Minecraft Movie Database



What is it?
The minecraft Movie Database, or MCMD for short is a database of Minecraft videos inspired by the Internet Movie Database and it's main goal is to give all Minecraftians a list of Minecraft-based movies, cinematic shorts and so-called television series. With this we mean professional cinematic's , and not let's plays or similar. We also provide reviews and ratings for every single video listed on the website.

What is considered a movie?
To us, a Minecraft-related video can only be classified as a movie, short movie or series when it has at least two recording sessions and is at least eleven minutes long. Gameplay videos, like tutorials, let's play or videos like that can and will not be considered minecraft movies.

I've seen a really good movie that isn't on this website! What do I do?
If you have found a movie which is not yet listed on MCMD, or you have created your own movie, feel free to contact us at mcmdsupport@outlook.com. We are always happy to add new movies to our database! However, if you want to, you can also create your own reviews and post them on the forums. If you are a Verified Reviewer and we haven't posted a review on the video you've reviewed yet, your review will be but on the main site!

So I can post my own reviews?
Yes, definitely! Our forums has its own "Reviews" section in which you can post your own reviews of movies, shorts and series- Even ones that haven't been reviewed by us yet. If you are a Verified Reviewer, your review can even be posted on the main website.

Sounds cool! Where can I find this?
The url of our website is mcmd.tk. Feel free to join our forums and share your own reviews!