[Suggestion] Ban of Towers


Princess ♥
Aug 6, 2012
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This issue has been brought up many times, it shall continue to be brought up, I'm basically kicking the deflated soccer ball here, (there is even a recent topic asking to cap the tower sizes), but some of the towers being made on some of the A.o.D. maps are ridiculous. And, some are even impossible to climb at times (maybe because of Hunter, maybe because of Survivor. Either way). We had a small discussion on the A.o.D. server recently, and some were in favour of having towers banned. Some were in favour of keeping them, a couple didn't have a concrete vote.

Now, there are a couple definitions of "towers" when concerning A.o.D. I believe. The spiral ones, where it's basically a giant pillar with small ledges, or a small structure with a stair-like passageway to it. I'm vying for the spiral ones to be gone.

I have no authority over the decision, this issue has been brought up many times, but I'm wanting to see what has changed in the thoughts of A.o.D. competitors.

A subject that was brought up in the other topic I referred to earlier, was mapmakers could disable the ability to make said towers. Not sure how that is possible, as I have no mapmaking experience, but I'd honestly like to see more tower-disabled maps. Just to make things slightly easier for Hunters. I know things are already pretty easy for them, but the towers make things extremely one-sided for the two or three Survivors hiding up on top.

I know, it's a game of survival and you are meant to take any measures to do so, within reason, but this, as stated in the beginning, is slightly ridiculous.

-Love, out.-


Oct 13, 2012
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Are referring to towers as pillaring or the ones you can get up? If you mean pillaring then you get set on fire after pillaring so many blocks anyway. I'm going to assume you mean the other tower. I'm sort of in the middle for this one. Towers are great for survival if you're not very good at pvp as they are easy to defend. However maybe they go to far the other way and sort of god spots it can be difficult to kill people on them but you can always shoot them down with a bow on some maps. Overall though they probably should be kept on the server (imo) as they make survival more fair for the 'Not so good pvprs'.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Well, like I have said many times, I personally like the towers. I think they are fun, and like you yourself have said, map makers can easily disable them by lowering the build height, so if they want that sorting they can just PM me.
I don't really understand why you made another thread for this seen as there are already some out there though. :p


Princess ♥
Aug 6, 2012
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Are referring to towers as pillaring or the ones you can get up? If you mean pillaring then you get set on fire after pillaring so many blocks anyway. I'm going to assume you mean the other tower. I'm sort of in the middle for this one. Towers are great for survival if you're not very good at pvp as they are easy to defend. However maybe they go to far the other way and sort of god spots it can be difficult to kill people on them but you can always shoot them down with a bow on some maps. Overall though they probably should be kept on the server (imo) as they make survival more fair for the 'Not so good pvprs'.

The ones you can get up.

I have referenced that.

Well, like I have said many times, I personally like the towers. I think they are fun, and like you yourself have said, map makers can easily disable them by lowering the build height, so if they want that sorting they can just PM me.
I don't really understand why you made another thread for this seen as there are already some out there though. :p
While fun, very annoying as a Hunter. Especially if you aren't good at jumping (me and a few others), have bad lag (a lot of people, especially as of late due to some problem. Might have been fixed, not sure), etc. And it's annoying when you climb a huge ass tower, thinking there was someone... aaaaaand there isn't. :p
  • Agree
Reactions: Spencer75
May 8, 2012
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I am in favor of banning spiral towers. They aren't fun for other survivors, who have to contend with more hunters trying to kill them instead of the almost impossible survivors, and they aren't fun for hunters, because there is no way to get up if the survivors have bows + arrows. While normally a hunter could, say, enderpearl, or shoot the survivors, enderpearls would have to land on a block (so the hunter doesn't just fall to their death), and arrows are highly inaccurate until you get higher up the tower.
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Jul 22, 2012
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If I could have infinity agree ratings on original post, I would give that. Like Love said, they're fun as survivors, very annoying as hunters. An unarmed survivor has a 90% chance of certain death, and an unarmed survivor in a tower, unless they're on their own, has about a 5% chance of certain death. That 10% of non-certain death is if that survivor just runs. But seriously, I've had to deal with towers, and they pretty much ruin the game for hunters. I am totally in favor of banning these shelters, or should I say, fortresses.
  • Agree
Reactions: Spencer75


Former CA
Aug 13, 2011
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Some people like it, some not.

I personally do not like it because I think that if you do it in the correct way then there are maps on which you can always win. If you do it well there is nothing you can do against it as hunter, especially when blocks on the stairs get removed. It's also way to easy to build compared to how hard it is to climb them. It also doesn't fit in the idea of a zombie apocalypse.

What people should realize, is that even though around 50% likes towers and 50% does not, it can simply make people leave the server because they don't want to bother climbing a tower like that. I could imagine a new player logging in and him leaving again soon because of those towers.

In my opinion it would be better without than with towers - even though they can be fun on occasion, most of the time it's annoying as hell if you are not on it.

Oak Milk

Kill Hungry Thirsty Dead
Mafia Host
Sep 9, 2012
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Generally though on most maps hunters are given rescources to get around these towers, even by making their own, they can be a bit of pain if you are the hunter, but more often than not there is a way around them. I find a bit of determination goes a long way. After all survivors normally only have so many arrows :]


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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With the towers it becomes a ten minute journey of trying to make it up the tower with a 95% chance of being knocked off by arrows. We shouldn't have to wait until they run out of arrows after dying 30 times to be able to climb.
And once you get to the top, it becomes easy for the survivors to simply push you down again if they are in groups (which they probably will be and you can't be as easily).
And then there's the issues of Bows of Infinity, making it actually more or less impossible to get up.

In my opinion it's a very overused overpowered tactic that relies less on having to actually plan your strategy around the map but rather around whether or not you can collect enough blocks to make a tower.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Well I actually think it adds some nice variety in gameplay. It isn't like these towers are made every round, I hardly ever see them unless ciu22 is online :p If you do see them a lot then yes, I understand that could be annoying, but from my experience towers are quite rare. I personally think it is fun to sometimes have rounds where you have to climb to kill. :)
But like already mentioned, if any map makers want to disable these towers, they can.


Dec 10, 2011
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I'm all in favour of banning towers completely, as they just infuriate me when survivors camp at the top of them. I've found many times some survivors *cough* Ciu22 *cough* will build towers to the build limit, make a walkway with a wall around them to protect themselves, then just hold an arrow back for when a hunter eventually makes it to the top, just for said hunter to fall to their death. It may be fun for the survivors but it's very unfair for the hunters. Most times I either leave when this happens or wait the round out.
Dec 22, 2011
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No don't get rid of my precious towers, they make the game fun (well for me) some times I don't even have a bow and I still make a tower. They are part of the game now :S


SMP Overlord & Events Manager
Survival Staff
Aug 6, 2011
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Now, I don't mean to offend anyone here so please try not to take offense. I have noticed that many users are lacking common sense when it comes to towers; why are you spending almost the whole round trying to climb the same staircase, getting knocked down 90% of the time when you can simply, and I mean very, very simply make your own tower where they cannot see you, or place blocks around the tower so it is dead easy to climb up. If mulitple hunters made their own towers, how is 1 or 2 survivors on a tower going to pick off 20 hunters on let's say, 11 different towers?

If I am climbing a tower, while all the hunters are taking one route, I'll take another route by myself as I know the survivors will be targeting only those hunters, giving me a wonderful opportunity to knock a few off, kill a few or add a new way up to the tower. It's simple strategic play. Rather than, and I repeat, no offense is intended, being blatant and complaining why not just try to take another route, or try to work with other Hunters to make a fool-proof plan to get up?


Got the moves like Jagger!
Aug 6, 2011
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Now, I don't mean to offend anyone here so please try not to take offense. I have noticed that many users are lacking common sense when it comes to towers; why are you spending almost the whole round trying to climb the same staircase, getting knocked down 90% of the time when you can simply, and I mean very, very simply make your own tower where they cannot see you, or place blocks around the tower so it is dead easy to climb up. If mulitple hunters made their own towers, how is 1 or 2 survivors on a tower going to pick off 20 hunters on let's say, 11 different towers?

If I am climbing a tower, while all the hunters are taking one route, I'll take another route by myself as I know the survivors will be targeting only those hunters, giving me a wonderful opportunity to knock a few off, kill a few or add a new way up to the tower. It's simple strategic play. Rather than, and I repeat, no offense is intended, being blatant and complaining why not just try to take another route, or try to work with other Hunters to make a fool-proof plan to get up?
Because as you say:
I have noticed that many users are lacking common sense when it comes to towers;
Unless you want to start giving out Take Down Towers 101 Classes, this is a much simpler fix.


Former CA
Aug 13, 2011
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Now, I don't mean to offend anyone here so please try not to take offense. I have noticed that many users are lacking common sense when it comes to towers; why are you spending almost the whole round trying to climb the same staircase, getting knocked down 90% of the time when you can simply, and I mean very, very simply make your own tower where they cannot see you, or place blocks around the tower so it is dead easy to climb up. If mulitple hunters made their own towers, how is 1 or 2 survivors on a tower going to pick off 20 hunters on let's say, 11 different towers?

If I am climbing a tower, while all the hunters are taking one route, I'll take another route by myself as I know the survivors will be targeting only those hunters, giving me a wonderful opportunity to knock a few off, kill a few or add a new way up to the tower. It's simple strategic play. Rather than, and I repeat, no offense is intended, being blatant and complaining why not just try to take another route, or try to work with other Hunters to make a fool-proof plan to get up?
A few things that are wrong with your post:
1. Most maps don't have block kits for zombies, and even if they have then they won't get them every time. They could also just collect blocks but there is absolutely no fun in that, which brings me to my next point.
2. Just because it is somewhat possible to counter the tower-strategy, doesn't mean that it is fun for the other players, it's very reasonable to ban something because it's not fun, even though humans are not unkillable.
3. You assume that there are a lot of hunters (20), but there are usually around 10~ players around, so a fair amount of hunters raiding is possible, but only when (almost) all other humans are dead. It's nonsense that you would need the whole servers to kill 1 person/group.


Aug 7, 2011
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I personally like towers! I don't care if I'm a hunter or not, still, they're fine. You see, Hunters already have advantages. They have better kits plus they soak up more damage-- and give more damage. Why not give a survivor an advantage? Besides, usually hunters win rounds. Anyways, not ALL maps enable one to build towers, so it's not like towers are there all the time. Towers should NOT be banned.
  • Agree
Reactions: Infected_alien8_


Dear Apparition
Creative Staff
Aug 21, 2011
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I am split on this.
Step 1: Make a axe
Step 2: Get lots of wood
Step 3: Get tons of arrows
Step 4: Make a tower
Step 5: Get other humans on your tower
Step 6: Spam arrows
Step 7: ??????Profit?????

On one hand towers take sacerfice and skill to make. On the other hand for any human they can climb the tower for a easy win. Also in some maps hunters get next to no blocks to flank and for hunters it is a nightmare to climb the towers as humans spam arrows. I lean towards wanting 1 or 2 of the steps to be nerfed.