Tam's topic for stuff


Aug 11, 2011
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Hi friends. Welcome to my 'creative' Blocktopia outlet
I'm going to post my creative artsy stuff here whenever I can.
My computer is weird and blocks a lot of image hosting sites, and for some reason I can't post photos on here with my Flickr urls.(Pretty much the only site my computer is chill with)
If anybody could help me out with that, maybe upload my photos onto other image hosting sites and then gimme the link, that would be beautiful.
I really wish I could directly upload photos onto here. Sob.
Until I get that figured out, I'll post some writings or whatever.​
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Aug 11, 2011
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Have you ever thought about how things exist in the past, present and future?
Clearly our actions exist in the past, right? We made decisions and those decisions lead to other choices which leads to where we are now, and the way we've effected other people and impacted certain things.
Therefore, we exist in the past. Not physically, but we exist. It's like taking a pen, and writing "I exist while I'm writing this, and I exist while I'm reading this."
Everyone talks about the ...past like it's just gone, and it's never going to be here again but I don't think that's true. We're still capable of thinking as far back as our memories allow, and we're given the opportunity everyday to bring things up that we might choose not to.
Frankly, that's a difficult truth to think about. We've all made mistakes in our past and a lot of us wish we could just forget about it and it never would have happened.
I think we can patch up our mistakes if we try hard enough. Maybe you hurt someone in the past, you can apologize. If they forgive you, you have a clean conscious knowing they're OK. If they don't forgive you, you can understand that you at least tried to help them as well as yourself, and still you can be given a sense of ease.
Just by those words, you can clear up a burden that's been holding you down for however long it persisted.
And of course, we exist in the future. We're presented with billions of different options and paths every day, and it's like looking out and seeing all of these tunnels stretching endlessly into infinity, and we exist in every one of them until we choose one to take, and then we exist only in that presence, and so on for every lifetime. More often than not, we have absolutely no idea what's waiting at the end of each tunnel, and that's because everyone is given this sense of freewill, all of these tunnels intersecting endlessly and changing the outcome at each intersection, it can never be determined. One thing we can count on is for those tunnels to be there. No matter how difficult a decision may be, how much you feel trapped, those tunnels are always there. You're always given infinite opportunities.
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