[September 17] ejaworski24's Application for Trusted


Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
  • In-Game Name: ejaworski24
  • What, if any, are the names of your alts: My sister, kjkool2, who's been on here a couple times.
  • Which server you are applying for: [Blocktopia] Zombie Survival
  • The Timezone you are in: GMT -5
  • Your age: 12
  • How long have you been playing on the zombie server? Since June 10th.
  • Have you held a staff position on any other of Blocktopia's servers? No
  • Should you get approved, what will you actively do? I will always do my best to make the server as fun as possible, while making sure everyone follows the rules and I will help anyone who is new to the server, or anyone who asks me for help.
  • If a staff member is acting up, and/or abusing what will you do? I will take logs or get a screenshot that shows what they are doing wrong and I will report it immediately to a Director, after telling the staff member that they need to stop.
  • Why do you deserve the position of Trusted? I am always as helpful as possible, and I am polite. I never lose my patience, and I will always be kind to anyone who needs help with something.
  • What will you represent as a staff member/How will you do your job? I stand for making the server neat, organized, and as fun as possible for everyone. If I see anyone breaking/not following the rules, I will do whatever I can to make them stop, and make sure the server is fair for everyone.
  • Which staff members have referenced you/ told you directly that they want you to apply for Trusted?: Forseti, kraby1, Fireball0409, soapless2, Gassy_European
  • Signed: ejaworski24