Trusted Application for Mach9824

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Destroyer of Worlds
Nov 24, 2011
Reaction score
  • In-Game Name: Mach9824
  • What, if any, are the names of your alts: I do not own any other accounts.
  • Which server you are applying for: None other than Blocktopia's Zombie Survival.
  • The Timezone you are in: GMT -5 EST (near Toronto, Ontario) However, I am on at any hour.
  • Your age: 18
  • How long have you been playing on the zombie server? The day I logged into Zombie Survival for the first time was on November 9th, 2011 and I have around 180 hours logged at this point. Give or take a few.
  • Have you held a staff position on any other of Blocktopia's servers? As Epsilon is not officially a Blocktopia server, I have not held any staff positions. However, I am both familiar with the commands as well as the fluid controls of the WoM client.
  • Should you get approved, what will you actively do? If I am to be approved, I would do what any other staff member would do, or is expected to do. I would not act as a rank hungry player looking only to further myself, but rather play as a person who wants to make sure the server runs smoothly.
    I will abide by the rules to set a good example for players new and old, as well as enforce them.
    Depending on the situation, or type of issue, I will use the Warn, Kick, Kick, Ban method. However, if problems arise to such extremeties, I will ask an Operator+ to step in.
    I will not be hasty to abuse my powers, but rather stand back and absorb the situation to understand it and make the right choices. (of course doing so before it spirals out of hand)
    Now, all of this sounds well and good, but if Operator+ are online at the time, I will not back seat operate. I will let them deal with it unless I am needed, or need to draw attention to things that may have happened previously or initially.
  • If a staff member is acting up, and/or abusing what will you do? If a staff member is acting up or abusing their powers at the Trusted rank, Operators or higher will be informed. If any staff higher than a Trusted is commiting the same issues, the Head Administrators will be informed as soon as possible.
    Proof of the incidents, if they happen, will be recorded via screenshots, logs, and any other medium that is available, if possible.
  • Why do you deserve the position of Trusted? I think I deserve the position of trusted because, I understand and respect the server in its entirety. I realize the work and effort that needs to be put into it to be maintained, and I would like to be a part of that; even if it means enforcing what it stands for. Apart from that, I like to see myself as a good, and well respected player as well as fairly known amongst most active players.
    Now I am not saying by any means that I am better, or should deserve this more than any other person out there, but I think that I have been around long enough to proceed to the next level.
  • What will you represent as a staff member/How will you do your job?: As I feel this question is used to summarize the previous questions, I will answer as such. As a staff member, I will represent a positive rolemodel as stated before, and I will stand for all that the server is. I will not jump at every little thing that may go wrong, but I will swiftly deal with any actions that need to be taken care of. I will perfrom my duties fairly and in the boundaries of the rules. I will never abuse my powers for my own personal profit, and I will not go around flaunting it in front of other members. If there is an issue that I cannot handle I will seek the aid of higher ranked players, or fellow Trusted members for advice or assistance.
  • Which staff members have referenced you/ told you directly that they want you to apply for Trusted?: ZombiePineapple, Theodorre, Jowe, Smelyalata, and AvantGarde
  • Thanks a bunch you guys.
  • Signed: Ryan Young a.k.a. Mach9824
  • Thank you for reading.
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