DarkRP - Declined Frag's DarkRP Application


Not Former Staff
Jul 15, 2015
Reaction score
What is your in-game name? Fragile, my Steam name is tnmjimbob2

What timezone do you live in? United States

How many hours have you played on the server for? If you're rounding, zero.

How many hours can you spend helping out the server per week? 168

What prior staffing experience do you have? AoD 1.0 VetOp (can you believe it?), A&T 2.0 Moderator, AoD 2.0 Moderator, and Forum Moderator. I'm pretty sure I also staffed some shitty SMP server.

What do you think the role entails? Protecting the server from DDoS and throwing Communists off helicopters

Why do you want to be a staff member? Power

What qualities can you bring to the current staff team, that set you apart from other applicants? I'm the only one applying who has been involved in money laundering

How would you approach a problem that you are unfamiliar with? Ask someone who knows the answer. If you mean a Math problem, I use Slader to do my Math homework.

Is there anything else we should know or you want to tell us? I have only ever temporarily banned three staff members, but none of them for longer than 10 minutes.

How well do you know ULX? I've never met him, but he seems like a cool guy.

What would you do in the case of a MassRDM? Fight Random with Random

Please list your references: I have none

Please tell us why you plan to DDoS the server: All the other DDoSers are child molestors, so I was inspired to be the first non-pedophile to DDoS.