X__x's Operator Application

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Resident Zombie
Aug 13, 2011
Reaction score
In-game username:

Eastern time

How much time will you be able to spend staffing the server each day?
I could be on roughly sixteen hours a day, if I wake up early enough. I could easily average seven to ten hours a day, though.

What do you think the responsibilities of an operator are on this server?
Operators are charged with maintaining the peace, helping fix anyone who was wronged by someone or someones committing infractions in the server, keeping things enjoyable, helping out around when needed, and much more. They are fair, yet kind. Helpful while working towards keeping order. Checking on people every so often to keep an eye on potential rule-breakers is a must in my eye.

What sets you apart from other applicants?
I can't really say I'm better than anyone else. While I do have roughly eight years of staffing experience (2004 - 2006 yahoo game leagues, 2007 - 2012 SuperCheats forums staff [mod from 2007-2008, super mod from 2008-2009, administrator from 2009 - 2012], World of Minecraft 2010-2011 [resigned due to split], 2011 - 2012ish Blocktopia [Zombie classic Op and SMP trusted], 2012-June 2013 DiamondMine Administrator). I know how to behave while doing staffing, I know how to work effectively while staffing, but I also know how to keep things fun while doing it.

What do you believe your greatest weaknesses are as a player and/or staff member?
I can be a bit strict when I'm frustrated. Although I don't get frustrated often, I do tend to get a bit strict on the rules. I also tend to stick closely to the actual rules, too, when I'm on. This is when I do staffing. As a player, I tend to reject people joining my home, stating out I dislike leeches. If people continue to ask to join others to survive a round, they rank up eventually. I find it that if they keep asking to join someone else and not learn how to survive on their own, they won't learn the most basic survival skill RoF teaches us. It's highly essential for even single player or DoD.

How would you approach a problem that you are unfamiliar with?
If a problem occured which I could not solve, the next best thing is to ask someone else of the same rank. As an Operator, we need to follow a chain of command. If I can not solve something, ask someone else of my rank. If no other Operator is able to solve it, I would need to take it to the next step and ask a Veteran Operator. Following the chain of command is absolutely essential so the higher up's aren't bothered by potentially simple matters.

What previous experience staffing on Blocktopia servers do you have?
Back in 2011 I was an Operator for Zombie classic. I was demoted due to inactivity because of how monotonous it was doing the same thing over and over again without an incentive. I later became Trusted rank on SMP, though I refused Operator because of the color purple being the rank's color.

@IQ Destructor


why we can't have nice things
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Easily one of, if not the most, qualified person I've ever met in Minecraft. I've known you since early 2011, and you've always managed to amaze me in most regards to Minecraft. Extremely dependable, fun to be around, very friendly, better than even me at technicalities, great sense of humor, almost ridiculous dedication to the server, and one hell of a track record (albeit outside the community), I literally can't think of a single reason that you shouldn't staff here.
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