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The Annoying Joke Game


Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
Basically how this game works is that we all tell annoying jokes, and if a joke is found comical, the person has to write a story (3-4 sentences) of the first chosen prompt (first message) The only rule is that the joke must annoy.
i'll start.
(jokes can be as long and pointless as possible)

r: So, as everyone knows, two different species (flavors) of cheerios cannot mate, right? That is, if one is honey-nut and another is blueberry, they cannot mate. Anyway, there is this one normal cheerio that is in love with a blueberry cheerio. Unfortunately, he cannot mate with her. He can't even communicate with her because they are of different species. So, he invents a machine that changes all of his CNA (Cheerio DNA) into whichever type of cheerio that he wants. However, this machine performs a process that is extraordinarily painful, because that sort of thing would hurt. Anyway. He does it, and the normal flavored cheerio becomes a blueberry cheerio. Unfortunately, this girl cheerio hates him so much that she invents an identical machine and does the process on herself in order to become a cinnamon-apple cheerio, just so she can avoid this creeper. So, she does it. The boy cheerio is starting to get upset at this because he really wants her. So he tells himself that he will go through the pain for her, and becomes a cinnamon-apple cheerio. She then changes to a honey-nut cheerio! He decides that this is the last time that he will change cheerio type. He does it, and she changes one more time, into a normal cheerio - the kind he originally was. So he says out loud, "Okay, this is really the last time. If she changes again, I will just stay back with my family." So he becomes a normal cheerio again, and she doesn't change fast enough for him to put his moves on her. So, they start dating, and he finally asks her to the Formal Bowl (ahaha, get it, bowl instead of ball). Anyway, they get there and dance intensely for a few hours. Finally, they get tired and she sends the boy cheerio to the milk bowl (you know, since it's a cereal dance, they have that and punch). He gets there and stands in line for ten minutes. Finally fed up at the really long line, he looks over at the bowl of punch and realizes there is no punch line.


Sep 21, 2011
Reaction score
I got one that I heard my brother telling one of my friends.

They're three boys; one is 17, one is 19 and the other is 21. The first on went to a hotel and ask the manager is he had a room available. The manager replied, "Yes, but there was a murder in it two years ago." The guy decided that he didn't care so took the room. At about three o'clock in the morning he heard a someone in the bathroom saying "I got you where I want you." So he ran out of the hotel. The following day, the next oldest boy walked into the hotel and asked if there was a room available. The hotel manager said that there was, but there was a murder in it two years ago and the guy last night left screaming in the middle of the night. The boy decided that he didn't care and took the room. Late in the middle of the night he heard someone saying in the bathroom, "I got you where I want you." He was braver than the other two guys so he opened the door. In the bathroom was a monkey sitting on the toilet, picking his nose while saying, "I got you where I want you, now I'm going to eat you."

After the joke, my friend looked at my brother with an incredible look of aggravation, and started punching in the arm until he had to get off the bus.