[Denied] Mach9824's Trusted Application

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Destroyer of Worlds
Nov 24, 2011
Reaction score
  • In-Game Name: Mach9824
  • What, if any, are the names of your alts: I do think that my girlfriend made one, but I don't even know the name of the account, so I would classify this as a no.
  • Which server you are applying for: Hmm, let me think... The server that I am thinking of is better than all the rest, I just can't put my finger on i- oh yeah! Zombie Survival of course!
  • The Timezone you are in: GMT -5 EST (near Toronto, Ontario)
  • Your age: 18
  • How long have you been playing on the zombie server? The day I logged into Zombie Survival was on November 9th, 2011 so I have been playing for two months and five days with almost 91 hours logged.
  • Have you held a staff position on any other of Blocktopia's servers? I do not know if it counts as a blocktopia server, but I am Toast (operator) on Nill's map making factory. Either from that, I do not hold any other staff positions.
  • Should you get approved, what will you actively do? If I am to be approved, I would do what any other staff member would do, or is expected to do. I myself will abide by the /rules to set an example towards the normal players, new and old. Along with being a positive rolemodel, I will be strict in making sure everyone plays by those rules. If I catch anyone breaking said rules, I will follow the Warn, Kick, Kick format, and then ask an Operator+ to follow up with the Ban if need be. Along with using the commands /warn and /kick, I would also use the /mute if need be to accompany the breaking of rules involved with spamming or excess vile language. Along with playing the part as a staff member in that regard, I will be understanding and patient towards players, and keep a calm perspective throughout any ordeal. I will assist players, especially the new ones, in understanding the dynamics of the game, and making sure that all, if any, of their questions will be answered justly.
  • If a staff member is acting up, and/or abusing what will you do? If a staff member is acting up or abusing their powers, I will use evidence such as logs, commands, and screenshots to help bring them to justice if possible. If a Trusted member is breaking rules, that issue will be directed to Operators or higher. If the problem lies with an Operator, Veteran Operator, or a Controller. The issue will be sent straight to a Head Controller, seeing as if anyone below them is told of the problem, the Head Controller will need to be involved anyway.
  • Why do you deserve the position of Trusted? I think I deserve the position of trusted because, now I am not bashing anyone or saying I am better than ____ but I look at most of the applications and most of the people are indeed quite young. Now I know the decision is based off of maturity and not age, but as a young person the tendancies to abuse powers or act mature are still present. Now I am not saying that they are completely gone for myself, but as a young adult I find myself able to be very mature about serious matters.
  • Now that put aside, I have been banned and I have been through the whole process of getting myself back online. After that ordeal was over I realized how serious the server is taken, and caught a glimpse of the inner workings of the system. I have changed, and I see myself as a fair player now. I respect the work the staff members do, and I would sincerely like to be a part of that.
  • Now focusing on the game itself; I am an extremely active player, and I am on at any hour of the day. When I play, I am involved in chat and I am on Team Speak every time I play. If I am approved I would be willing to use the IRC aswell, especially when not playing. I have stated all of things that I would do to help gameplay already and I stand by it.
  • Even though only english is allowed in chat, I do know French which might come in handy considering the Canadian population of the server is not too high.
  • What will you represent as a staff member/How will you do your job? As a staff member, I will represent a positive rolemodel as stated before, and I will stand for all that the server is. I will not jump at every little thing that may go wrong, but I will swiftly deal with any actions that need to be taken care of. I will perfrom my duties fairly and in the boundaries of the rules. I will never abuse my powers for my own personal profit, and I will not go around flaunting it in front of other members. If there is an issue that I cannot handle I will seek the aid of higher ranked players, or fellow Trusted members for advice or assistance.
  • Which staff members have referenced you/ told you directly that they want you to apply for Trusted?: The two staff members who have referenced me are:
  • DieLorelei (Operator) and AvantGarde (Controller)
  • Thanks you two!
  • Signed: Ryan Young a.k.a. Mach9824
  • Thank you for reading.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Nills server is completely seperate :) aside from the map making to's and fro's and the fact that nill is controller. The staff position in the question is regarding this specific community.
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