The Adventures of Krieg The Psycho


Aug 4, 2013
Reaction score
Entry I
Requiem for Humanity

Standing upon the husk of civilization, the testament to both the rapid rise and even more rapid decline of civilization before me... it is truly a humbling experience. The wind is playing me a melody, whistling through the skeletal remains of the buildings, a fitting Requiem for Humanity.

I look down upon the world and i want to shout, no i want to scream! I want my voice to be heard when i tell everyone that 'I am the dawn of vengeance, i will be the justice that brings civilization back to this world, I am your l-] " YOUR PUNY MEAT-SOULS ALL BELONG TO ME"

[ Eh... Close enough. It's been decades since I was last able to speak, I don't even remember my own name anymore, Craig? Krieg? People tend to just refer to me as 'Freak' or 'Psycho', perhaps that's my name? ] "STOP LISTENING TO ME, I DON'T LIKE IT WHEN YOU LISTEN TO ME" [That's right buddy. Get it all outta your system here and now, while no ones ar-.

Shit, we didn't even hear the footsteps behind us did we? How did they even sneak up on us! No ones that silent! No one who isn't used to treading quietly. And yet here we are, One push away from a twenty story performance, no en-core, no do-overs. It's now or never buddy, you know what you have to do...]