Blocktopia - Accepted Blocktopia Moderator Application: daoji

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Dec 14, 2016
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What is your in-game name?


What timezone do you live in?

GMT+0 / British Standard Time

How many hours have you played on the server for?

As of right now, 802 hours and 46 minutes. Although frankly I could've sworn it was much higher.

How many hours can you spend helping out the server per week?

Approximately 8 hours a day, Sunday to Friday.

What prior staffing experience do you have?

I was previously an admin on a small Creative server named Dragonverse between 2013 and 2015. While this server is no longer existent having not ever gained a great deal of popularity, it presented challenges that were very similar to those presented in Blocktopia today, mostly regarding the placement of buildings, where city boundaries lay and other issues of the like. In the one and a half years I was part of Dragonverse I managed to learn a lot of the Minecraft commands needed to run, maintain and moderate a Minecraft server.

What do you think the role entails?

For the most part I believe the role entails numerous criteria which all link back to communication. Notably, I believe that being a moderator means that you have to listen to people. I always listen to both sides of the story and formulate my own viewpoint while taking both sides into consideration. I think that disputes are inevitable, and listening to both sides of the story is key as a moderator as it can stop or prevent any of the drama that may occur. Moreover I believe that a moderator should of course be welcoming. When a new player joins the game I like to think that a moderator should be the one who is most accommodating and providing of the best experience. I believe that everyone who comes on the server should have a positive experience, no matter how short it is. Lastly I think that a moderator should be able to expand upon key issues and help out when a builder or a novice or a specialist needs help. Whether this is with a command that one may not be able to locate or if it is advice for building or city planning, I like to think that a moderator should be able to help out in any situation.

Why do you want to be a staff member?

I want to be a staff member for the simple reason that there can never be too much communication. I believe that while there is a consistent staff presence on the server currently, prior to the "lockdown", there was a significantly smaller moderator presence, and I believe that when the world does eventually return to normality, I will still be there to help out in any eventuality. I do believe that there should be a moderator on at all times so if anyone is confused they don't have to result to Discord or other means to find out what they need, and if any argument does break out it doesn't spiral out of control. Essentially in summary I just want to help people out. Having that purpose definitely brings out the best in me.

What qualities can you bring to the current staff team, that set you apart from other applicants?

My qualities would definitely be my approach to problems. While I am definitely a diplomat, I am also outspoken and not afraid to be harsh when it is needed. I am an extremely level-headed person and cannot remember the last time I got angry over anything, on the contrary I constantly look on the positive side of things. I believe that I also would be able to bring my tolerance to the staff team. I don't like to refer to "in real life" but I am a student mentor at college and have previously worked with SEN kids at numerous levels. Both these experiences have made me the best listener and tolerant and knowledgeable to a vast array of people, and I believe that is something that would definitely differentiate me. In a sense, my "Minecraft door" would always be open to anyone that had any issue with anything on the server or off.

How would you approach a problem that you are unfamiliar with?

As I've said previously, communication is key, so any problem I'm unfamiliar with I would try and find a solution with the individuals involved, this may be utilising the /help GUI or speaking directly to users. Thus, if I can not reach a conclusion with those involved, I would communicate with the peers who may well have a more experienced idea than me. I have made a great connection with active and former staff members on Blocktopia, most notably Jackamel and Refrigerated, (as well as SirC but he doesn't count cuz he's in staff purgatory) and I would be comfortable with consulting them.

Is there anything else we should know or you want to tell us?

While it isn't the most pressing issue in Blocktopia, I am also a member of the TCH role play group (wait wait wait don't cancel my application yet please), which seems to be a constant issue-creator on the server. My knowledge of the TCH RP and it's users means that I am very well equipped to help out when disputes may arise that verge on the boundaries of in-RP and out-of-RP. While I do see myself as an active member of the group, I am definitely one of the more critical RP users and am not afraid to be more impartial than others may be when it comes to discussing issues related to it.

Lovely bit of cheese coming, but just wanna thank you guys for making Blocktopia such a great place and providing a community that in many sense feels like a family.

Got any builds you'd like to show off?

Most can be found in /warp Marino but here are some of my favourites.



Please list your references:




aka Jenben101
Creative Staff
Survival Staff
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Very talkative and friendly, I've not had a bad experience with you (yet!). Marino looks absolutely amazing too so there's no hesitation that you'd be a good help with building advice. I think you'd be a wonderful addition to the staff team and would love to see you on trial.



Dec 14, 2016
Reaction score
Very talkative and friendly, I've not had a bad experience with you (yet!). Marino looks absolutely amazing too so there's no hesitation that you'd be a good help with building advice. I think you'd be a wonderful addition to the staff team and would love to see you on trial.

D’aww thank you Sess! Thanks for the kind words and I hope that yet will stay a yet, haha.
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Dear Apparition
Creative Staff
Aug 21, 2011
Reaction score
I have been wanting you to apply for a while. Your application is incredible. Your past experience looks like it will be very useful for Blocktopia. I have seen you be extremely friendly and helpful to other players. Additionally you are a pretty good builder with Marino looking incredibly. A very easy +1 for me.


Keyboard & Tech Content Creator
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
Heyo Daoji! Thanks for applying!

I love your application first off, and am impressed with everything overall. You seem like a great addition to our staff team honestly. You seem very respectful and helpful to everyone around you and that's an attitude I love. I am going to go ahead and say everyone would be happy to give you a crack at a trial.

Accepted - Trial Mod (One Week)
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