Other Closing of Adventures and Tournaments


May 17, 2012
Reaction score
On January 24th, 2014, Adventure and Tournaments opened its doors for the swarm of new players eager to try out what the server had to offer. Next week Saturday, the 6th of June, the server will be closing and will be removed from the current server line-up for the foreseeable future. The server was never going to be big, it never pretended to be; now though, it has become unsustainable and would be fruitless trying to maintain it.

There are a large number of reasons why, the main ones being:
  • The server is ridden with bugs and issues, many of which are neigh impossible to fix. Minecraft version 1.8 broke everything and so in order to make the server fully functional again a significant proportion of the server would have to be built from the ground up. Minecraft is simply not built for trying to split up one server into several which was inevitably going to cause issues and, as you've seen, has.
  • The server has become extremely inactive, to the point where the server goes without players for days on end. There is little point keeping A&T open when numbers are this low. In addition to this, because of the lower player count, I lack the motivation to do any sort of work on the server, especially as the majority of it would be in vain as there would be few people to benefit from it.
  • Events are rarely held and often few people turn up. I'm not going to blame anybody for this, but most people will be aware that there hasn't been an event held for months. This is especially hard due to the bugs and maps issues on the server.
    I would like to thank everybody that has made the server possible, and the staff that stayed positive during its time: the server would not have been what it was without them. Anybody that has submitted maps, bug reports, turned up to events, anything at all to help the server in some way- I reall appreciate it.
As a final event, I will be hosting a last game of hunger games on June 6th at 9pm GMT (summer time); the server will close after that. There will be no signups: I can't imagine there'd be much point, just turn up if you'd like to play- I'll try to make it special. And finally, I'd like say that I will not be leaving the community any time soon, so luckily I don't have to leave you with a nostalgic song and thanking list.

Signing off from A&T, for now,
tnmjimbob and the A&T staffing team.

EDIT: The server has now closed.
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Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
But if you don't have a thanklist hugbox post how will I know how much I really mean to you, tnm

Why won't you confess your true feelings about me
It's time... I believe my time has come... I am crying profusely as I am typing this.

I have watched the generations of EscapeRestartians before me come and go. I have adored every single person I have had the pleasure of talking to.

I found Meincraft back in 2005. I thought it was a shitty Lego game for bitches. I didn't come back to it until my friend showed it to me in like 2007, I don't remember.

After I was banned on a couple random servers, I found it. I found the greatest server I could ever imagine. TheOne's Zombie. It was so much fun.

Here are some of the funniest moments I had talking to people in chat:

I was banned on the first day though for "swastika vandalism". I swear I didn't mean to offend anybody, they were Hindu symbols for good luck.

I appealed to be unbanned. Not surprisingly, the grateful admins gave me a second chance.

Over the next couple of years, I had so much fun with my clique friends I met. I found out that Blocktopia had even more servers. For example, on Lava, I made houses with my clique friends that I met. (BTW I'm sorry for not letting some of you people in my house. I didn't fucking know you, jesus!)

But then it hit me. It hit after I reached my teen years. It hit so unexpectedly, that I was confused. I would even have weird dreams at night.

High school.

Even though I have left, I will certainly pop up on the forums and servers every now and then, like every 2 days or so. I will gladly come and say hello! You just won't see me often.

I have messages for the certain clique people that have been caring so much to me, and gave me good keks. Again, thank you for a wonderful seven (or nine?) (or ten?) (or eight?) (sorry i dont remember) years here. Thank you all for the ride.

fuk u L000000000000000000000000000000000000L
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