[JtE][SKILL REGULATOR] LagWarrior's Application


SMP Veteran Operator
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
In-game username: LagWarrior

Age: 16

Staff references(Con+): Baker93, BrickWolf

Time spent on the server: From my operator application, I honestly have no idea. I’ve been quite a while on the SMP servers that I have lost count of my hours.

Other server ranks (present and past):
[EX] TNT: Trusted-VetOp
[EX] SMP: (Crafty’s reign): Trusted- VetOp
[EX] Primordia: Operator-VetOp
[CURRENT] AoD: Trusted-Operator
[CURRENT]SMP (Malco + Marn’s reign): VetOp

TeamSpeak: Yes

How would you describe the responsibility of the rank you apply for: There is little to say here, but my job is to regulate skills to ensure balance. That is, making sure there are no loopholes or abuses of experience. Balancing is a challenge, but feasible.

Tell us about your experience as an Operator: I’ve been an operator for quite some time since I’ve joined this community. As an operator, I was to enforce rules and assess problems given to me by the fellow player(s) with a swift style. Also, I helped out the VetOps+ with projects or general staffing whenever I am not online. In addition, I helped many new players with getting acquainted with the server. By my actions, I was able to generate a friendly environment for the server itself.

Tell us about yourself in less than 200 words: From my operator post, I love to help people. My hobbies are: Tennis, Guitar, Video Games, and having a great time with friends. I am very serious about my school work and wish to strive to succeed. I have a dream to become a professional finger style guitarist and a Family Doctor. I love my family more than anything else. And I find Blocktopia to be a third family (friends being second :p). Also, I believe that I am ambitious. If I can have the right mindset, I can achieve anything!

On my honor, I pledge to fulfill the duties of SkillRegulator, and to assess problems with the Skills or Experience when necessary.
Signed: LagWarrior