[Denied + /mood realistic added by WinX] Realistic lava

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Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
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This suggestion is complete overhaul of lava - calm lava would be worse than furious water!

On calm mood following blocks have high chance (>50%) of destruction within minute:
Saplings, shrooms, flowers, leaves, TNT, and sponges
Blocks listed on calm lava mood have 50% chance of destruction within minute.
Blocks listed on annoyed lava mood have 20% chance of destruction within minute.
Blocks listed on angry lava mood have 10% chance of destruction within minute.
Blocks listed on furious lava mood have 5% chance of destruction within minute.
Iron and Gold blocks have 2% chance of destruction within minute
Obsidian have 1% chance of destruction in minute.

On annoyed mood following blocks have high chance (>50%) of destruction within minute:
Wooden planks, logs, bookshelves, sand, glass, clothes, coal, and dirt.
Blocks listed on calm lava mood have 90% chance of destruction within minute.
Blocks listed on annoyed lava mood have 50% chance of destruction within minute.
Blocks listed on angry lava mood have 30% chance of destruction within minute.
Blocks listed on furious lava mood have 10% chance of destruction within minute.
Iron and Gold blocks have 5% chance of destruction within minute
Obsidian have 2% chance of destruction in minute.

On angry mood following blocks have high chance (>50%) of destruction within minute:
Iron and gold ore, gravel, stair and double stair.
Blocks listed on calm lava mood have 95% chance of destruction within minute.
Blocks listed on annoyed lava mood have 75% chance of destruction within minute.
Blocks listed on angry lava mood have 50% chance of destruction within minute.
Blocks listed on furious lava mood have 20% chance of destruction within minute.
Iron and Gold blocks have 10% chance of destruction within minute
Obsidian have 5% chance of destruction in minute.

On furious mood following blocks have high chance (>50%) of destruction within minute:
Bricks, cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, and stone.
Blocks listed on calm lava mood have 99% chance of destruction within minute.
Blocks listed on annoyed lava mood have 90% chance of destruction within minute.
Blocks listed on angry lava mood have 75% chance of destruction within minute.
Blocks listed on furious lava mood have 50% chance of destruction within minute.
Iron and Gold blocks have 20% chance of destruction within minute
Obsidian have 10% chance of destruction in minute.

As destruction of blocks are mood dependent, so let cold water destroy plants faster in higher times (leaves count!)

Calm cold water: 20% chance of destruction of leaves and 50% chance of destruction of plants* within minute.
Annoyed cold water: 40% chance of destruction of leaves and 75% chance of destruction of plants* within minute.
Angry cold water: 75% chance of destruction of leaves and 90% chance of destruction of plants* within minute.
Furious cold water: 90% chance of destruction of leaves and 99% chance of destruction of plants* within minute

*plants for cold water are saplings, flowers and shrooms

Above modification requires command, that checks what blocks have >50% chance of destruction (so you can survive easier). Let it be modified informative /melts or /destroys command for guest+.
This would also completely get rid safe zones, as they are useless

As it would render /ironman too risky, lets it give 3x reward on calm lava, 4x on annoyed lava, 5x on angry lava and 6x on furious lava.
OR remove it, and make quantity of cookies depended on how many air blocks surround you e.g
<10 air blocks in home - 1 cookie, <100 air blocks in home - 10 cookies, and make it capped at 50 cookies.

You can't camp at spawn! - Being closer than 5 blocks from spawn causes that, you WON'T get cookies!
Build high! - Begin on higher half of map gives you +50% cookies boost! (e.g someone gets 10 cookies in base, but you, being in higher half of map earns 15 cookies despite the same volume of air in base.)
Survive! - People who survived one round gets 10% more cookies in next round, two rounds - 20% 10 rounds - 100%, which would capped at this point.

This suggestion would make game harder for everyone, some guests would scream: "ahhh this too hard", but its better than camping in one place whole round.


Aug 6, 2011
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Honestly, I can't say this is a bad idea, but the way its all outlined, and all the details.
Your making it look like a pretty big server change,

but then again my opinion doesen't really matter, since I use the same blocks for all my buildings and structures, which would make using my pattern and colors difficult and dangerous, so any opinion I offer here is going to be a biased opinion, unfortunately.


Aug 7, 2011
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I kind of like the way things are currently, mostly because when it actually is an elevated mood, the blocks chosen are random and it used to make me think, "what if I choose the wrong block?"

This on the other hand, will cause people to only build from the materials that have the smallest likelihood of being melted away. It would severely dampen the possibility (reason for the word possibility: people still use way too much glass or only glass for their buildings) for creative building, even on calm.

Although, what I would like to see is more annoyed/angry/furious lava. I'm tired of ever single time the mood is elevated that it's a water round. It's quite boring that way.

Edit: On a side note, think of how much of a pain this would be to the server itself. From the way you made it sound, it would be constantly running a check on each and every single block that lava is touching to see if it would melt or not for that minute instead of a simple "yes" or "no" value being assigned to that block for the round. That could cause a LOT of lag if done wrong.

Second Edit: Also, I really don't like the accelerated cookie gain. It would make it way too easy to get from Guest to Master, especially with a bonus of 150% cookies(100% for surviving 10 rounds, +50% for building high.) Even more so on Ironman.

I can say I full heartedly think this would be a poor choice to add in to the Lava Server. It would require a crap ton of work to implement, including rewriting most of the programming, if not starting from scratch.
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Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
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Players would know that, only which blocks have high chance of destruction, and make golden and iron blocks and obsidian blocks, accessible trough shop, like you buy them in TNT .

Golden and iron blocks would be cost 1 cookie per 10 blocks
Obsidian blocks would cost 1 cookie per 5 blocks.
Cost of blocks would be rounded to nearest higher full number e.g you buy 11 blocks of obsidian, and it would cost 2.2 cookies, which it rounds to 3 cookies.

Now those who are low on cookies won't use these "expensive" blocks.


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Players would know that, only which blocks have high chance of destruction, and make golden and iron blocks and obsidian blocks, accessible trough shop, like you buy them in TNT .

Golden and iron blocks would be cost 1 cookie per 10 blocks
Obsidian blocks would cost 1 cookie per 5 blocks.
Cost of blocks would be rounded to nearest higher full number e.g you buy 11 blocks of obsidian, and it would cost 2.2 cookies, which it rounds to 3 cookies.

Now those who are low on cookies won't use these "expensive" blocks.
No, I don't like this idea.
Besides the aforementioned lag problems, there are lots of guests who couldn't afford to buy these "safer" blocks, and wouldn't gain cookies to get them, because they'd die.
I also don't like the More height = More cookies, as people will be fighting to get the top spot, and no one would build down low anymore.


Aug 7, 2011
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I know that my saying might not mean anything, but SOME guest including higher ranks like builder/advbuilder
would like a challenge. My own oppinion is that I think it should change mood more frequently so people who would like it to be angry/furious cant moan about it on the server.
And I have to say raxo that must took a while to do that thread.
All the best
me The advbuilder on lavasurvival :D


Ain't afraid of no ghost
Aug 6, 2011
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Chances, chances. Random isn't as random as it could be, an even less so than you'd expect it to be.

Even if that were possible, that's a lot of logic to process for each and every lava movement (one for each side of the lava!).

As for the random safe blocks, those in charge can shuffle the safeblocks at will, if they wished. The commands are already there. It could be made into a new type easily, if the approval is there.
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