[Technic SSP]Let's Go Adventuring


Aug 6, 2011
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Warning: Major load of pictures to be found in this thread. Tread lightly.
Duffie Plays
Technic SSP+
Note: I'll probably update this thread every once in a while. I've been playing several different games recently, and a lot less Minecraft. But, I wanted to try this out, for old times sake.
Note Note: Also, thanks Jolteon42 for reminding me of my old screenshot Let's Plays. <3
Note Note 2: And also credit to raxo2222 for creating one in the past, as well!
This shall be a run of Technic SSP+, the most recent Technic Survival Singleplayer pack (with some additional mods), all shown through the power of my text, and the sight of my photos. I play as Duffie in an Enderman costume, holding a camera.​
But, before we even begin...​
Let's create the world, and show off the seed I'll be using.​
Seed: duffie​
Let's do this.​
* * *​
Dawn of the first day
* * *​
We begin our adventure by spawning on sand; a typical, nostalgic Minecraft experience.​
After looking around a bit, I was lucky enough to find some sugarcane!​
I instantly break it down, and replant it all by the water, remaining on the sand.​
Fun Fact : Sugarcane can only grow when placed on sand, dirt, or grass sitting directly next to a water source block. But, did you know that Sugarcane grows faster when you place it on sand next to water, rather than dirt or grass?​
Anyway, back to the adventure.​
After I finish up the sugarcane, I head northward, toward the jungle, only to find...​
... A dead chicken?​
Well, I'm not complaining, I guess. I'll just look around a bit more for those chicke--​
. . .​
Well, let's just ignore it, and go on our way.​
I punch down a tree, and start to make my tools.​
And now I go to cut down as many trees as I can.​
Oh, and while I'm at it...​
Now you see it...​
Now you don't.​
The Treecapitator mod allows you to fully cut down trees, using the durability of your axe for each log it breaks. So, if you have a wooden axe, you can only cut down trees with <60 logs. If you do happen to cut down a tree with >60 logs, you'll end up breaking your axe, and having some floating logs.​
I use up my axes, and I start the creation of my house.​
Then, suddenly, night time...​


Aug 6, 2011
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* * *​
Dusk of the first day
* * *​
I start to panic, as I have no house. What a horror it is to run around the desert, without any armor...​
Suddenly, I see something in the distance...​
And then some more things spawn in..!​
And in the jungle...​
That's right, it's a part of a mod I have installed;​
Cute Mob Models [link]​
Also, I can freely note that Cute Mob Model spiders do, in fact, change their hitbox and block detection... So, they can enter anywhere you can enter, but not where they used to be able to enter.​
Anyways, back to business.​
I ran out of logs to build my house, so I went back for some more logs.​
* * *​
Dawn of the second day
* * *​
So, as I work on my house, the sun comes up. I run out of logs again, so I go back to the forest, collect my logs, only to find something at my house...​
I felt I needed a better snapshot of it, so... Here's what I got, without getting killed. :D​
Aren't they cute? :3​
---Now, enough distractions! The coast is clear, and I have a house to build!​
Aaaand... There goes the sun.​
* * *​
Dusk of the second day
* * *​
Well, here's the last photo I have of my house so far;​
And here's me quivering in fear inside my semi-roofless, lighting-bugged house;​
And for now, that's all she wrote.​
Quite the adventure, but we'll stop here for today, as I feel like I'll die as soon as I step outside.

But, I shall return!​
Until then? Until then.​


Aug 6, 2011
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Sugar cane does NOT grow faster on sand than on dirt/grass ;)
Lies. :p

But thanks, nonetheless. ;)

Edit :
EDIT: There was a myth that sugar cane grew faster on sand than dirt or grass blocks. It has been disproven. Sugarcane grows at the same speed on dirt and sand.[2]
You know, when you edit your post without tagging or quoting me, I can't see it unless I check back. ;)


Aug 6, 2011
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As I look around, I realize something else...​
There's something I can make that will help me take things out from a distance!​
Oh, yes... The wooden boomerang. With these, I can hit enemies from a distance, AND get my boomerang back!​
Might as well make more axes while I'm at it; I need some more logs...​
I go outside, look around, and see my first victim...​
I charge my boomerang...​
And shoot!​
As you can see, it definitely rebounds. :D​
Suddenly, I find some more things to fling my boomerang at...​
I find this weapon perfect with creepers... As long as you don't miss.​
If you miss, the boomerang can still come back; but, if the boomerang hits the floor... You'll need to go pick it up.​
After taking out those creepers, I look around some more...​
... 4 spiders.​
Yeah... I don't think I'm ready for tha-- What? Why is there stati--​
. . .​
Well, that sucked.​


Aug 6, 2011
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* * *​
Second Life
* * *
Well, spawn was right by my house, so I might as we--​
. . .​
Why, game? Why?​
Well, I rush home, eat some apples, and was actually able to pick up all my items-- Even before daylight, actually.​
* * *​
Dawn of the third day
* * *​
So, I forgot to take a picture of this sunrise... But, that doesn't matter. I continue my work on my house, when I see an ocelot...​
... Wish I had some fish right about now. Even a fishing rod would have been fine right now. Maybe I should have chanced it with those spiders...​
Well, enough of that. Time for some woodcuttin'.​
I come back with my spoils, which I take a picture of;​
And then actually take of picture of sundown.​
* * *​
Dusk of the third day
* * *​
Before the moon could rise any further, I quickly take a picture of my house's progress;​
Then I rushed inside.​
I work on the insides of my house, make a couple chests...​
... THEN I realized I downloaded a mod that could help me out, slightly more than the boomerang!​
I craft 24 planks...​
And... 24? If you play Minecraft, you should know what this number represents!​
That's right, wooden armor!​
This is from one of the mods I have installed;​
Fragile Armor [link]​
Sure, that link leads to Little Maid Mob, but Fragile Armor's on the same page. ;)
You can make Paper Armor, Wool Armor, Wooden Armor... Maybe more armor that I don't know of. xD​
Great for just starting the game, I suppose. ;3​
--Enough of that, time for some inventory management;​
I go look out the door, noticing the moon was falling!​
I step outside my door, and suddenly the skeleton I saw disappears...​
Guess it's about time to start doing day-time things.​

Edit: Now that I look at it, you can see another mod I have installed;​
Armor Status HUD [link]​
Allows me to see my armor's durability, numerical wise, right on the HUD! :D​


Aug 6, 2011
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* * *​
Dawn of the fourth day
* * *​
I figured today would be a great day to start mining. I mean, 3 days without stone or coal? That was dark, and suicidal!​
Running around some, I find some skeletons still alive.​
A swish, and flick~​
... Oh, I missed.​
But wait, there's more!​
The boomerang rebounds, and is still able to hit monsters! Quite the weapon, this.​
I go around killing some of the surviving skeletons because apparently everything else is dead and I find a Stolen Present?​
This is either apart of Steve Carts 2 or Railcraft, but either way, completely out of my reach.​
I'll just put that away for now.​
I continue running around, when it starts to rain...​
But, no worries for me, because I have another mod!​
Optifine Ultra [link]​
Sure, this game already has Optifine, but they use Optifine Light, which has extremely limited options!​
Anyway, I continue to walk around, and I figure I might as well start mining.​
I choose my spot to dig;​
And I see sand fall.​
Aaand I find lava.​
I ignore the lava, but grab some stone, so I can make some stone tools, and furnaces!​
I continue working on the shaft, and find some resources!​
But before I can continue working, the sun falls down. I take a picture of my progress;​
Take a picture of the sunset;​
And then head inside.​
* * *​
Dusk of the fourth day
* * *​
I start work on making some coal and torches!​
Fun Fact : Every burnable block can be cooked in the furnace! Even some that might not be burnable, due to some sort of bug, or something.​
Here's a list of the cooking times that I know of;​
[Item / Amount cooked]
Stick / Sapling : 0.5​
Wooden Slabs : 0.75​
Wooden Tools : 1​
Logs / Planks : 1.5​
Char / Coal : 8​
Lava Bucket : 100​
And, here's some things to note;​
1) Logs and planks burn the same amount of blocks in the furnace! You know what that means..?​
DON'T USE LOGS TO COOK ITEMS! Craft them into freakin' planks, people! You get x4 more items cooked out of it!​
2) Wooden tools cook one item, no matter the durability! If you aren't going to use the tool, you might as well use it to cook stuff.​
3) When playing Technic, you'll be using coal a lot more than charcoal. If possible, I suggest to use charcoal to cook and make torches, rather than coal!​
And now, I shall play some more. I'll just be digging, so I'll just post pictures of when I find resources, and when interesting things happen. I might as well stop displaying the days now, too, as I don't think I can keep up with it when I can't see the moon/sun. xP​
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