HarmakPaul's SMP Trusted Application


Aug 14, 2011
Reaction score
Username: HarmakPaul
Rank Requested: Trusted
Current/previous positions held: None
List what you believe your greatest strengths are: Being kind, friendly, rarely venting my anger out on servers, patience with new people
List what you believe your greatest weaknesses are:Not having previous experience with a rank on Blocktopia, not being able to go on past 1 AM GMT (I live in EST)
Teamspeak?: Yes
Microphone?: Yes

Previous Offenses?: I had a necropost warning back in November, before I knew what a necropost was, and a little bit more recently, in Feb. 1st, I was warned for having a signature that was too large. I didn't think it was too large, but the naked eye can't see everything.

What you believe your position entails?: Being a trusted is the stepping stone to higher ranks, training the players of the rank to become better staff. Trusteds are players first, but do help out with problems that other players have on the server when necessary. Being a trusted, I would try to make the server enjoyable, despite a trusted's limited abilities. Anyone holding the position would also be one of the people to go to if there are no other staff online.

In less than 20 words, summarize yourself: Easygoing, relaxed, plays too much video games, specifically Zombie, busy but can find time for almost anything
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Reactions: Knight365 and Notme