My fanfic


Jun 11, 2012
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So I've wanted to write this for a while, but I've never found to time to do so. Well finally, I've been able to produce this, so feel free to comment on this. :)

The wind was blowing against my face, as streaks of blood ran down my hands and leg. The whole battlefield, what was once known as a paradise called Mythological, was torn apart by war, lava, and death. Countless bodies littered the field; some were covered in red cloth, others were clothed in blue wool. Discarded bullets were strewn over the ground, though I picked up one. I stared at its beauty, its efficient job of maiming and killing life. It stood for all that I had to do: kill and wage war between two rivaling factions.
My two comrades stood beside me, and leaned on whatever weapon they could find. Terre936 was covered in the blood of his foes, and ragged clothing. Most of his clothes were handmade, by himself. The other person, Super_Goku, looked at the battlefield and sighed, for he mauled a lot of the enemy and caused total carnage. I was about to fall down from sheer exhaustion from fighting, but then Terre held me up, and supported me with his shoulder. “Come on,” he said. “Let’s get back to the base to get some rest.” Super_Goku nodded in agreement, and he too, put his arm around my back.
Together, we three soldiers, began the journey of a lifetime.