
How active are you on the server, and how often do you come on? Well I have some nights where I can be online 2-3 Hours and some where I can't get on due to swim training. Though I am positive I could get online enough to get a few hours of staffing done and still get the A&T ontime aswell!
Do you have any past experience staffing in Blocktopia? A&T Operator - Current
What would you say your biggest weakness is, and how would you work to improve it? Well, I think I will have to improve on my decision making, I feel if I got some guy messing about I would be a bit too quick to jump to warnings ect. This isn't something that I think I'm terrible at, I just think it could do with smoothing out a bit. But sometimes I'm tied up with making/hosting an event on A&T but I will have to see how it all folds out to see wether or not it would effect how much I could get on AoD for.
What achievements within Blocktopia are you most proud of? I think it's got to be my A&T Operator, I decided that becoming A&T Operator would help me out and sure enough, it did. A&T and AoD are my favourite Blocktopian Servers and when I got A&T Op, I had more confidence in myself and I felt that I could help the Staff team do what they do best. I would like to think I could do pretty good with AoD aswell!
Why do you deserve the rank? Well I think an AoD Operator should have a quick thinking mind to deal with slip-ups and so on. If you think about it, it's not too often that you see an AoD Op needing to make a Huge decision, because AoD staff calm down the guy thats rule-breaking or insulting ect. Even without getting anywhere near Warnings/Bans! This is a really good trait of the AoD staffing and I think its very important for a staff member has this. I think I could include it in my traits as well! Also, I believe that an AoD Operator should be friendly and funny towards players making them feel welcome and accepted, but when a new-comer joins and they break the rules, they shouldn`t go all out on the guy, just politely inform them of the various commands to help them understand how the game works. I think I could do this pretty well by informing them clearly and slowly, making sure they understand how everything works!
Add any other extra information here which you think will benefit your application: Nothing really, but I do think that AoD isn`t totally about killing each other, its about having a bit of social fun and getting together with friends, and then killing them! ;) Thanks for reading! JayJay

Posted early, and I would like to thank the AoD staff who gave me their ref, their advice was so helpful and without it I would not be applying today!​
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Scott Pilgrim
Dec 7, 2013
Reaction score
Hey JayJay! Thanks for applying.

First I have to say, that's an very nice application you have there. It's beautifully crafted, and very clear about how you feel about the server. Just an FYI, you're missing the part about how much time you have on the server. :p Might want to fix that! Anyway, you're a great guy, fun and friendly. If you had posted this a month ago I would be much more reluctant to reference you, but you've matured so much since you asked me for my reference. I would like to see you on trail with us! +1


This is quite a lovely application. The main reason I referenced you was because of your clear determination to become a staff member. On top of that, you've certainly matured and become more helpful. You definitely want to help, and wont falter. A month ago, you asked me for my reference. I said no because I didn't, honestly, think you could reach the standards on A&T alone, much less there and AoD. Now saying something like that to you would be needless: Yes, you need to work on some things, but you're clearly doing well on A&T, and I would love to see you on trial here.
  • Agree
  • Thank You
Reactions: JayJay and Naoh


Mar 23, 2014
Reaction score
Thank you for applying for staff JayJay!

I would like to say you have been very persistent trying for staff. I do like that but I still believe that there are still things to fix. You don't stand out to me in-game. Saying welcome and reading them the rules is nice but keeping up with the player, making sure he's having fun and understands the game. Having nice conversations with others who might not be your friends. Also I don't think you can handle staff position to be honest with you. You might have Op on A&T but AoD is very different and so is the way you staff. Trying for two staff positions is pretty crazy when you barely have four months under your belt. I say be happy where you are and work your way up the ranks. -1


AoD and A&T Op
May 3, 2012
Reaction score
First of all, I apologize for responding a little bit late, but I had an accident last week. Wont get in details right now!

Jay I gave you my reference because I feel you have the potential to be a great Trusted. I'm pretty sure of that because you've got staff experience and you know how things are done around AoD. Also, something that I love about you is that you can be a friendly guy with everyone but when you need to do your job you do it in a great way, and we need that in our staff team.

+1 Good Luck


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks for applying!
I've known that you've wanted to become a staff member here for a while and when I told you about your flaws, you worked hard to improve them. You're a very friendly player who helps others whenever you get the opportunity to. I think, with a little bit of guidance from the staff members, you'll become a great staff member. +1
  • Thank You
Reactions: JayJay


─═☆The Blue Bird☆═─
Nov 24, 2011
Reaction score
Hey JayJay, thanks for applying.

I've known that you've been going for this rank and from time to time would ask me if you needed to improve on anything. I think as of now you're pretty helpful and mature. Regarding activity, I think your time has dwindled down a bit due to being an A&T Operator, but your activity is fine. With that being said, the only thing holding me back from giving you a +1 is if you would be able to be a Double Operator. I've known from experience myself that staffing more than 1 server at a time can be difficult and that you might not be able to manage. These servers may also be similar, but they aren't 100% similar, each server has its own uniqueness.

Here's a 0 leaning towards a +1 for trial

Also, I would think it's not just AoD where we hardly go into warnings/bans! ;)
  • Thank You
Reactions: JayJay


The Melon
Aug 30, 2014
Reaction score
Thank you for that! I was doubting if I could do double server myself, but I have done a trial week myself previously with A&T Op and I did just manage to do it and that was what finally convinced me to apply.


Princess ♥
Aug 6, 2012
Reaction score
Right, sorry for being late to this. I've gotten caught up in other things.

Let me start off by saying that everything I'd have said, has already been said. It'd be a wonder having you on the staff team and I think you'd do great. Be a bit more vocal in chat, and make sure you can manage 2 servers. ;)

  • Thank You
Reactions: JayJay


Ex - Army of Darkness Director
Oct 7, 2012
Reaction score
I'll admit, I wasn't sure about you being staff when you told me a while back that you were wanting to apply. It seems you've grown mature enough since then to be trusted with the commands and additional responsibilities of an AoD staff member.

Good luck on your trial.

(since Trusted is gone, you'll be on Operator trial like xXxFruitNinjaxXx)