Marnixxie's VetOp application


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Username: Marnixxie

Rank Requested: VetOp

Your real age: 19

Your timezone: GMT+1 (DST+2)

How long have you been playing Minecraft: I started playing Minecraft around november 2010. Stieben a friend of mine introduced me to this game, and convinced me to give it a shot.
We started like most of the people around on random freebuild servers and I found my interest in the game.
At some point we got bored of keep building the same kind of buildings, and I started to search for a "survival" server.
Which lead us to the Blocktopia Lava Survival server, some days later to the Zombie Survival server.
We kept coming back of the nice staff around, and were absolutely pleased.
At some point we both wanted to become staff to do something back to what Blocktopia has offered us.
Around february/march 2011, we became Zombie Trusteds, and now I am here, a TNT Grenadier, very dedicated and loyal to the server and community.

What do you think you should be doing as VetOp: As VetOp I should be guiding, counselling and/or helping the staff members of SMP, mainly being a role model for everyone.
As VetOp I have proven that I have been here for an extended period of time, and have been an excellent asset to the staff.
Of course doing the usual activities, like making the server a fun place to be and enforcing the rules at any time.

If a fellow staff member is acting up and/or abusing their power, what will you do: I would collect some evidence when possible and contact Malcovent in a forum PM and/or a query on IRC.

Why should you be a VetOp: At this point I would like to introduce me as an enthusiastic and motivated candidate for the position of Veteran Operator within your server.The requested competencies for Veteran Operator in this community, are no problem and of course I would like to train me further with any feedback given.
The reason, why I want to apply here is, because I want to do/give something back to what you (Blocktopia) have given me, a home, friends and a place of feeling free.
With all experience I have in all the servers so far, I want to help the SMP staff with counselling, staffing and organizing (events).
Speaking of events, so far I am one of the organizers of the TNT Tournament 2, which has roughly 160 entrants now, and I have been one of the organizers of the TNT CTF/KOTH map competition.

How will you represent the Blocktopia community and be a valuable asset to us; what will you bring to the team: I am a very kind and open person, and know the Blocktopia community very good.
I will be approachable to anyone, and willing to help everyone who needs.
At my first time I was being pleased about everything on Blocktopia, I would like to give (new) players that feeling as well.

Current/previous positions held:
Past staff positions held: Zombie Trusted, Op; Lava Trusted, Op; TNT Trusted, Op.
Current staff position: TNT Grenadier (VetOp).

Teamspeak?: Yes
Microphone?: Yes

Previous Offences?: I have had an argument with IntensiK (ex-ZHC), when I felt being ignored, and got demoted in the end.
Later I regained my rank and status and never has been in such a situation, I have learned.

Signed: Marnixxie